"It is much more real when it comes from them": The role of experts by experience in the integration of mental health nursing theory and practice.
consumer academic
experts by experience
mental health
mental health nursing
theory-practice gap
Perspectives in psychiatric care
ISSN: 1744-6163
Titre abrégé: Perspect Psychiatr Care
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 0401133
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
Oct 2020
Oct 2020
To examine nursing students' perceptions of Experts by Experience impact on theoretical and practical learning. Qualitative exploratory study involving focus groups with undergraduate nursing students from five European countries and Australia. Data were analyzed thematically. Participants described positive impacts as: bridging the theory and practice gap through first-hand experience, including sub-themes: bringing theory to life; can't be taught any other way, and innovative teaching methods fueling curiosity. Integrating theory and practice is key for quality mental health nursing practice. Experts by experience can potentially contribute to reducing this enduring gap.
Types de publication
Journal Article
Organisme : Erasmus+
ID : 2016-1-IS01-KA203-017101
Informations de copyright
© 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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