Journal of neural engineering
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference
Frontiers in human neuroscience
World neurosurgery
Valentina Baro
Andrea Landi
Marco Castellaro
Manuela Moretto
Mariagiulia Anglani
Mario Ermani
Francesco Causin
Elisabetta Zanoletti
Luca Denaro
Alessandra Bertoldo
Domenico d'Avella
Advances in experimental medicine and biology
Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior
Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England)
AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology
M Castellaro
M Moretto
V Baro
S Brigadoi
E Zanoletti
M Anglani
L Denaro
R Dell'Acqua
A Landi
F Causin
D d'Avella
A Bertoldo
European journal of pediatrics
Alfonso Galderisi
Giulia Res
Silvia Guiducci
Federica Savio
Laura Forlani
Biancamaria Mastrandrea
Laura Moschino
Elisabetta Lolli
Elena Priante
Daniele Trevisanuto
Eugenio Baraldi
Biomedical optics express
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Hasan Ayaz
Wesley B Baker
Giles Blaney
David A Boas
Heather Bortfeld
Kenneth Brady
Joshua Brake
Erin M Buckley
Stefan A Carp
Robert J Cooper
Kyle R Cowdrick
Joseph P Culver
Ippeita Dan
Hamid Dehghani
Anna Devor
Turgut Durduran
Adam T Eggebrecht
Lauren L Emberson
Qianqian Fang
Sergio Fantini
Maria Angela Franceschini
Jonas B Fischer
Judit Gervain
Joy Hirsch
Keum-Shik Hong
Roarke Horstmeyer
Jana M Kainerstorfer
Tiffany S Ko
Daniel J Licht
Adam Liebert
Robert Luke
Jennifer M Lynch
Jaume Mesquida
Rickson C Mesquita
Noman Naseer
Sergio L Novi
Felipe Orihuela-Espina
Thomas D O'Sullivan
Darcy S Peterka
Antonio Pifferi
Luca Pollonini
Angelo Sassaroli
João Ricardo Sato
Felix Scholkmann
Lorenzo Spinelli
Vivek J Srinivasan
Keith St Lawrence
Ilias Tachtsidis
Yunjie Tong
Alessandro Torricelli
Tara Urner
Heidrun Wabnitz
Martin Wolf
Ursula Wolf
Shiqi Xu
Changhuei Yang
Arjun G Yodh
Meryem A Yücel
Wenjun Zhou
Frontiers in neuroscience
European journal of pediatrics