Multisystem-Involved Youth: A Developmental Framework and Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice.

behavioral health child welfare delinquency juvenile justice maltreatment multisystem involvement


Adolescent research review
ISSN: 2363-8346
Titre abrégé: Adolesc Res Rev
Pays: Switzerland
ID NLM: 101689626

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Mar 2019
entrez: 12 3 2019
pubmed: 12 3 2019
medline: 12 3 2019
Statut: ppublish


Multisystem-involved youth are children and adolescents concurrently served in the child welfare, behavioral health, and/or juvenile justice systems. These youth are a high risk and vulnerable population, often due to their experience of multiple adversities and trauma, yet little is known about their multiple needs and pathways into multisystem involvement. Multisystem-involved youth present unique challenges to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. In this article, we summarize the literature on multisystem-involved youth, including prevalence, characteristics, risk factors, and disparities for this population. We then describe a developmental cascade framework, which specifies how exposure to adverse experiences in childhood may have a "cascading" or spillover effect later in development, to depict pathways of multisystem involvement and opportunities for intervention. This framework offers a multidimensional view of involvement across service systems and illustrates the complexities of relationships between micro- and macro-level factors at various stages and domains of development. We conclude that multisystem-involved youth are an understudied population that may represent majority of youth who are already served in another service system. Many of these youth are also disproportionately from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds. Currently, for multisystem-involved youth and their families, there is a lack of standardized and integrated screening procedures to identify youth with open cases across service systems; inadequate use of available instruments to assess exposure to complex trauma; inadequate clinical and family-related evidence-based practices specifically for use with this population; and poor cross-systems collaboration and coordination that align goals and targeted outcomes across systems. We make recommendations for research, practice, and systems development to address the needs of multisystem-involved youth and their families.


pubmed: 30854418
doi: 10.1007/s40894-018-0088-1
pmc: PMC6404973
mid: NIHMS978309

Types de publication

Journal Article






Organisme : NIMHD NIH HHS
ID : L60 MD009810
Pays : United States
Organisme : NICHD NIH HHS
ID : P50 HD089922
Pays : United States
Organisme : NIDA NIH HHS
ID : T32 DA019426
Pays : United States

Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts

Conflicts of Interest The authors report no conflict of interests.


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Christian M Connell (CM)

Pennsylvania State University.

Dana M Prince (DM)

Case Western Reserve University.

Jacob Kraemer Tebes (JK)

Yale University School of Medicine.

Classifications MeSH