Harald T Jørstad

  • Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Heart Centre, Department of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology, Cardiovascular Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Publications (22)

An appeal to our government for nationwide policies in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Netherlands heart journal : monthly journal of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology and the Netherlands Heart Foundation

Lifestyle management to prevent atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: evidence and challenges.

Netherlands heart journal : monthly journal of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology and the Netherlands Heart Foundation

Réseau de co-auteurs

Ron J G Peters 7 collaborations
Marjolein Snaterse 6 collaborations
Juliette C van Hattum 4 collaborations
Tinka J van Trier 4 collaborations
H T Jørstad 4 collaborations
Yigal M Pinto 3 collaborations
Nienke Ter Hoeve 3 collaborations
Madoka Sunamura 3 collaborations
M Snaterse 3 collaborations
R J G Peters 3 collaborations
S Matthijs Boekholdt 3 collaborations
Paul Keessen 3 collaborations
Bart Visser 3 collaborations
Arthur A M Wilde 3 collaborations
Steven H J Hageman 2 collaborations
Frank L J Visseren 2 collaborations
T J van Trier 2 collaborations
N Mohammadnia 2 collaborations
W A Bax 2 collaborations
Adrianus J Bakermans 2 collaborations
Gerben Ter Riet 2 collaborations
Corine H M Latour 2 collaborations
Roderik A Kraaijenhagen 2 collaborations
Madelon Minneboo 2 collaborations
Sjoerd M Verwijs 2 collaborations
Maarten Groenink 2 collaborations
André L M Verbeek 2 collaborations
René J Goedkoop 2 collaborations
Arjan Malekzadeh 2 collaborations
Alexandra C van Dissel 1 collaboration
Ilja M Blok 1 collaboration
Jean-Luc Q Hooglugt 1 collaboration
Ferdinand H de Haan 1 collaboration
Barbara J M Mulder 1 collaboration
Berto J Bouma 1 collaboration
Michiel M Winter 1 collaboration
Joelle J N Daems 1 collaboration
Henrike Galenkamp 1 collaboration
Jaap W Deckers 1 collaboration
Fabrice M A C Martens 1 collaboration
N Ter Hoeve 1 collaboration
M Sunamura 1 collaboration
R Brouwers 1 collaboration
H Kemps 1 collaboration
Hein J Wellens 1 collaboration
André Lm Verbeek 1 collaboration
Joep Rlm Smeets 1 collaboration
Ron Jg Peters 1 collaboration
J D Mackenbach 1 collaboration
G Aernout Somsen 1 collaboration
Melissa T Hooijmans 1 collaboration
Jeroen A L Jeneson 1 collaboration
J C van Hattum 1 collaboration
S M Verwijs 1 collaboration
R Rienks 1 collaboration
N R Bijsterveld 1 collaboration
S T de Vries 1 collaboration
Y M Pinto 1 collaboration
A A M Wilde 1 collaboration
Ron M C Herings 1 collaboration
Jetty A Overbeek 1 collaboration
Kees Jan Kan 1 collaboration
Isa H Mast 1 collaboration
Koen P A Baas 1 collaboration
John C Wood 1 collaboration
Aart J Nederveen 1 collaboration
Corine Hm Latour 1 collaboration
Veronica R Janssen 1 collaboration
Arno Tijssen 1 collaboration
Sangeeta Lachman 1 collaboration
Ron J Peters 1 collaboration
Harald Thune Jørstad 1 collaboration
Iris Den Uijl 1 collaboration
P Jeff Senden 1 collaboration
Jessica L Spies 1 collaboration
Albert R Willems 1 collaboration
Ingmar Knobbe 1 collaboration
Nicolaas A Blom 1 collaboration
Cornelis A C M Wijne 1 collaboration
Gustaaf Reurink 1 collaboration
Nick R Bijsterveld 1 collaboration
Evert A L M Verhagen 1 collaboration
Joëlle J N Daems 1 collaboration
Leonoor V Wismans 1 collaboration
Maarten A van Diepen 1 collaboration
R Nils Planken 1 collaboration
Adrienne van Randen 1 collaboration
Alexander Hirsch 1 collaboration
Maarten H Moen 1 collaboration
Lotte Verweij 1 collaboration
None None 1 collaboration
Florian E Beerman 1 collaboration