Marcus Sokolowski

  • Huntsman Mental Health Institute, Salt Lake City (Docherty, Shabalin, Murnyak, DiBlasi, Coon); Department of Psychiatry (Docherty, Shabalin, Murnyak, DiBlasi, Bakian, Monson, Coon), Department of Pathology (Christensen), and Biomedical Informatics (Coon), University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City; Department of Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond (Docherty, Edwards, Bigdeli, Kendler); Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences (Mullins, Pinto, Sklar, Stahl), Department of Psychiatry (Mullins, Pinto, Kahn, Sklar), and Department of Neuroscience (Sklar), Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York; Duke Molecular Physiology Institute (Ashley-Koch, Qin, E.R. Hauser, M.A. Hauser), Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Dennis), and Duke Molecular Physiology Institute (Garrett), Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C.; NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, King's College London (Coleman, Breen); Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London (Coleman, McGuffin, Power, Rivera, Breen, Lewis); Division of Genetic Medicine, Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and Vanderbilt Genetics Institute, Nashville, Tenn. (Kang, Ruderfer); Department of Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tenn. (Ruderfer); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tenn. (Ruderfer); Department of Psychiatry (Wendt, Polimanti) and Division of Human Genetics, Department of Psychiatry (Levey, Gelernter), Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn.; Division of Psychiatry (Adams, Hafferty, McIntosh), Institute for Genetics and Molecular Medicine (Porteous), and Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences (Smith), University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh; Mental Health and Neuroscience Research Program (Campos, Rentería, Martin, Medland) and Department of Population Health (Olsen, Whiteman), QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia; Institute for Molecular Bioscience (Campos, Byrne, Trzaskowski, Wray), School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine (Rentería), Child Health Research Centre (Byrne), and Queensland Brain Institute (Mehta, Wray), University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney (Fullerton, Gatt, Green, Schofield, C.S. Weickert, T.W. Weickert); School of Medical Sciences (Fullerton, Schofield), School of Psychology (Bryant, Gatt), and School of Psychiatry (P.B. Mitchell, Green, G. Roberts, C.S. Weickert, T.W. Weickert), University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; Department of Psychiatry (Kranzler, Oslin), Center for Neurobiology and Behavior, Department of Psychiatry (Berrettini), and Center for Applied Genomics and Department of Pediatrics (Hakonarson), Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Crescenz VAMC, VISN 4 MIRECC, Philadelphia (Kranzler); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston (Walss-Bass); Division of Mental Health and Addiction (Andreassen, Melle, Smeland) and Department of Medical Genetics (Djurovic), Oslo University Hospital, Oslo; NORMENT, University of Oslo, Oslo (Andreassen, Smeland); Department of Forensic Medicine, All-India Institute for Medical Sciences, Delhi (Behera); Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (Bulik, Landén), National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention of Mental Ill-Health (NASP), LIME (Sokolowski, Wasserman), Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Centre for Psychiatry Research (Agartz), Department of Clinical Neuroscience (Alfredsson), and Institute of Environmental Medicine (Alfredsson), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm; Department of Nutrition (Bulik), Department of Psychiatry (Bulik, Thornton, Watson, Yilmaz), and Department of Genetics (Yilmaz), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics (Edenberg, Nurnberger), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Edenberg), and Department of Psychiatry (Nurnberger), Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis; Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, Boston (Kessler); Departments of Psychiatry and Radiology (Mann), Department of Biostatistics (Galfalvy), and Department of Psychiatry (Galfalvy, Otsuka, McGrath, Weissman), Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; Department of Psychiatry, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland (Pistis, Castelao, Preisig); Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Mannheim, Germany (Streit, Witt, Zillich); Department of Psychiatry, Uniformed University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda (Ursano); Durham Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Durham, N.C. (Hair); Miami VA Health Care System, Miami (Harvey); Cooperative Studies Program Epidemiology Center, Durham Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Durham, N.C. (Hauser); Boston VA Health Care System, Boston (Huffman); Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. (Jacobson); Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago Consortium for Advanced Science and Engineering, Chicago (Madduri); Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, N.M. (McMahon); Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center, VISN 4 Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Philadelphia (Oslin); VA Program Evaluation and Resource Center, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, Calif. (Trafton); Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin (Awasthi, Ripke); Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany (Bohus, Schmahl); Center for Applied Genomics, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia (Chang, Guo, Hakonarson, D. Li); Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei (H.C. Chen, W.J. Chen, S.-C. Liao, Kuo, Liu); Center for Neuropsychiatric Research, National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli County, Taiwan (W.J. Chen); Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei (W.J. Chen, Su, Kuo); Utah Office of the Medical Examiner, Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Taylorsville (Christensen); Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (Crow); GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences, Hôpital Sainte-Anne, Paris (Duriez, Gorwood); Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris, Université Paris Cité, INSERM U1266, Paris (Duriez, Gorwood, Ramoz); Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Bellvitge-IDIBELL and CIBEROBN, Barcelona, Spain (Fernández-Aranda, Jiménez-Murcia); Department of Psychiatry (Kaplan, Kennedy, Woodside, Kloiber, Zai), Institute of Medical Science (Kaplan, Kennedy, Woodside, Zai), McLaughlin Center (Scherer), and Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology (Zai), University of Toronto, Toronto; Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Science, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles (Gandal, Kim, Ophoff, Strober); Department of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York (Halmi); Department of Psychiatry, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan (Hishimoto); Biostatistics Research Center, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science (Jain), Department of Psychiatry (Braff, Kelsoe, Nievergelt, Stein, Tsuang), Institute for Genomic Medicine (Kelsoe), Center for Behavioral Genomics, and School of Public Health (Stein), University of California San Diego, La Jolla; Translational Neuropsychiatry, Fondation FondaMental, University of Paris-Est-Créteil, INSERM, IMRB, Créteil (Jamain); Eating Recovery Center, Denver (Johnson); Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto (Kaplan, Kennedy, Kloiber), Molecular Brain Science, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Vincent), and Molecular Brain Science, Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute (Zai), Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto; Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, San Diego (Kaye); Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee (Keel); Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, Lansing (Klump); Department of Psychiatry, Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare Center, West Haven (Levey, Gelernter); Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany (Lieb); Department of Clinical Psychology, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Washington D.C. (Lilenfeld); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (Powers, Binder); Department of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine (Marshall), and Department of Genetics and Genomic Biology (Scherer), Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Fargo (J.E. Mitchell); Department of Psychiatry, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan (Okazaki, Otsuka); Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research (Ripke, Koenen, Lee, Smoller, C. Liao), and Program in Medical and Population Genetics (Stahl), Broad Institute, Cambridge, Mass.; Analytical and Translational Genetics Unit (Ripke, Lee, C. Liao), Department of Psychiatry (Koenen, Smoller), and Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit (Lee, Smoller), Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston; Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Psychiatry, Berlin Institute of Health, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin (Roepke); Department of Psychology, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation (Rozanov); Department of Borderline Disorders and Psychotherapy, V.M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation (Rozanov); Centre for Genomics and Personalized Medicine, CGPM (Starnawska, Børglum, Demontis), Centre for Integrative Sequencing, iSEQ, Aaruhus, Denmark (Starnawska, Børglum, Demontis); Department of Biomedicine (Starnawska, Børglum, Demontis), iPSYCH, Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research (Starnawska, Børglum, Demontis, Erlangsen), National Centre for Register-Based Research (Yilmaz, Agerbo), and Centre for Integrated Register-Based Research (Agerbo), Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Psychosis Research Unit, Aarhus University Hospital, Risskov, Aarhus, Denmark (Mors); Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience, Department of Psychological Medicine, King's College London (Treasure); National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre, King's College London and South London and Maudsley National Health Service Foundation Trust, London (Treasure); Population Studies Center and Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research (Ware), and Center for Statistical Genetics and Department of Biostatistics (Boehnke, Scott), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; School of Psychology, Curtin University, Perth, Australia (Watson); Division of Paediatrics, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia (Watson); Centre for Mental Health and Program for Eating Disorders, University Health Network, Toronto (Woodside); Department of Clinical Sciences, Psychiatry, Umeå University Medical Faculty, Umeå, Sweden (Adolfsson); Department of Psychiatric Research, Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo (Agartz); NORMENT, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo (Agartz); Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada (Alda); National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany, Czech Republic (Alda); Institute of Biological Psychiatry, Copenhagen Mental Health Services, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen (Appadurai, Werge); iPSYCH, Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Copenhagen (Appadurai); Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, Spain (Artigas, Ramos-Quiroga, Ribasés, Richarte, Vilar-Ribó); Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health (CIBERSAM), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid (Artigas, Ramos-Quiroga, Ribasés, Richarte); Department of Genetics, Microbiology, and Statistics, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (Artigas, Ribasés); Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addiction, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (Artigas, Ramos-Quiroga, Ribasés, Vilar-Ribó); Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany (Van der Auwera, Grabe); German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Partner Site Rostock/Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany (Van der Auwera, Grabe); Department of Psychiatry, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal (Azevedo); Division of Psychiatry, University College London (Bass, McQuillin); Laboratory of Developmental Psychiatry, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil (Bau); Department of Genetics, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil (Bau); Department of Psychiatry, Melbourne Medical School, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (Baune); Department of Psychiatry (Baune) and Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine (Berger), University of Münster, Münster, Germany; Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris (Bellivier); Paris Bipolar and TRD Expert Centers, FondaMental Foundation, Paris (Bellivier); Team 1, Biomarkers of relapse and therapeutic response in addiction and mood disorders, INSERM, UMR-S 1144, Paris (Bellivier); Psychiatry, Université Paris Cité, Paris (Bellivier); Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. (Biernacka); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, New York (Bigdeli); Department of Translational Research in Psychiatry, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich (Binder); Psychiatry, UMC Utrecht Brain Center, Utrecht, Netherlands (Boks); Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (Ramos-Quiroga, Richarte); Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), University Hospital, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich (Budde, Schulze); Department of Psychiatry, UMC Utrecht Hersencentrum Rudolf Magnus, Utrecht, Netherlands (Cahn); Mental Health Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Granada University Hospital Complex, University of Granada, Granada, Spain (Cervilla); Institut de Psychiatrie, CNRS GDR 3557, Paris (Chaumette, Krebs); Department of Evaluation, Prevention, and Therapeutic Innovation, GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences, Paris (Chaumette, Krebs); Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris, INSERM