American journal of men's health
Translational andrology and urology
International journal of impotence research
Seul Ku
Adithya Balasubramanian
Justin Yu
Ashwin Srivatsav
Jabez Gondokusumo
Alexander J Tatem
Jonathan A Beilan
Asad Hasan
James M Hotaling
Larry I Lipshultz
Alexander W Pastuszak
The journal of sexual medicine
The journal of sexual medicine
International journal of impotence research
International journal of impotence research
International journal of impotence research
Asian journal of andrology
International journal of impotence research
Human reproduction (Oxford, England)
Translational andrology and urology
Current sexual health reports
The journal of sexual medicine
The journal of sexual medicine
James M Dupree
R Matthew Coward
Tung-Chin Hsieh
Cigdem Tanrikut
Paul Shin
Akanksha Mehta
James M Hotaling
Alexander W Pastuszak
Daniel Williams
Joseph Alukal
Larry I Lipshultz
Peter Schlegel
Thomas J Walsh
Michael L Eisenberg
David Shin
Stan Honig
Harris M Nagler
Mary Samplaski
Ajay K Nangia
Jay Sandlow
James F Smith
Auteur inconnu
International journal of impotence research
Journal of clinical pharmacology
Androgens: clinical research and therapeutics
Translational andrology and urology
The world journal of men's health
Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada
Translational andrology and urology
The Journal of urology
Alan W Shindel
Stanley E Althof
Serge Carrier
Roger Chou
Chris G McMahon
John P Mulhall
Darius A Paduch
Alexander W Pastuszak
David Rowland
Ashley H Tapscott
Ira D Sharlip
International journal of impotence research
Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics
Human reproduction (Oxford, England)