Adolescent research review
General hospital psychiatry
John H Krystal
Javier Alvarado
Samuel A Ball
Frank G Fortunati
Mary Hu
Michael E Ivy
Jennifer Kapo
Kristine D Olson
Robert M Rohrbaugh
Rajita Sinha
Jacob K Tebes
Ronald J Vender
Kimberly A Yonkers
Linda C Mayes
American journal of community psychology
Children and youth services review
Social science & medicine (1982)
American journal of community psychology
American journal of community psychology
Journal of clinical psychology
American journal of community psychology
American journal of community psychology
Health and quality of life outcomes
Journal of medical Internet research
Journal of child and family studies
Psychology research and behavior management
The American psychologist
Psychiatric rehabilitation journal
Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England)
Implementation science communications
The American psychologist