U1266, Team Pathophysiology of Psychiatric Diseases, Université de Paris, Paris (Chaumette, Krebs); Institute of Medical Genetics and Pathology, University Hospital Basel, and Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland (Hoffmann); Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine, and University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany (Forstner, Heilmann-Heimbach, Hoffmann, Nöthen); Neuropsychiatric Genetics Research Group, Department of Psychiatry and Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin (Corvin); Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, U.K. (Craddock, Hamshere, I. Jones, O'Donovan, Owen, Walters); NORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway (Djurovic); Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany (Foo, Schulze, Sirignano, Rietschel); Center for Human Genetics, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany (Forstner); Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. (Frye); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Evanston, Ill. (Sanders); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Chicago, Chicago (Sanders); Comprehensive Center for Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health (Giegling, Hartmann) and Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Hartmann), Medical University of Vienna, Vienna; ADHD Outpatient Program, Adult Division, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil (Grevet); Department of Psychiatry, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil (Grevet); Biometric Psychiatric Genetics Research Unit, Alexandru Obregia Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Bucharest, Romania (Grigoroiu-Serbanescu); Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Research Centre (CIBM), University of Granada, Granada, Spain (Gutierrez); Biomedicine Institute (IBIMA), Mental Health Department, University Regional Hospital, Málaga, Spain (Guzman-Parra, Mayoral); Psychiatric Genetics, Department of Psychiatry, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland (J. Hauser); Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich (Ising, Kloiber); Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Worcester, Worcester, U.K. (L.A. Jones); Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience (Jonsson) and Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology (Landén), University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; Psychiatry, UMC Utrecht Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, Utrecht, Netherlands (Kahn); Department of Epidemiology (Koenen, Zai) and Department of Environmental Health (A. Roberts), Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston; Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Barcelona, Spain (Kogevinas); INSERM, AP-HP, IMRB, Translational Neuropsychiatry, DMU IMPACT, FHU ADAPT, Fondation FondaMental, Université Paris Est, Créteil, France (Leboyer); INSERM, Paris (Leboyer); Faculté de Médecine, Université Paris Est, Créteil, France (Leboyer); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford (Levinson, Williams); Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Warsaw (Lissowska); Research Institute, Lindner Center of HOPE, Mason, Ohio (McElroy); School of Psychology and Counseling, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia (Mehta); Institute of Clinical Medicine, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, University of Oslo, Oslo (Melle); Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research Centre (CIBM), University of Granada, Granada, Spain (Molina); Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology-NTNU, Trondheim (Morken); Psychiatry, St. Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway (Morken); Psychiatry, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands (Ophoff); Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, University Behavioral Health Care, Rutgers University, Piscataway, N.J. (C. Pato); Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University, Piscataway, N.J. (M.T. Pato); Department of Psychiatry and Amsterdam Neuroscience, Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (Penninx); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore (Potash, Schulze); Genetics, BioMarin Pharmaceuticals, London (Power); St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K. (Power); Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K. (Quested); Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine, and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany (Reif); Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II and Institute of Neurosciences, Biomedical Research Centre (CIBM), University of Granada, Granada, Spain (Rivera); Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, and Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Montreal (Rouleau); Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas Universidade de Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (Rovaris); Human Genetics Branch, Intramural Research Program, NIMH, Bethesda (Schulze); Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany (Schulze); Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy (Serretti); Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda (Shi); Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Neuroscience, King's College London (Sonuga-Barke); Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal (Turecki); Institute for Community Medicine, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany (Völzke); Division of Translational Epidemiology, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York (Weissman); iPSYCH, Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark (Agerbo, Hougaard, Mors, Nordentoft, Werge); Centre for Mental Health Research, Australian National University, Canberra (Erlangsen); Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore (Erlangsen); Danish Research Institute for Suicide Prevention, Mental Health Centre Copenhagen, Copenhagen (Erlangsen); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, N.Y. (Glatt); Center for Neonatal Screening, Department for Congenital Disorders, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen (Hougaard); Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital and College of Medicine, Taipei (Hwu); Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, King's College London (Lewis); Neuroscience, Janssen Research and Development, Titusville, N.J. (Q.S. Li); Mental Health Center Copenhagen, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen (Nordentoft); Analytical Genetics and Data Science, Regeneron Genetics Center, Tarrytown, N.Y. (Stahl); Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen (Werge); Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre, GLOBE Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen (Werge); Department of Psychiatry, University of Iowa, Iowa City (Willour, Coon); VISN 6 Mid-Atlantic Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Durham Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Durham, N.C. (Beckham, Kimbrel); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, N.C. (Beckham, Kimbrel).

Publications (9)

GWAS Meta-Analysis of Suicide Attempt: Identification of 12 Genome-Wide Significant Loci and Implication of Genetic Risks for Specific Health Factors.

