Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction
Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Canada : JOGC = Journal d'obstetrique et gynecologie du Canada : JOGC
Experimental and molecular pathology
Archives of gynecology and obstetrics
Hasan Turan
Salvatore Giovanni Vitale
Ilker Kahramanoglu
Luigi Della Corte
Pierluigi Giampaolino
Asli Azemi
Sinem Durmus
Veysel Sal
Nedim Tokgozoglu
Tugan Bese
Macit Arvas
Fuat Demirkiran
Remise Gelisgen
Hafize Uzun
International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists