Il est prescrit pour réduire le risque d'accidents cardiovasculaires après un infarctus.
Syndrome coronarien aiguAntiplaquettaires
Quels tests sont nécessaires avant de commencer le ticagrélor ?
Des tests de fonction hépatique et des antécédents de saignement sont recommandés.
Tests de laboratoireAntécédents médicaux
Le ticagrélor est-il utilisé pour tous les patients cardiaques ?
Non, il est principalement utilisé chez les patients ayant des syndromes coronariens aigus.
Maladies cardiaquesSyndrome coronarien aigu
Comment évaluer l'efficacité du ticagrélor ?
L'efficacité est évaluée par la réduction des événements cardiovasculaires et des tests de coagulation.
Évaluation cliniqueÉvénements cardiovasculaires
Y a-t-il des contre-indications au ticagrélor ?
Oui, il est contre-indiqué en cas d'hémorragie active ou d'insuffisance hépatique sévère.
Contre-indicationsInsuffisance hépatique
Quels sont les effets secondaires courants du ticagrélor ?
Les effets secondaires incluent des saignements, des dyspnées et des vertiges.
Effets secondairesSaignement
Le ticagrélor peut-il provoquer des douleurs thoraciques ?
Des douleurs thoraciques peuvent survenir, mais elles ne sont pas directement causées par le médicament.
Douleur thoraciqueSyndrome coronarien aigu
Comment reconnaître une réaction allergique au ticagrélor ?
Les signes incluent éruption cutanée, démangeaisons, ou gonflement du visage et de la gorge.
Réaction allergiqueÉruption cutanée
Le ticagrélor peut-il causer des maux de tête ?
Oui, des maux de tête peuvent être un effet secondaire, bien que rare.
Maux de têteEffets indésirables
Quels symptômes indiquent une surdose de ticagrélor ?
Des saignements excessifs, des ecchymoses et des vertiges peuvent indiquer une surdose.
Comment le ticagrélor aide-t-il à prévenir les AVC ?
Il réduit la formation de caillots sanguins, diminuant ainsi le risque d'AVC.
Accident vasculaire cérébralPrévention des AVC
Le ticagrélor est-il efficace pour tous les patients à risque ?
Il est particulièrement efficace chez les patients ayant des antécédents de syndrome coronarien.
Risque cardiovasculaireAntécédents médicaux
Quelles mesures doivent accompagner le ticagrélor ?
Un mode de vie sain, une alimentation équilibrée et l'exercice régulier sont recommandés.
Mode de vie sainPrévention des maladies
Le ticagrélor peut-il être utilisé en prévention primaire ?
Non, il est principalement utilisé en prévention secondaire après un événement cardiovasculaire.
Prévention primairePrévention secondaire
Quels conseils donner aux patients sous ticagrélor ?
Éviter les activités à risque de saignement et signaler tout saignement inhabituel.
Conseils aux patientsSaignement
Comment le ticagrélor est-il administré ?
Il est administré par voie orale, généralement sous forme de comprimés.
Administration oraleComprimés
Peut-on combiner le ticagrélor avec d'autres anticoagulants ?
La combinaison doit être faite avec prudence et sous surveillance médicale.
AnticoagulantsSurveillance médicale
Quelle est la posologie standard du ticagrélor ?
La posologie initiale est généralement de 180 mg, suivie de 90 mg deux fois par jour.
Le ticagrélor nécessite-t-il un suivi régulier ?
Oui, un suivi régulier est nécessaire pour surveiller les effets et ajuster la dose.
Suivi médicalAjustement de dose
Le ticagrélor peut-il être arrêté brusquement ?
Non, l'arrêt brusque peut augmenter le risque d'événements thromboemboliques.
Arrêt du traitementÉvénements thromboemboliques
Quelles sont les complications possibles du ticagrélor ?
Les complications incluent des saignements majeurs et des réactions allergiques graves.
ComplicationsSaignement majeur
Comment gérer un saignement causé par le ticagrélor ?
Il faut arrêter le médicament et consulter immédiatement un professionnel de santé.
Gestion des saignementsConsultation médicale
Le ticagrélor peut-il provoquer des complications cardiaques ?
Des complications cardiaques peuvent survenir, mais elles sont rares avec un suivi approprié.
Complications cardiaquesSuivi médical
Quels signes indiquent une complication grave ?
Des signes tels que des douleurs thoraciques sévères ou des saignements importants doivent alerter.