The American journal of psychiatry
Avec: Anna R Docherty , Niamh Mullins , Allison E Ashley-Koch , Xuejun Qin , Jonathan R I Coleman , Andrey Shabalin , JooEun Kang , Balasz Murnyak , Frank Wendt , Mark Adams , Adrian I Campos , Emily DiBlasi , Janice M Fullerton , Henry R Kranzler , Amanda V Bakian , Eric T Monson , Miguel E Rentería , Consuelo Walss-Bass , Ole A Andreassen , Chittaranjan Behera , Cynthia M Bulik , Howard J Edenberg , Ronald C Kessler , J John Mann , John I Nurnberger , Giorgio Pistis , Fabian Streit , Robert J Ursano , Renato Polimanti , Michelle Dennis , Melanie Garrett , Lauren Hair , Philip Harvey , Elizabeth R Hauser , Michael A Hauser , Jennifer Huffman , Daniel Jacobson , Ravi Madduri , Benjamin McMahon , David W Oslin , Jodie Trafton , Swapnil Awasthi , Wade H Berrettini , Martin Bohus , Xiao Chang , Hsi-Chung Chen , Wei J Chen , Erik D Christensen , Scott Crow , Philibert Duriez , Alexis C Edwards , Fernando Fernández-Aranda , Hanga Galfalvy , Michael Gandal , Philip Gorwood , Yiran Guo , Jonathan D Hafferty , Hakon Hakonarson , Katherine A Halmi , Akitoyo Hishimoto , Sonia Jain , Stéphane Jamain , Susana Jiménez-Murcia , Craig Johnson , Allan S Kaplan , Walter H Kaye , Pamela K Keel , James L Kennedy , Minsoo Kim , Kelly L Klump , Daniel F Levey , Dong Li , Shih-Cheng Liao , Klaus Lieb , Lisa Lilenfeld , Christian R Marshall , James E Mitchell , Satoshi Okazaki , Ikuo Otsuka , Dalila Pinto , Abigail Powers , Nicolas Ramoz , Stephan Ripke , Stefan Roepke , Vsevolod Rozanov , Stephen W Scherer , Christian Schmahl , Anna Starnawska , Michael Strober , Mei-Hsin Su , Laura M Thornton , Janet Treasure , Erin B Ware , Hunna J Watson , Stephanie H Witt , D Blake Woodside , Zeynep Yilmaz , Lea Zillich , Rolf Adolfsson , Ingrid Agartz , Martin Alda , Lars Alfredsson , Vivek Appadurai , María Soler Artigas , Sandra Van der Auwera , M Helena Azevedo , Nicholas Bass , Claiton H D Bau , Bernhard T Baune , Frank Bellivier , Klaus Berger , Joanna M Biernacka , Tim B Bigdeli , Elisabeth B Binder , Michael Boehnke , Marco P Boks , David L Braff , Richard Bryant , Monika Budde , Enda M Byrne , Wiepke Cahn , Enrique Castelao , Jorge A Cervilla , Boris Chaumette , Aiden Corvin , Nicholas Craddock , Srdjan Djurovic , Jerome C Foo , Andreas J Forstner , Mark Frye , Justine M Gatt , Ina Giegling , Hans J Grabe , Melissa J Green , Eugenio H Grevet , Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu , Blanca Gutierrez , Jose Guzman-Parra , Marian L Hamshere , Annette M Hartmann , Joanna Hauser , Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach , Per Hoffmann , Marcus Ising , Ian Jones , Lisa A Jones , Lina Jonsson , René S Kahn , John R Kelsoe , Kenneth S Kendler , Stefan Kloiber , Karestan C Koenen , Manolis Kogevinas , Marie-Odile Krebs , Mikael Landén , Marion Leboyer , Phil H Lee , Douglas F Levinson , Calwing Liao , Jolanta Lissowska , Fermin Mayoral , Susan L McElroy , Patrick McGrath , Peter McGuffin , Andrew McQuillin , Divya Mehta , Ingrid Melle , Philip B Mitchell , Esther Molina , Gunnar Morken , Caroline Nievergelt , Markus M Nöthen , Michael C O'Donovan , Roel A Ophoff , Michael J Owen , Carlos Pato , Michele T Pato , Brenda W J H Penninx , James B Potash , Robert A Power , Martin Preisig , Digby Quested , Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga , Andreas Reif , Marta Ribasés , Vanesa Richarte , Marcella Rietschel , Margarita Rivera , Andrea Roberts , Gloria Roberts , Guy A Rouleau , Diego L Rovaris , Alan R Sanders , Peter R Schofield , Thomas G Schulze , Laura J Scott , Alessandro Serretti , Jianxin Shi , Lea Sirignano , Pamela Sklar , Olav B Smeland , Jordan W Smoller , Edmund J S Sonuga-Barke , Maciej Trzaskowski , Ming T Tsuang , Gustavo Turecki , Laura Vilar-Ribó , John B Vincent , Henry Völzke , James T R Walters , Cynthia Shannon Weickert , Thomas W Weickert , Myrna M Weissman , Leanne M Williams , Naomi R Wray , Clement C Zai , Esben Agerbo , Anders D Børglum , Gerome Breen , Ditte Demontis , Annette Erlangsen , Joel Gelernter , Stephen J Glatt , David M Hougaard , Hai-Gwo Hwu , Po-Hsiu Kuo , Cathryn M Lewis , Qingqin S Li , Chih-Min Liu , Nicholas G Martin , Andrew M McIntosh , Sarah E Medland , Ole Mors , Merete Nordentoft , Catherine M Olsen , David Porteous , Daniel J Smith , Eli A Stahl , Murray B Stein , Danuta Wasserman , Thomas Werge , David C Whiteman , Virginia Willour , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Hilary Coon , Jean C Beckham , Nathan A Kimbrel , Douglas M Ruderfer

Dissecting the Shared Genetic Architecture of Suicide Attempt, Psychiatric Disorders, and Known Risk Factors.

