Inger K Holmström
Inger K Holmström
School of Health, Care and Social Welfare, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden.
Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
Publications (9)
Telephone nurses' use of a decision support system: An observational study.
Nursing & health sciences
Susan Gustafsson
Josefin Wesström
Karin Skoglund
The effect of a short educational intervention in social insurance medicine: A randomized controlled trial.
Nursing open
Linda Lännerström
Thorne Wallman
Registered Nurses' experiences of using a clinical decision support system for triage of emergency calls: A qualitative interview study.
Journal of advanced nursing
Elenor Kaminsky
Ylva Lindberg
Douglas Spangler
Ulrika Winblad
Exploring patient-centered aspects of home care communication: a cross-sectional study.
BMC nursing
Jessica Höglander
Jakob Håkansson Eklund
Peter Spreeuwenberg
Hilde Eide
Annelie J Sundler
Debra Roter
In search of factors related to migration affecting children's health - an analysis of documents guiding health visits within the Swedish school health services.
Archives of public health = Archives belges de sante publique
Emmie Wahlström
Marie Golsäter
Peter Larm
Maria Harder
Gaining role clarity in working with sick leave questions-Registered Nurses' experiences of an educational intervention.
Nursing open
Linda Lännerström
Thorne Wallman
Elenor Kaminsky
What makes registered nurses remain in work? An ethnographic study.
International journal of nursing studies
Carina Ahlstedt
Carin Eriksson Lindvall
Åsa Muntlin Athlin
Malpractice claimed calls within the Swedish Healthcare Direct: a descriptive - comparative case study.
BMC nursing
Annica Björkman
Maria Engström
Ulrika Winblad
Telephone nurses' perceived stress, self-efficacy and empathy in their work with frequent callers.
Nursing open
Sofia Skogevall
Elenor Kaminsky
Jakob Håkansson Eklund
Réseau de co-auteurs
Elenor Kaminsky
3 collaborations
Linda Lännerström
2 collaborations
Thorne Wallman
2 collaborations
Ulrika Winblad
2 collaborations
Jakob Håkansson Eklund
2 collaborations
Susan Gustafsson
1 collaboration
Josefin Wesström
1 collaboration
Karin Skoglund
1 collaboration
Ylva Lindberg
1 collaboration
Douglas Spangler
1 collaboration
Jessica Höglander
1 collaboration
Peter Spreeuwenberg
1 collaboration
Hilde Eide
1 collaboration
Annelie J Sundler
1 collaboration
Debra Roter
1 collaboration
Emmie Wahlström
1 collaboration
Marie Golsäter
1 collaboration
Peter Larm
1 collaboration
Maria Harder
1 collaboration
Carina Ahlstedt
1 collaboration
Carin Eriksson Lindvall
1 collaboration
Åsa Muntlin Athlin
1 collaboration
Annica Björkman
1 collaboration
Maria Engström
1 collaboration
Sofia Skogevall
1 collaboration