Joseph Webster Stayman

  • Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Publications (81)

CT Reconstruction using Nonlinear Diffusion Posterior Sampling with Detector Blur Modeling.

Conference proceedings. International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography

Fourier Diffusion for Sparse CT Reconstruction.

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering

Volume-of-interest Imaging Using Multiple Aperture Devices.

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering

Perturbation Response of Model-based Material Decomposition with Edge-Preserving Penalties.

Conference proceedings. International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography

Diffusion Posterior Sampling for Nonlinear CT Reconstruction.

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering

Performance Analysis for Nonlinear Tomographic Data Processing.

Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering

Multi-Contrast CT Imaging with a Prototype Spatial-Spectral Filter.

Conference proceedings. International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography

Joint Material Decomposition and Scatter Estimation for Spectral CT.

Conference proceedings. International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography

CT Material Decomposition using Spectral Diffusion Posterior Sampling.

Conference proceedings. International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography

Réseau de co-auteurs

J Webster Stayman 69 collaborations
Grace J Gang 47 collaborations
Matthew Tivnan 24 collaborations
Wenying Wang 21 collaborations
Peter B Noël 13 collaborations
Nadav Shapira 12 collaborations
Kai Mei 10 collaborations
J W Stayman 10 collaborations
J H Siewerdsen 10 collaborations
Jeffrey H Siewerdsen 9 collaborations
Xiao Jiang 9 collaborations
Michael Geagan 8 collaborations
Grace Gang 7 collaborations
Wojciech Zbijewski 6 collaborations
Junyuan Li 6 collaborations
Tess Reynolds 6 collaborations
Shudong Li 5 collaborations
A Sisniega 5 collaborations
Yiqun Ma 5 collaborations
Yiqun Q Ma 5 collaborations
Pouyan Pasyar 5 collaborations
W Zbijewski 4 collaborations
Steven Tilley 4 collaborations
Tina Ehtiati 4 collaborations
Owen Dillon 4 collaborations
Jeremias Sulam 4 collaborations
Leening P Liu 4 collaborations
Stephen Z Liu 3 collaborations
Leonid Roshkovan 3 collaborations
Yuan Shen 3 collaborations
Q Cao 3 collaborations
Minghui Lu 3 collaborations
Josh Star-Lack 3 collaborations
Richard E Colbeth 3 collaborations
S Capostagno 3 collaborations
T Ehtiati 3 collaborations
C R Weiss 3 collaborations
G M Osgood 3 collaborations
Tom Russ 3 collaborations
Nicholas Theodore 3 collaborations
Kelvin Hong 3 collaborations
Eleni Liapi 3 collaborations
Ruoqiao Zhang 3 collaborations
Shaoyan Pan 2 collaborations
Cheng Ting Lin 2 collaborations
Qian Cao 2 collaborations
Steven Tilley Ii 2 collaborations
Yijie Yuan 2 collaborations
Harold I Litt 2 collaborations
Xiaoxuan Zhang 2 collaborations
Xueqi Guo 2 collaborations
Satomi Kawamoto 2 collaborations
Reuven Levinson 2 collaborations
Jin Zhang 2 collaborations
S Z Liu 2 collaborations
Radhika Deshpande 2 collaborations
Clifford Weiss 2 collaborations
Ricky O'Brien 2 collaborations
Clifford R Weiss 2 collaborations
Tzu-Cheng Lee 2 collaborations
Kirsten Boedeker 2 collaborations
Liang Cai 2 collaborations
A Uneri 2 collaborations
X Zhang 2 collaborations
P A Helm 2 collaborations
N Theodore 2 collaborations
Sarah Capostagno 2 collaborations
Picha Shunhavanich 2 collaborations
Cynthia H McCollough 2 collaborations
Shuai Leng 2 collaborations
Lifeng Yu 2 collaborations
Scott S Hsieh 2 collaborations
Peter Noël 2 collaborations
Jessica Flores 1 collaboration
Kevin Donovan 1 collaboration
Mohammed Abed 1 collaboration
Nathaniel B Linna 1 collaboration
Coulter P Cranston 1 collaboration
Cathal N O'Leary 1 collaboration
Ali H Dhanaliwala 1 collaboration
Despina Kontos 1 collaboration
Russell T Shinohara 1 collaboration
Anqi Liu 1 collaboration
J Yorkston 1 collaboration
Kailun Cheng 1 collaboration
Andrew Mao 1 collaboration
Aswin Mathews 1 collaboration
Lorenz Hehn 1 collaboration
Franz Pfeiffer 1 collaboration
Matt Tivnan 1 collaboration
Jeffrey Siewerdsen 1 collaboration
W Wang 1 collaboration
G J Gang 1 collaboration
Andrew F T Leong 1 collaboration
Alejandro Sisniega 1 collaboration
Jesse Wu 1 collaboration
Shabbir Bambot 1 collaboration
Hui Shi 1 collaboration
Craig Abbey 1 collaboration
Andrew J Kanawati 1 collaboration
Alex Constantinidis 1 collaboration
Zoe Williams 1 collaboration
Jeffery H Siewerdsen 1 collaboration
Joseph W Stayman 1 collaboration
Ricky T O'Brien 1 collaboration
Jerry L Prince 1 collaboration
Michael McNitt-Gray 1 collaboration
Sepideh Hatamikia 1 collaboration
Huanyi Zhou 1 collaboration
Greg M Osgood 1 collaboration
Shadpour Demehri 1 collaboration
Olivia F Sandvold 1 collaboration
Roland Proksa 1 collaboration
Heiner Daerr 1 collaboration
Amy E Perkins 1 collaboration
Kevin M Brown 1 collaboration
Thomas Koehler 1 collaboration
Ravindra M Manjeshwar 1 collaboration
Peiqing Teng 1 collaboration
Nicholas Hindley 1 collaboration
Scott D Metzler 1 collaboration
Samuel Matej 1 collaboration
P Wu 1 collaboration
D Foos 1 collaboration
X Wang 1 collaboration
N Khanna 1 collaboration
N Aygun 1 collaboration
R D Stevens 1 collaboration
T Yi 1 collaboration
Michael Geagen 1 collaboration
Katsuyuki Taguchi 1 collaboration
Thomas J Sauer 1 collaboration
W Paul Segars 1 collaboration
Eric C Frey 1 collaboration
Jingyan Xu 1 collaboration
Ferdinand K Hui 1 collaboration
Mathias Unberath 1 collaboration
Yong Du 1 collaboration
Christian Toennes 1 collaboration
Lothar R Schad 1 collaboration
S Tilley 1 collaboration
Matthew Jacobson 1 collaboration
Altea Lorenzon 1 collaboration
Tianyu Wang 1 collaboration
Jacopo Teneggi 1 collaboration