Metabolic engineering
Diana Széliová
David E Ruckerbauer
Sarah N Galleguillos
Lars B Petersen
Klaus Natter
Michael Hanscho
Christina Troyer
Tim Causon
Harald Schoeny
Hanne B Christensen
Dong-Yup Lee
Nathan E Lewis
Gunda Koellensperger
Stephan Hann
Lars K Nielsen
Nicole Borth
Jürgen Zanghellini
NPJ systems biology and applications
Journal of chromatography. A
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
NPJ biofilms and microbiomes
Benjamin Zwirzitz
Stefanie U Wetzels
Emmanuel D Dixon
Beatrix Stessl
Andreas Zaiser
Isabel Rabanser
Sarah Thalguter
Beate Pinior
Franz-Ferdinand Roch
Cameron Strachan
Jürgen Zanghellini
Monika Dzieciol
Martin Wagner
Evelyne Selberherr
Current opinion in biotechnology
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
Frontiers in microbiology
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
Diana Széliová
Harald Schoeny
Špela Knez
Christina Troyer
Cristina Coman
Evelyn Rampler
Gunda Koellensperger
Robert Ahrends
Stephen Hann
Nicole Borth
Jürgen Zanghellini
David E Ruckerbauer
Nature communications
Julia Brunmair
Mathias Gotsmy
Laura Niederstaetter
Benjamin Neuditschko
Andrea Bileck
Astrid Slany
Max Lennart Feuerstein
Clemens Langbauer
Lukas Janker
Jürgen Zanghellini
Samuel M Meier-Menches
Christopher Gerner
PLoS computational biology
PLoS computational biology
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
PLoS computational biology