International journal of environmental research and public health
International journal of environmental research and public health
International journal of food sciences and nutrition
Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy
Health promotion international
Journal of patient-reported outcomes
Patient education and counseling
Disability and rehabilitation
Health & social care in the community
International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society
Systematic reviews
Malin Tistad
Anna Bergström
Marie Elf
Leif Eriksson
Catharina Gustavsson
Camilla Göras
Gill Harvey
Ann-Sofie Källberg
Ann Rudman
Maria Unbeck
Lars Wallin
International journal of environmental research and public health
BMC health services research
Disability and rehabilitation
International journal of environmental research and public health
International journal of older people nursing
The Journal of nursing education
International journal of integrated care
BMC research notes
Maggie Lawrence
Eric Asaba
Elaine Duncan
Marie Elf
Gunilla Eriksson
James Faulkner
Susanne Guidetti
Birgitta Johansson
Christina Kruuse
Danielle Lambrick
Caitlin Longman
Lena von Koch
Xu Wang
Olive Lennon