Biological psychiatry
Avec: Niamh Mullins , JooEun Kang , Adrian I Campos , Jonathan R I Coleman , Alexis C Edwards , Hanga Galfalvy , Daniel F Levey , Adriana Lori , Andrey Shabalin , Anna Starnawska , Mei-Hsin Su , Hunna J Watson , Mark Adams , Swapnil Awasthi , Michael Gandal , Jonathan D Hafferty , Akitoyo Hishimoto , Minsoo Kim , Satoshi Okazaki , Ikuo Otsuka , Stephan Ripke , Erin B Ware , Andrew W Bergen , Wade H Berrettini , Martin Bohus , Harry Brandt , Xiao Chang , Wei J Chen , Hsi-Chung Chen , Steven Crawford , Scott Crow , Emily DiBlasi , Philibert Duriez , Fernando Fernández-Aranda , Manfred M Fichter , Steven Gallinger , Stephen J Glatt , Philip Gorwood , Yiran Guo , Hakon Hakonarson , Katherine A Halmi , Hai-Gwo Hwu , Sonia Jain , Stéphane Jamain , Susana Jiménez-Murcia , Craig Johnson , Allan S Kaplan , Walter H Kaye , Pamela K Keel , James L Kennedy , Kelly L Klump , Dong Li , Shih-Cheng Liao , Klaus Lieb , Lisa Lilenfeld , Chih-Min Liu , Pierre J Magistretti , Christian R Marshall , James E Mitchell , Eric T Monson , Richard M Myers , Dalila Pinto , Abigail Powers , Nicolas Ramoz , Stefan Roepke , Vsevolod Rozanov , Stephen W Scherer , Christian Schmahl , Michael Strober , Laura M Thornton , Janet Treasure , Ming T Tsuang , Stephanie H Witt , D Blake Woodside , Zeynep Yilmaz , Lea Zillich , Rolf Adolfsson , Ingrid Agartz , Tracy M Air , Martin Alda , Lars Alfredsson , Ole A Andreassen , Adebayo Anjorin , Vivek Appadurai , María Soler Artigas , Sandra Van der Auwera , M Helena Azevedo , Nicholas Bass , Claiton H D Bau , Bernhard T Baune , Frank Bellivier , Klaus Berger , Joanna M Biernacka , Tim B Bigdeli , Elisabeth B Binder , Michael Boehnke , Marco P Boks , Rosa Bosch , David L Braff , Richard Bryant , Monika Budde , Enda M Byrne , Wiepke Cahn , Miguel Casas , Enrique Castelao , Jorge A Cervilla , Boris Chaumette , Sven Cichon , Aiden Corvin , Nicholas Craddock , David Craig , Franziska Degenhardt , Srdjan Djurovic , Howard J Edenberg , Ayman H Fanous , Jerome C Foo , Andreas J Forstner , Mark Frye , Janice M Fullerton , Justine M Gatt , Pablo V Gejman , Ina Giegling , Hans J Grabe , Melissa J Green , Eugenio H Grevet , Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu , Blanca Gutierrez , Jose Guzman-Parra , Steven P Hamilton , Marian L Hamshere , Annette Hartmann , Joanna Hauser , Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach , Per Hoffmann , Marcus Ising , Ian Jones , Lisa A Jones , Lina Jonsson , René S Kahn , John R Kelsoe , Kenneth S Kendler , Stefan Kloiber , Karestan C Koenen , Manolis Kogevinas , Bettina Konte , Marie-Odile Krebs , Mikael Landén , Jacob Lawrence , Marion Leboyer , Phil H Lee , Douglas F Levinson , Calwing Liao , Jolanta Lissowska , Susanne Lucae , Fermin Mayoral , Susan L McElroy , Patrick McGrath , Peter McGuffin , Andrew McQuillin , Sarah E Medland , Divya Mehta , Ingrid Melle , Yuri Milaneschi , Philip B Mitchell , Esther Molina , Gunnar Morken , Preben Bo Mortensen , Bertram Müller-Myhsok , Caroline Nievergelt , Vishwajit Nimgaonkar , Markus M Nöthen , Michael C O'Donovan , Roel A Ophoff , Michael J Owen , Carlos Pato , Michele T Pato , Brenda W J H Penninx , Jonathan Pimm , Giorgio Pistis , James B Potash , Robert A Power , Martin Preisig , Digby Quested , Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga , Andreas Reif , Marta Ribasés , Vanesa Richarte , Marcella Rietschel , Margarita Rivera , Andrea Roberts , Gloria Roberts , Guy A Rouleau , Diego L Rovaris , Dan Rujescu , Cristina Sánchez-Mora , Alan R Sanders , Peter R Schofield , Thomas G Schulze , Laura J Scott , Alessandro Serretti , Jianxin Shi , Stanley I Shyn , Lea Sirignano , Pamela Sklar , Olav B Smeland , Jordan W Smoller , Edmund J S Sonuga-Barke , Gianfranco Spalletta , John S Strauss , Beata Świątkowska , Maciej Trzaskowski , Gustavo Turecki , Laura Vilar-Ribó , John B Vincent , Henry Völzke , James T R Walters , Cynthia Shannon Weickert , Thomas W Weickert , Myrna M Weissman , Leanne M Williams , Naomi R Wray , Clement C Zai , Allison E Ashley-Koch , Jean C Beckham , Elizabeth R Hauser , Michael A Hauser , Nathan A Kimbrel , Jennifer H Lindquist , Benjamin McMahon , David W Oslin , Xuejun Qin , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Esben Agerbo , Anders D Børglum , Gerome Breen , Annette Erlangsen , Tõnu Esko , Joel Gelernter , David M Hougaard , Ronald C Kessler , Henry R Kranzler , Qingqin S Li , Nicholas G Martin , Andrew M McIntosh , Ole Mors , Merete Nordentoft , Catherine M Olsen , David Porteous , Robert J Ursano , Danuta Wasserman , Thomas Werge , David C Whiteman , Cynthia M Bulik , Hilary Coon , Ditte Demontis , Anna R Docherty , Po-Hsiu Kuo , Cathryn M Lewis , J John Mann , Miguel E Rentería , Daniel J Smith , Eli A Stahl , Murray B Stein , Fabian Streit , Virginia Willour , Douglas M Ruderfer

Réseau de co-auteurs

None None 14 collaborations
Danuta Wasserman 3 collaborations
M Sokolowski 3 collaborations
Anna R Docherty 2 collaborations
Niamh Mullins 2 collaborations
Allison E Ashley-Koch 2 collaborations
Xuejun Qin 2 collaborations
Jonathan R I Coleman 2 collaborations
Andrey Shabalin 2 collaborations
JooEun Kang 2 collaborations
Mark Adams 2 collaborations
Adrian I Campos 2 collaborations
Emily DiBlasi 2 collaborations
Janice M Fullerton 2 collaborations
Henry R Kranzler 2 collaborations
Eric T Monson 2 collaborations
Miguel E Rentería 2 collaborations
Ole A Andreassen 2 collaborations
Cynthia M Bulik 2 collaborations
Howard J Edenberg 2 collaborations
Ronald C Kessler 2 collaborations
J John Mann 2 collaborations
Giorgio Pistis 2 collaborations
Fabian Streit 2 collaborations
Robert J Ursano 2 collaborations
Elizabeth R Hauser 2 collaborations
Michael A Hauser 2 collaborations
Benjamin McMahon 2 collaborations
David W Oslin 2 collaborations
Swapnil Awasthi 2 collaborations
Wade H Berrettini 2 collaborations
Martin Bohus 2 collaborations
Xiao Chang 2 collaborations
Hsi-Chung Chen 2 collaborations
Wei J Chen 2 collaborations
Scott Crow 2 collaborations
Philibert Duriez 2 collaborations
Alexis C Edwards 2 collaborations
Hanga Galfalvy 2 collaborations
Michael Gandal 2 collaborations
Philip Gorwood 2 collaborations
Yiran Guo 2 collaborations
Jonathan D Hafferty 2 collaborations
Hakon Hakonarson 2 collaborations
Katherine A Halmi 2 collaborations
Akitoyo Hishimoto 2 collaborations
Sonia Jain 2 collaborations
Stéphane Jamain 2 collaborations
Susana Jiménez-Murcia 2 collaborations
Craig Johnson 2 collaborations
Allan S Kaplan 2 collaborations
Walter H Kaye 2 collaborations
Pamela K Keel 2 collaborations
James L Kennedy 2 collaborations
Minsoo Kim 2 collaborations
Kelly L Klump 2 collaborations
Daniel F Levey 2 collaborations
Dong Li 2 collaborations
Shih-Cheng Liao 2 collaborations
Klaus Lieb 2 collaborations
Lisa Lilenfeld 2 collaborations
Christian R Marshall 2 collaborations
James E Mitchell 2 collaborations
Satoshi Okazaki 2 collaborations
Ikuo Otsuka 2 collaborations
Dalila Pinto 2 collaborations
Abigail Powers 2 collaborations
Nicolas Ramoz 2 collaborations
Stephan Ripke 2 collaborations
Stefan Roepke 2 collaborations
Vsevolod Rozanov 2 collaborations
Stephen W Scherer 2 collaborations
Christian Schmahl 2 collaborations
Anna Starnawska 2 collaborations
Michael Strober 2 collaborations
Mei-Hsin Su 2 collaborations
Laura M Thornton 2 collaborations
Janet Treasure 2 collaborations
Erin B Ware 2 collaborations
Hunna J Watson 2 collaborations
Stephanie H Witt 2 collaborations
D Blake Woodside 2 collaborations
Zeynep Yilmaz 2 collaborations
Lea Zillich 2 collaborations
Rolf Adolfsson 2 collaborations
Ingrid Agartz 2 collaborations
Martin Alda 2 collaborations
