Ecotoxicology and environmental safety
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology
The Science of the total environment
Trends in ecology & evolution
Scientific data
Yi-Ting Wang
Yan Zhang
Chao Ma
Wei-Hua Ma
Li-Jun Cao
Jin-Cui Chen
Wei Song
Jing-Fang Yang
Xu-Yuan Gao
Hong-Song Chen
Zhen-Ya Tian
Shu-Jun Wei
Zhong-Shi Zhou
Frontiers in plant science
Current opinion in insect science
Proceedings. Biological sciences
Ecotoxicology (London, England)
Ecotoxicology (London, England)
Frontiers in insect science
The Science of the total environment
Fabrizio Lisi
Marcel Amichot
Jean-Luc Gatti
Raul Narciso C Guedes
Francesco Nazzi
Francesco Pennacchio
Agatino Russo
Francisco Sánchez-Bayo
Xingeng Wang
Lucia Zappalà
Antonio Biondi
Journal of economic entomology
Journal of economic entomology
Current opinion in insect science
Environment international
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology
The Science of the total environment
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
The Science of the total environment
Evolutionary applications
Annual review of entomology
Plant biotechnology journal
Ecotoxicology (London, England)
PloS one
Basana Gowda G
Guru Pirasanna Pandi G
Farman Ullah
Naveenkumar B Patil
Madhusmita Sahu
Totan Adak
Somnath Pokhare
Manoj Kumar Yadav
Annamalai Mahendiran
Priyanka Mittapelly
Prakash Chandra Rath
Ecotoxicology (London, England)
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology
Ecotoxicology (London, England)
Environmental science and pollution research international
Muhammad Hafeez
Farman Ullah
Muhammad Musa Khan
Xiaowei Li
Zhijun Zhang
Sakhawat Shah
Muhammad Imran
Mohammed A Assiri
G Mandela Fernández-Grandon
Muzammal Rehman
Shah Fahad
Yaobin Lu
The Science of the total environment
Phytochemical analysis : PCA
The Science of the total environment
Christine Becker
Peng Han
Mateus Ribeiro de Campos
Philippe Béarez
Eva Thomine
Jacques Le Bot
Stéphane Adamowicz
Richard Brun
Xavier Fernandez
Thomas Michel
Anne-Violette Lavoir
Journal of economic entomology
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
Journal of chemical ecology
Xiaowei Li
Jianghui Cheng
Haibin Han
William D J Kirk
Matthew O'Brien
Likun Wang
Limin Chen
Haixia Zhang
Zhijun Zhang
Farman Ullah
Yaobin Lu
Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology
Bin Tang
Ye Han
Qixuan Mao
Haoyu Fu
Yujia Luo
Liyuhan Hua
Busheng Liu
Gao Hu
Shigui Wang
Hongxia Duan
Yan Wu