Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992)
International journal of environmental research and public health
The British journal of educational psychology
Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy
Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society
Frontiers in rehabilitation sciences
Research in developmental disabilities
Developmental medicine and child neurology
International journal of environmental research and public health
Mats Granlund
Christine Imms
Gillian King
Anna Karin Andersson
Lilly Augustine
Rob Brooks
Henrik Danielsson
Jennifer Gothilander
Magnus Ivarsson
Lars-Olov Lundqvist
Frida Lygnegård
Lena Almqvist
African journal of disability
Qualitative health research
Disability and rehabilitation
Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy
Scandinavian journal of public health
Australian occupational therapy journal
International journal of environmental research and public health
Disability and rehabilitation
Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland)
Child: care, health and development
Scandinavian journal of psychology
Frontiers in rehabilitation sciences
Child: care, health and development
Occupational therapy international
International journal of environmental research and public health
Scandinavian journal of psychology
Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy
Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy
Augmentative and alternative communication (Baltimore, Md. : 1985)
Disability and rehabilitation
Child: care, health and development
Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy
Nursing & health sciences
Developmental neurorehabilitation
Autism : the international journal of research and practice
Sven Bölte
Soheil Mahdi
Petrus J de Vries
Mats Granlund
John E Robison
Cory Shulman
Susan Swedo
Bruce Tonge
Virginia Wong
Lonnie Zwaigenbaum
Wolfgang Segerer
Melissa Selb
Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology
Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics
Augmentative and alternative communication (Baltimore, Md. : 1985)