Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety
Daniel R Morales
Tatiana Macfarlane
Thomas M MacDonald
Jesper Hallas
Martin Thomsen Ernst
Elisabeth Smits
Jetty A Overbeek
Lyn Mitchell
Steven Morant
Isla Mackenzie
Alexander S F Doney
Chris Robertson
Marion Bennie
Li Wei
Lizzie Nicholson
Carole Morris
Robert W F Flynn
Respiratory research
Karin M A Swart
Brenda N Baak
Louise Lemmens
Fernie J A Penning-van Beest
Camilla Bengtsson
Muriel Lobier
Fabian Hoti
Dina Vojinovic
Lindy van Burk
Kirsty Rhodes
Edeltraut Garbe
Clementine Nordon
Sami O Simons
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety
British journal of clinical pharmacology
Daniel R Morales
Steven V Morant
Thomas M MacDonald
Jesper Hallas
Martin Thomsen Ernst
Anton Pottegard
Elisabeth Smits
Jetty A Overbeek
Isla S Mackenzie
Alexander S F Doney
Lyn Mitchell
Marion Bennie
Chris Robertson
Li Wei
Lizzie Nicholson
Carole Morris
Robert W V Flynn
International journal of colorectal disease
Epilepsy & behavior : E&B
The Netherlands journal of medicine
The Lancet regional health. Europe
Linda Davidson
Juul M P A van den Reek
Mariolina Bruno
Florence van Hunsel
Vasiliki Matzaraki
Collins K Boahen
Vinod Kumar
Hans M M Groenewoud
Frank L van de Veerdonk
Mihai G Netea
Elke M G J de Jong
Bart Jan Kullberg
European journal of cancer care
Netherlands heart journal : monthly journal of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology and the Netherlands Heart Foundation
Drugs - real world outcomes
Diabetes, obesity & metabolism
British journal of clinical pharmacology
British journal of clinical pharmacology
Current medical research and opinion
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety
Daniel R Morales
Steve V Morant
Thomas M MacDonald
Isla S Mackenzie
Alexander S F Doney
Lyn Mitchell
Marion Bennie
Chris Robertson
Jesper Hallas
Anton Pottegard
Martin Thomsen Ernst
Li Wei
Lizzie Nicholson
Carole Morris
Jetty A Overbeek
Elisabeth Smits
Robert W V Flynn
Biology of sex differences
Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy
Frontiers in pharmacology
Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine
Steef Kurstjens
Andrea D van Dam
Ellis Oortwijn
Wendy P J den Elzen
Firmin Candido
Ron Kusters
Anoeska Schipper
Yvo F C Kortmann
Maarten Kok
Johannes Krabbe
Bauke A de Boer
Anne-Margreet de Jong
Marieke A M Frasa