Susanne Eberl

  • From the Departments of Intensive Care (M.M.S., T.S.R.D., M.E.B., M.C.G.P.), Cardiothoracic Surgery (R.L., P.W.W., J.G.M.), and Clinical Epidemiology and Medical Technical Assessment (B.E.), Maastricht University Medical Center, and the Department of Methodology and Statistics and the Care and Public Health Research Institute (B.W.), the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (R.L., J.G.M.), and the School for Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism (M.C.G.P.), Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Departments of Cardiothoracic Surgery (G.J.B.B.B.), Intensive Care (M.K.), and Cardiology (R.S.H.), Isala Clinics, Zwolle, the Departments of Intensive Care (L.O.) and Cardiothoracic Surgery (K.Y.L.), Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, the Departments of Intensive Care (C.V.E.K., J.L.M.), Cardiology (J.M.M.C.), and Emergency Medicine (O.M.), Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Departments of Intensive Care (A.P.J.V.), Cardiothoracic Surgery (A.H.G.D.), Anesthesia (S.E.), and Cardiology (J.H.), Amsterdam University Medical Center, and the Department of Intensive Care, Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis (B.B., J.M.), Amsterdam, the Departments of Intensive Care (J.J.H., D.W.D.) and Cardiology (S.Z.H.R.), University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Department of Intensive Care, St. Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein (E.S., B.G.H.), the Department of Intensive Care, Erasmus Medical Center (C.U., D.D.R.M., R.J.T., K.C.B., L.M., J.J.H.B.), and the Department of Cardiology, Thorax Center, Erasmus University Medical Center (J.J.H.B.), Rotterdam, the Departments of Intensive Care (T.J., S.A.) and Cardiology (G.B.), Haga Hospital, the Hague, and Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology Group, TechMed Center, University of Twente, Enschede (D.W.D.) - all in the Netherlands.

Publications (20)

Patient blood management in the cardiac surgical setting: An updated overview.

Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis

Impact of different pathophysiological conditions on antimicrobial activity of glycopeptides in vitro.

Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Pulmonary surfactant impacts in vitro activity of selected antifungal drugs against Candida krusei and Candida albicans.

European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology

Réseau de co-auteurs

Sabine Eberl 5 collaborations
Markus Zeitlinger 5 collaborations
Sonja Eberl 3 collaborations
Antje Neubert 3 collaborations
Irmgard Toni 3 collaborations
Robert J M Klautz 3 collaborations
S Eberl 2 collaborations
Jordan Verschuer 2 collaborations
Stefan Eberl 2 collaborations
Peter T P Bye 2 collaborations
Wolfgang Rascher 2 collaborations
Alina Nussbaumer-Pröll 2 collaborations
Alexander P J Vlaar 2 collaborations
Antoine H G Driessen 2 collaborations
Benedikt Preckel 2 collaborations
Markus W Hollmann 2 collaborations
Walter Jäger 2 collaborations
L E Terwindt 1 collaboration
A A Karlas 1 collaboration
M Wijnberge 1 collaboration
A H G Driessen 1 collaboration
D P Veelo 1 collaboration
B F Geerts 1 collaboration
M W Hollmann 1 collaboration
A P J Vlaar 1 collaboration
Ruth L Dentice 1 collaboration
Mark R Elkins 1 collaboration
Genevieve Dwyer 1 collaboration
Tiffany J Dwyer 1 collaboration
Evangelia Daviskas 1 collaboration
Rahizan Zainuldin 1 collaboration
Jennifer A Alison 1 collaboration
Z Oesterreicher 1 collaboration
A Nussbaumer-Proell 1 collaboration
T Peilensteiner 1 collaboration
M Zeitlinger 1 collaboration
Julia Zahn 1 collaboration
Wolfgang Rödle 1 collaboration
Adam Belley 1 collaboration
Philipp Knechtle 1 collaboration
Michael D Huband 1 collaboration
Holly K Huynh 1 collaboration
Martje M Suverein 1 collaboration
Thijs S R Delnoij 1 collaboration
Roberto Lorusso 1 collaboration
Luuk Otterspoor 1 collaboration
Carlos V Elzo Kraemer 1 collaboration
Erik Scholten 1 collaboration
Corstiaan den Uil 1 collaboration
Tim Jansen 1 collaboration
Bas van den Bogaard 1 collaboration
Marijn Kuijpers 1 collaboration
Ka Yan Lam 1 collaboration
Saskia Z H Rittersma 1 collaboration
Bram G Heijnen 1 collaboration
Dinis Dos Reis Miranda 1 collaboration
Gabe Bleeker 1 collaboration
Jesse de Metz 1 collaboration
Renicus S Hermanides 1 collaboration
Jorge Lopez Matta 1 collaboration
Dirk W Donker 1 collaboration
Robert J van Thiel 1 collaboration
Sakir Akin 1 collaboration
Oene van Meer 1 collaboration
José Henriques 1 collaboration
Karen C Bokhoven 1 collaboration
Loes Mandigers 1 collaboration
Jeroen J H Bunge 1 collaboration
Martine E Bol 1 collaboration
Bjorn Winkens 1 collaboration
Brigitte Essers 1 collaboration
Patrick W Weerwind 1 collaboration
Jos G Maessen 1 collaboration
Marcel C G van de Poll 1 collaboration
Frank Meijerink 1 collaboration
Marja Holierook 1 collaboration
S Matthijs Boekholdt 1 collaboration
Marcel A M Beijk 1 collaboration
Karel T Koch 1 collaboration
Robbert J de Winter 1 collaboration
Berto J Bouma 1 collaboration
Jan Baan 1 collaboration
Jennifer S Breel 1 collaboration
Agnes G C L Wensing 1 collaboration
Patrick Schober 1 collaboration
Marcella C A Müller 1 collaboration
Henning Hermanns 1 collaboration
Wisse van Os 1 collaboration
Anh Duc Pham 1 collaboration
Iris K Minichmayr 1 collaboration
J G Coen van Hasselt 1 collaboration
Pauline Heus 1 collaboration
Igor Bachmat 1 collaboration
Hifza Ahmed 1 collaboration
Michaela Böhmdorfer 1 collaboration
Birgit Reiter 1 collaboration
Thomas Stimpfl 1 collaboration
Stefan Poschner 1 collaboration
Danielle Bourne 1 collaboration
Konrad Streitberger 1 collaboration
Paul Fockens 1 collaboration
Jill Damstra 1 collaboration
Bart F Geerts 1 collaboration
Steffen Rex 1 collaboration
Daniel T Engelman 1 collaboration
Selene Zarate 1 collaboration
Samantha Eberl 1 collaboration
Douglas P Gladue 1 collaboration
Isabel Novella 1 collaboration
Manuel V Borca 1 collaboration
Eva C Diephuis 1 collaboration
Corianne A de Borgie 1 collaboration
A Zwinderman 1 collaboration
Jacobus A Winkelman 1 collaboration
Wim-Jan P van Boven 1 collaboration
José P S Henriques 1 collaboration
Nicole P Juffermans 1 collaboration
Marcus J Schultz 1 collaboration
David R Koolbergen 1 collaboration
Christopher Schulze 1 collaboration
Katrin Moritz 1 collaboration
Anne M Beukers 1 collaboration
Carolien S E Bulte 1 collaboration
Ruben J Bosch 1 collaboration
Stephan A Loer 1 collaboration
Alexander B A Vonk 1 collaboration
Peter Matzneller 1 collaboration