Signes d'alerteDouleur thoracique
Le ticagrélor peut-il interagir avec d'autres médicaments ?
Oui, il peut interagir avec d'autres médicaments, augmentant le risque de saignement.
Interactions médicamenteusesSaignement
Facteurs de risque
Quels sont les facteurs de risque pour les événements cardiovasculaires ?
Les facteurs incluent l'hypertension, le diabète, le tabagisme et l'hyperlipidémie.
Facteurs de risqueMaladies cardiovasculaires
Le vieillissement est-il un facteur de risque pour le ticagrélor ?
Oui, le risque d'événements cardiovasculaires augmente avec l'âge.
VieillissementRisque cardiovasculaire
Comment le mode de vie influence-t-il le risque cardiovasculaire ?
Un mode de vie sain peut réduire le risque, tandis qu'un mode de vie sédentaire l'augmente.
Mode de viePrévention des maladies
Le diabète augmente-t-il le risque d'événements thromboemboliques ?
Oui, le diabète est un facteur de risque majeur pour les événements thromboemboliques.
DiabèteÉvénements thromboemboliques
Le stress peut-il affecter le risque cardiovasculaire ?
Oui, le stress chronique peut contribuer à l'augmentation du risque cardiovasculaire.
StressRisque cardiovasculaire
"@context": "",
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"@type": "MedicalWebPage",
"name": "Ticagrélor : Questions médicales les plus fréquentes",
"headline": "Ticagrélor : Comprendre les symptômes, diagnostics et traitements",
"description": "Guide complet et accessible sur les Ticagrélor : explications, diagnostics, traitements et prévention. Information médicale validée destinée aux patients.",
"datePublished": "2024-07-23",
"dateModified": "2025-01-19",
"inLanguage": "fr",
"medicalAudience": [
"@type": "MedicalAudience",
"name": "Grand public",
"audienceType": "Patient",
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"name": "Ticagrélor"
"suggestedMinAge": 18,
"suggestedGender": "unisex"
"@type": "MedicalAudience",
"name": "Médecins",
"audienceType": "Physician",
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"name": "France"
"@type": "MedicalAudience",
"name": "Chercheurs",
"audienceType": "Researcher",
"geographicArea": {
"@type": "AdministrativeArea",
"name": "International"
"reviewedBy": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Dr Olivier Menir",
"jobTitle": "Expert en Médecine",
"description": "Expert en Médecine, Optimisation des Parcours de Soins et Révision Médicale",
"url": "/static/pages/docteur-olivier-menir.html",
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"name": "Université Paris Descartes"
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"name": "Adénosine",
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"propertyID": "MeSH Tree",
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"about": {
"@type": "MedicalCondition",
"name": "Ticagrélor",
"alternateName": "Ticagrelor",
"code": {
"@type": "MedicalCode",
"code": "D000077486",
"codingSystem": "MeSH"
"author": [
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Dominick J Angiolillo",
"url": "",
"affiliation": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "Division of Cardiology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL, USA."
"@type": "Person",
"name": "None None",
"url": "",
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"@type": "Organization",
"name": ""
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Yongjun Wang",
"url": "",
"affiliation": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.)."