Lars Alfredsson 2 collaborations
Vivek Appadurai 2 collaborations
María Soler Artigas 2 collaborations
Sandra Van der Auwera 2 collaborations
M Helena Azevedo 2 collaborations
Nicholas Bass 2 collaborations
Claiton H D Bau 2 collaborations
Bernhard T Baune 2 collaborations
Frank Bellivier 2 collaborations
Klaus Berger 2 collaborations
Joanna M Biernacka 2 collaborations
Tim B Bigdeli 2 collaborations
Elisabeth B Binder 2 collaborations
Michael Boehnke 2 collaborations
Marco P Boks 2 collaborations
David L Braff 2 collaborations
Richard Bryant 2 collaborations
Monika Budde 2 collaborations
Enda M Byrne 2 collaborations
Wiepke Cahn 2 collaborations
Enrique Castelao 2 collaborations
Jorge A Cervilla 2 collaborations
Boris Chaumette 2 collaborations
Aiden Corvin 2 collaborations
Nicholas Craddock 2 collaborations
Srdjan Djurovic 2 collaborations
Jerome C Foo 2 collaborations
Andreas J Forstner 2 collaborations
Mark Frye 2 collaborations
Justine M Gatt 2 collaborations
Ina Giegling 2 collaborations
Hans J Grabe 2 collaborations
Melissa J Green 2 collaborations
Eugenio H Grevet 2 collaborations
Blanca Gutierrez 2 collaborations
Jose Guzman-Parra 2 collaborations
Marian L Hamshere 2 collaborations
Joanna Hauser 2 collaborations
Per Hoffmann 2 collaborations
Marcus Ising 2 collaborations
Ian Jones 2 collaborations
Lisa A Jones 2 collaborations
Lina Jonsson 2 collaborations
René S Kahn 2 collaborations
John R Kelsoe 2 collaborations
Kenneth S Kendler 2 collaborations
Stefan Kloiber 2 collaborations
Karestan C Koenen 2 collaborations
Manolis Kogevinas 2 collaborations
Marie-Odile Krebs 2 collaborations
Mikael Landén 2 collaborations
Marion Leboyer 2 collaborations
Phil H Lee 2 collaborations
Douglas F Levinson 2 collaborations
Calwing Liao 2 collaborations
Jolanta Lissowska 2 collaborations
Fermin Mayoral 2 collaborations
Susan L McElroy 2 collaborations
Patrick McGrath 2 collaborations
Peter McGuffin 2 collaborations
Andrew McQuillin 2 collaborations
Divya Mehta 2 collaborations
Ingrid Melle 2 collaborations
Philip B Mitchell 2 collaborations
Esther Molina 2 collaborations
Gunnar Morken 2 collaborations
Caroline Nievergelt 2 collaborations
Markus M Nöthen 2 collaborations
Michael C O'Donovan 2 collaborations
Roel A Ophoff 2 collaborations
Michael J Owen 2 collaborations
Carlos Pato 2 collaborations
Michele T Pato 2 collaborations
Brenda W J H Penninx 2 collaborations
James B Potash 2 collaborations
Robert A Power 2 collaborations
Martin Preisig 2 collaborations
Digby Quested 2 collaborations
Andreas Reif 2 collaborations
Marta Ribasés 2 collaborations
Vanesa Richarte 2 collaborations
Marcella Rietschel 2 collaborations
Margarita Rivera 2 collaborations
Andrea Roberts 2 collaborations
Gloria Roberts 2 collaborations
Guy A Rouleau 2 collaborations
Diego L Rovaris 2 collaborations
Alan R Sanders 2 collaborations
Peter R Schofield 2 collaborations
Thomas G Schulze 2 collaborations
Laura J Scott 2 collaborations
Alessandro Serretti 2 collaborations
Jianxin Shi 2 collaborations
Lea Sirignano 2 collaborations
Pamela Sklar 2 collaborations
Olav B Smeland 2 collaborations
Jordan W Smoller 2 collaborations
Edmund J S Sonuga-Barke 2 collaborations
Maciej Trzaskowski 2 collaborations
Ming T Tsuang 2 collaborations
Gustavo Turecki 2 collaborations
Laura Vilar-Ribó 2 collaborations
John B Vincent 2 collaborations
Henry Völzke 2 collaborations
James T R Walters 2 collaborations
Thomas W Weickert 2 collaborations
Myrna M Weissman 2 collaborations
Leanne M Williams 2 collaborations
Naomi R Wray 2 collaborations
Clement C Zai 2 collaborations
Esben Agerbo 2 collaborations
Anders D Børglum 2 collaborations
Gerome Breen 2 collaborations
Ditte Demontis 2 collaborations
Annette Erlangsen 2 collaborations
Joel Gelernter 2 collaborations
Stephen J Glatt 2 collaborations
