Evolutionary applications
Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)
Journal of applied microbiology
Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
Journal of fungi (Basel, Switzerland)
Nolwenn Rolland
Victoria Girard
Valérie Monnin
Sandrine Arend
Guillaume Perrin
Damien Ballan
Rachel Beau
Valérie Collin
Maëlle D'Arbaumont
Amélie Weill
Franck Deniel
Sylvie Tréguer
Audrey Pawtowski
Jean-Luc Jany
Jérôme Mounier
BMC genomics
Annie Lebreton
Erwan Corre
Jean-Luc Jany
Loraine Brillet-Guéguen
Carlos Pèrez-Arques
Victoriano Garre
Misharl Monsoor
Robert Debuchy
Christophe Le Meur
Emmanuel Coton
Georges Barbier
Laurence Meslet-Cladière
Fungal systematics and evolution
P W Crous
M Sandoval-Denis
M M Costa
J Z Groenewald
A L van Iperen
M Starink-Willemse
M Hernández-Restrepo
H Kandemir
B Ulaszewski
W de Boer
A M Abdel-Azeem
J Abdollahzadeh
A Akulov
M Bakhshi
J D P Bezerra
C S Bhunjun
M P S Câmara
P Chaverri
W A S Vieira
C A Decock
E Gaya
J Gené
J Guarro
D Gramaje
M Grube
V K Gupta
V Guarnaccia
R Hill
Y Hirooka
K D Hyde
R S Jayawardena
R Jeewon
Ž Jurjević
L Korsten
S C Lamprecht
L Lombard
S S N Maharachchikumbura
G Polizzi
K C Rajeshkumar
C Salgado-Salazar
Q-J Shang
R G Shivas
R C Summerbell
G Y Sun
W J Swart
Y P Tan
A Vizzini
J W Xia
R Zare
C D González
T Iturriaga
O Savary
M Coton
E Coton
J-L Jany
C Liu
Z-Q Zeng
W-Y Zhuang
Z-H Yu
M Thines
Critical reviews in microbiology
International journal of food microbiology
Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)