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Bernhard Witzenbichler",
"url": "",
"affiliation": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "From the Department of Cardiology, Deutsches Herzzentrum München, and Technische Universität München (S.S., K.M., M.J., R.H., S.C., E.X., S.K., G.N., H. Schunkert, A.K.), the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), Partner Site Munich Heart Alliance (S.S., D.S., H. Schunkert, K.-L.L., A.K.), the Department of Cardiology, Angiology, and Pulmonology, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I, Klinikum rechts der Isar (I.B., R.O., K.-L.L.), the Department of Cardiology, Klinikum der Universität München, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (D.S.), and the Institute of Medical Informatics, Statistics, and Epidemiology, School of Medicine, Technische Universität München (A.H.), Munich, the Department of Cardiology and Angiology II, University Heart Center Freiburg-Bad Krozingen, Bad Krozingen (F.-J.N., W.H., S.L., D.T.), the Department of Cardiology, Ulm University Hospital, Ulm (J.W., W.R.), the Heart Center Bad Segeberg, Bad Segeberg (G.R., A.A., R.T.), the Heart Center, Kerckhoff Campus of Justus-Liebig University, Giessen (C.L., H.M., C.W.H.), DZHK, Partner Site Rhine-Main, Bad Nauheim (C.W.H.), the Department of Cardiology and Pneumology, Helios Amper-Klinikum Dachau, Dachau (B.W., A.S.), the Department of Cardiology, University Clinic Mannheim (I.A.), and DZHK, Partner Site Heidelberg-Mannheim (I.A., H.A.K.), Mannheim, the Department of Cardiology, Klinikum Landkreis Erding, Erding (L.B.-F.), the Department of Internal Medicine II, University Medical Center Regensburg, Regensburg (M.F.), the Department of Cardiology, Charité-University Medicine Berlin (U.L.), Berlin Institute of Health (U.L.), DZHK, Partner Site Berlin (U.L.), and Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum (H. Schühlen), Berlin, the Department of Cardiology, University Clinic Heidelberg (H.A.K.), and DZHK, Partner Site Heidelberg-Mannheim (I.A., H.A.K.), Heidelberg, the Department of Cardiology, Helios University Hospital and University of Witten-Herdecke, Wuppertal (M.S.) - all in Germany; the Department of Cardiology, Ospedale Fabrizio Spaziani, Frosinone (M.M., D.B., P.M.), and Careggi University Hospital, Florence (D.A., A.M.) - both in Italy; and the Division of Cardiology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Jacksonville (D.J.A.)."
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Usman Baber",
"url": "",
"affiliation": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "The Zena and Michael A. Wiener Cardiovascular Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York."
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"name": "Article complet : Ticagrélor - Questions et réponses",
"headline": "Questions et réponses médicales fréquentes sur Ticagrélor",
"description": "Une compilation de questions et réponses structurées, validées par des experts médicaux.",
"datePublished": "2025-02-02",
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"hasPart": [
"@type": "MedicalWebPage",
"name": "Diagnostic",
"headline": "Diagnostic sur Ticagrélor",
"description": "Comment le ticagrélor est-il prescrit ?\nQuels tests sont nécessaires avant de commencer le ticagrélor ?\nLe ticagrélor est-il utilisé pour tous les patients cardiaques ?\nComment évaluer l'efficacité du ticagrélor ?\nY a-t-il des contre-indications au ticagrélor ?",
"url": ""
"@type": "MedicalWebPage",
"name": "Symptômes",
"headline": "Symptômes sur Ticagrélor",
"description": "Quels sont les effets secondaires courants du ticagrélor ?\nLe ticagrélor peut-il provoquer des douleurs thoraciques ?\nComment reconnaître une réaction allergique au ticagrélor ?\nLe ticagrélor peut-il causer des maux de tête ?\nQuels symptômes indiquent une surdose de ticagrélor ?",
"url": "ômes"
"@type": "MedicalWebPage",
"name": "Prévention",
"headline": "Prévention sur Ticagrélor",
"description": "Comment le ticagrélor aide-t-il à prévenir les AVC ?\nLe ticagrélor est-il efficace pour tous les patients à risque ?\nQuelles mesures doivent accompagner le ticagrélor ?\nLe ticagrélor peut-il être utilisé en prévention primaire ?\nQuels conseils donner aux patients sous ticagrélor ?",
"url": "évention"
"@type": "MedicalWebPage",
"name": "Traitements",
"headline": "Traitements sur Ticagrélor",
"description": "Comment le ticagrélor est-il administré ?\nPeut-on combiner le ticagrélor avec d'autres anticoagulants ?\nQuelle est la posologie standard du ticagrélor ?\nLe ticagrélor nécessite-t-il un suivi régulier ?\nLe ticagrélor peut-il être arrêté brusquement ?",
"url": ""
"@type": "MedicalWebPage",
"name": "Complications",
"headline": "Complications sur Ticagrélor",
"description": "Quelles sont les complications possibles du ticagrélor ?\nComment gérer un saignement causé par le ticagrélor ?\nLe ticagrélor peut-il provoquer des complications cardiaques ?\nQuels signes indiquent une complication grave ?\nLe ticagrélor peut-il interagir avec d'autres médicaments ?",
"url": ""
"@type": "MedicalWebPage",
"name": "Facteurs de risque",
"headline": "Facteurs de risque sur Ticagrélor",
"description": "Quels sont les facteurs de risque pour les événements cardiovasculaires ?\nLe vieillissement est-il un facteur de risque pour le ticagrélor ?\nComment le mode de vie influence-t-il le risque cardiovasculaire ?\nLe diabète augmente-t-il le risque d'événements thromboemboliques ?\nLe stress peut-il affecter le risque cardiovasculaire ?",
"url": " de risque"
"@type": "FAQPage",
"mainEntity": [
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Comment le ticagrélor est-il prescrit ?",
"position": 1,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Il est prescrit pour réduire le risque d'accidents cardiovasculaires après un infarctus."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Quels tests sont nécessaires avant de commencer le ticagrélor ?",
"position": 2,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Des tests de fonction hépatique et des antécédents de saignement sont recommandés."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Le ticagrélor est-il utilisé pour tous les patients cardiaques ?",
"position": 3,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Non, il est principalement utilisé chez les patients ayant des syndromes coronariens aigus."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Comment évaluer l'efficacité du ticagrélor ?",
"position": 4,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "L'efficacité est évaluée par la réduction des événements cardiovasculaires et des tests de coagulation."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Y a-t-il des contre-indications au ticagrélor ?",
