Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research
Social science & medicine (1982)
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors
Drug and alcohol dependence
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine
Drug and alcohol dependence
Drug and alcohol dependence
Journal of social and personal relationships
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs
Addiction (Abingdon, England)
Addiction (Abingdon, England)
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs
Addiction (Abingdon, England)
Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research
Archives of sexual behavior
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors
American journal of preventive medicine
Addiction (Abingdon, England)