David M Hougaard 2 collaborations
Hai-Gwo Hwu 2 collaborations
Po-Hsiu Kuo 2 collaborations
Cathryn M Lewis 2 collaborations
Qingqin S Li 2 collaborations
Chih-Min Liu 2 collaborations
Nicholas G Martin 2 collaborations
Andrew M McIntosh 2 collaborations
Sarah E Medland 2 collaborations
Ole Mors 2 collaborations
Merete Nordentoft 2 collaborations
Catherine M Olsen 2 collaborations
David Porteous 2 collaborations
Daniel J Smith 2 collaborations
Eli A Stahl 2 collaborations
Murray B Stein 2 collaborations
Thomas Werge 2 collaborations
David C Whiteman 2 collaborations
Virginia Willour 2 collaborations
Hilary Coon 2 collaborations
Jean C Beckham 2 collaborations
Nathan A Kimbrel 2 collaborations
Douglas M Ruderfer 2 collaborations
Marc Sokolowski 1 collaboration
Nicola Krähenbühl 1 collaboration
Chen Wang 1 collaboration
Lukas Zwicky 1 collaboration
Christine Schweizer 1 collaboration
Tamara Horn Lang 1 collaboration
Beat Hintermann 1 collaboration
Brandán Pedre 1 collaboration
Deepti Talwar 1 collaboration
Uladzimir Barayeu 1 collaboration
Danny Schilling 1 collaboration
Marcin Luzarowski 1 collaboration
Mikolaj Sokolowski 1 collaboration
Sebastian Glatt 1 collaboration
Tobias P Dick 1 collaboration
Balasz Murnyak 1 collaboration
Frank Wendt 1 collaboration
Amanda V Bakian 1 collaboration
Consuelo Walss-Bass 1 collaboration
Chittaranjan Behera 1 collaboration
John I Nurnberger 1 collaboration
Renato Polimanti 1 collaboration
Michelle Dennis 1 collaboration
Melanie Garrett 1 collaboration
Lauren Hair 1 collaboration
Philip Harvey 1 collaboration
Jennifer Huffman 1 collaboration
Daniel Jacobson 1 collaboration
Ravi Madduri 1 collaboration
Jodie Trafton 1 collaboration
Erik D Christensen 1 collaboration
Annette M Hartmann 1 collaboration
Robert Harbers 1 collaboration
Timo Heepenstrick 1 collaboration
Dmitrii F Perepichka 1 collaboration
Moritz Sokolowski 1 collaboration
B T Freeman 1 collaboration
A M Roy-Engel 1 collaboration
M E Smither 1 collaboration
V P Belancio 1 collaboration
Adriana Lori 1 collaboration
Andrew W Bergen 1 collaboration
Harry Brandt 1 collaboration
Steven Crawford 1 collaboration
Manfred M Fichter 1 collaboration
Steven Gallinger 1 collaboration
Pierre J Magistretti 1 collaboration
Richard M Myers 1 collaboration
Tracy M Air 1 collaboration
Adebayo Anjorin 1 collaboration
Rosa Bosch 1 collaboration
Miguel Casas 1 collaboration
Sven Cichon 1 collaboration
David Craig 1 collaboration
Franziska Degenhardt 1 collaboration
Ayman H Fanous 1 collaboration
Pablo V Gejman 1 collaboration
Steven P Hamilton 1 collaboration
Annette Hartmann 1 collaboration
Bettina Konte 1 collaboration
Jacob Lawrence 1 collaboration
Susanne Lucae 1 collaboration
Yuri Milaneschi 1 collaboration
Preben Bo Mortensen 1 collaboration
Bertram Müller-Myhsok 1 collaboration
Vishwajit Nimgaonkar 1 collaboration
Jonathan Pimm 1 collaboration
Dan Rujescu 1 collaboration
Cristina Sánchez-Mora 1 collaboration
Stanley I Shyn 1 collaboration
Gianfranco Spalletta 1 collaboration
John S Strauss 1 collaboration
Beata Świątkowska 1 collaboration
Jennifer H Lindquist 1 collaboration
Tõnu Esko 1 collaboration
S M Rao 1 collaboration
R Galioto 1 collaboration
M McGinley 1 collaboration
J Freiburger 1 collaboration
M Weber 1 collaboration
T Dey 1 collaboration
L Mourany 1 collaboration
D Schindler 1 collaboration
C Reece 1 collaboration
D M Miller 1 collaboration
F Bethoux 1 collaboration
R A Bermel 1 collaboration
J R Williams 1 collaboration
N Levitt 1 collaboration
G A Phillips 1 collaboration
J K Rhodes 1 collaboration
J Alberts 1 collaboration
R A Rudick 1 collaboration
Thorsten Lichtenstein 1 collaboration
De-Hua Chang 1 collaboration
N Große Hokamp 1 collaboration
M T Berninger 1 collaboration
R M Simons 1 collaboration
M Hellmich 1 collaboration
D Maintz 1 collaboration
T D Henning 1 collaboration