Head & neck
Daniel Yafit
Irit Duek
Sara Abu-Ghanem
Omer J Ungar
Anat Wengier
Helena Moshe-Levyn
Ravit Yanko-Arzi
Arik Zaretski
Nevo Margalit
Avraham Abergel
Nidal Muhanna
Dan M Fliss
Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation
Maayan Hadar
Michael Friger
Samuel Ariad
Michael Koretz
Bertha Delgado
Margarita Tokar
Michael Bayme
Ravit Agassi
Maia Rosenthal
Victor Dyomin
Olga Belochitski
Noa Amir
Shai Libson
Amichay Meirovitz
Irena Lazarev
Sara Abu-Ghanem
David B Geffen
Advances in oto-rhino-laryngology
The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology
Otolaryngologic clinics of North America
European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Anton Warshavsky
Dan M Fliss
Gal Frenkel
Aviv Kupershmidt
Nuphar Moav
Roni Rosen
Melissa Sechter
Udi Shapira
Sara Abu-Ghanem
Moshe Yehuda
Arik Zaretski
Ravit Yanko-Arzi
Vadim Reiser
Gilad Horowitz
Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation
The American journal of case reports
The Laryngoscope
Julianna C Kostas
Andrew S Lee
Amit Arunkumar
Catherine Han
Mark Lee
Alexander N Goel
James Alrassi
Tyler Crosby
Christine M Clark
Milan Amin
Sara Abu-Ghanem
Diana Kirke
Anaïs Rameau
JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery
A Warshavsky
D M Fliss
G Frenkel
A Kupershmidt
N Moav
R Rosen
M Sechter
U Shapira
S Abu-Ghanem
M Yehuda
A Zaretski
R Yanko-Arzi
V Reiser
G Horowitz
The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology
Case reports in anesthesiology