"position": 5,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Oui, il est contre-indiqué en cas d'hémorragie active ou d'insuffisance hépatique sévère."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Quels sont les effets secondaires courants du ticagrélor ?",
"position": 6,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Les effets secondaires incluent des saignements, des dyspnées et des vertiges."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Le ticagrélor peut-il provoquer des douleurs thoraciques ?",
"position": 7,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Des douleurs thoraciques peuvent survenir, mais elles ne sont pas directement causées par le médicament."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Comment reconnaître une réaction allergique au ticagrélor ?",
"position": 8,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Les signes incluent éruption cutanée, démangeaisons, ou gonflement du visage et de la gorge."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Le ticagrélor peut-il causer des maux de tête ?",
"position": 9,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Oui, des maux de tête peuvent être un effet secondaire, bien que rare."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Quels symptômes indiquent une surdose de ticagrélor ?",
"position": 10,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Des saignements excessifs, des ecchymoses et des vertiges peuvent indiquer une surdose."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Comment le ticagrélor aide-t-il à prévenir les AVC ?",
"position": 11,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Il réduit la formation de caillots sanguins, diminuant ainsi le risque d'AVC."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Le ticagrélor est-il efficace pour tous les patients à risque ?",
"position": 12,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Il est particulièrement efficace chez les patients ayant des antécédents de syndrome coronarien."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Quelles mesures doivent accompagner le ticagrélor ?",
"position": 13,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Un mode de vie sain, une alimentation équilibrée et l'exercice régulier sont recommandés."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Le ticagrélor peut-il être utilisé en prévention primaire ?",
"position": 14,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Non, il est principalement utilisé en prévention secondaire après un événement cardiovasculaire."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Quels conseils donner aux patients sous ticagrélor ?",
"position": 15,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Éviter les activités à risque de saignement et signaler tout saignement inhabituel."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Comment le ticagrélor est-il administré ?",
"position": 16,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Il est administré par voie orale, généralement sous forme de comprimés."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Peut-on combiner le ticagrélor avec d'autres anticoagulants ?",
"position": 17,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "La combinaison doit être faite avec prudence et sous surveillance médicale."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Quelle est la posologie standard du ticagrélor ?",
"position": 18,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "La posologie initiale est généralement de 180 mg, suivie de 90 mg deux fois par jour."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Le ticagrélor nécessite-t-il un suivi régulier ?",
"position": 19,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Oui, un suivi régulier est nécessaire pour surveiller les effets et ajuster la dose."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Le ticagrélor peut-il être arrêté brusquement ?",
"position": 20,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Non, l'arrêt brusque peut augmenter le risque d'événements thromboemboliques."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Quelles sont les complications possibles du ticagrélor ?",
"position": 21,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Les complications incluent des saignements majeurs et des réactions allergiques graves."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Comment gérer un saignement causé par le ticagrélor ?",
"position": 22,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Il faut arrêter le médicament et consulter immédiatement un professionnel de santé."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Le ticagrélor peut-il provoquer des complications cardiaques ?",
"position": 23,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Des complications cardiaques peuvent survenir, mais elles sont rares avec un suivi approprié."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Quels signes indiquent une complication grave ?",
"position": 24,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Des signes tels que des douleurs thoraciques sévères ou des saignements importants doivent alerter."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Le ticagrélor peut-il interagir avec d'autres médicaments ?",
"position": 25,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Oui, il peut interagir avec d'autres médicaments, augmentant le risque de saignement."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Quels sont les facteurs de risque pour les événements cardiovasculaires ?",
"position": 26,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Les facteurs incluent l'hypertension, le diabète, le tabagisme et l'hyperlipidémie."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Le vieillissement est-il un facteur de risque pour le ticagrélor ?",
"position": 27,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Oui, le risque d'événements cardiovasculaires augmente avec l'âge."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Comment le mode de vie influence-t-il le risque cardiovasculaire ?",
"position": 28,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Un mode de vie sain peut réduire le risque, tandis qu'un mode de vie sédentaire l'augmente."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Le diabète augmente-t-il le risque d'événements thromboemboliques ?",
"position": 29,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Oui, le diabète est un facteur de risque majeur pour les événements thromboemboliques."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Le stress peut-il affecter le risque cardiovasculaire ?",
"position": 30,
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Oui, le stress chronique peut contribuer à l'augmentation du risque cardiovasculaire."
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
From the Department of Cardiology, Deutsches Herzzentrum München, and Technische Universität München (S.S., K.M., M.J., R.H., S.C., E.X., S.K., G.N., H. Schunkert, A.K.), the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), Partner Site Munich Heart Alliance (S.S., D.S., H. Schunkert, K.-L.L., A.K.), the Department of Cardiology, Angiology, and Pulmonology, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I, Klinikum rechts der Isar (I.B., R.O., K.-L.L.), the Department of Cardiology, Klinikum der Universität München, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (D.S.), and the Institute of Medical Informatics, Statistics, and Epidemiology, School of Medicine, Technische Universität München (A.H.), Munich, the Department of Cardiology and Angiology II, University Heart Center Freiburg-Bad Krozingen, Bad Krozingen (F.-J.N., W.H., S.L., D.T.), the Department of Cardiology, Ulm University Hospital, Ulm (J.W., W.R.), the Heart Center Bad Segeberg, Bad Segeberg (G.R., A.A., R.T.), the Heart Center, Kerckhoff Campus of Justus-Liebig University, Giessen (C.L., H.M., C.W.H.), DZHK, Partner Site Rhine-Main, Bad Nauheim (C.W.H.), the Department of Cardiology and Pneumology, Helios Amper-Klinikum Dachau, Dachau (B.W., A.S.), the Department of Cardiology, University Clinic Mannheim (I.A.), and DZHK, Partner Site Heidelberg-Mannheim (I.A., H.A.K.), Mannheim, the Department of Cardiology, Klinikum Landkreis Erding, Erding (L.B.-F.), the Department of Internal Medicine II, University Medical Center Regensburg, Regensburg (M.F.), the Department of Cardiology, Charité-University Medicine Berlin (U.L.), Berlin Institute of Health (U.L.), DZHK, Partner Site Berlin (U.L.), and Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum (H. Schühlen), Berlin, the Department of Cardiology, University Clinic Heidelberg (H.A.K.), and DZHK, Partner Site Heidelberg-Mannheim (I.A., H.A.K.), Heidelberg, the Department of Cardiology, Helios University Hospital and University of Witten-Herdecke, Wuppertal (M.S.) - all in Germany; the Department of Cardiology, Ospedale Fabrizio Spaziani, Frosinone (M.M., D.B., P.M.), and Careggi University Hospital, Florence (D.A., A.M.) - both in Italy; and the Division of Cardiology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Jacksonville (D.J.A.).
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
From the China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), the Department of Neurology (Yongjun Wang, X.M., A.W., X.X., Y.P., H.L., J.J., J.L., S.N., Yilong Wang, X. Zhao, Z.L., Y.J., W.L., L.L., J.X.), and the Advanced Innovation Center for Human Brain Protection (Yongjun Wang), Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, and the Research Unit of Artificial Intelligence in Cerebrovascular Disease, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Yongjun Wang), Beijing, the Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai (Q.D.), the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou (A.X.), the Department of Neurology, Third People's Hospital of Liaocheng (L.C.), and the Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital (X. Zhuang), Liaocheng, the Department of Neurology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (L.W.), and the Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University (G.L.), Harbin, the Department of Neurology, Weihai Wendeng District People's Hospital (J.Z.), and the Department of Neurology, Weihai Central Hospital (H.M.), Weihai, the Department of Neurology, Second People's Hospital of Huludao, Huludao (Y.F.), and the Department of Neurology, Baotou Central Hospital, Baotou (B.W.) - all in China; Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, Austin (S.C.J.); and the Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom (P.M.B.).
To identify...
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