Andrew McQuillin

  • Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London (Mullins, Coleman, R.A. Mehta, Breen, McGuffin, Lewis); Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York (Mullins, Stahl, Sklar); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, (Bigdeli, Fanous); Department of Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va. (Bigdeli, Fanous, Kendler); Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark (Børglum, Demontis, Starnawska); iSEQ, Centre for Integrative Sequencing, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark (Børglum, Demontis, Starnawska, Mortensen); iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Denmark (Børglum, Demontis, Starnawska, Hougaard, Agerbo, Nordentoft, Mors, Mortensen, Hansen, Werge, Appadurai); Queensland Brain Institute, the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (D. Mehta, Wray); School of Psychology and Counseling, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (D. Mehta); Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston (Ripke, Lee); Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Charité Mitte, Berlin, Germany (Ripke); Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute, Cambridge, Mass. (Ripke, Stahl); Department of Psychiatry and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York (Stahl, Sklar, Kahn); Psychiatry, Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Bracknell, U.K. (Anjorin); Neuropsychiatric Genetics Research Group, Department of Psychiatry and Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (Corvin); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Chicago (Sanders, Gejman); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Evanston, Ill. (Sanders, Gejman); Department of Psychiatry (UPK), University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland (Forstner); Institute of Medical Genetics and Pathology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland (Forstner, Hoffmann, Cichon); Human Genomics Research Group, Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland (Forstner); Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, Germany (Forstner, Koller, Degenhardt, Nöthen, Hoffmann, Cichon); Life and Brain Center, Department of Genomics, University of Bonn, Germany (Forstner, Koller, Degenhardt, Nöthen, Hoffmann); Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany (Reif); Department of Environmental Epidemiology, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Lodz, Poland (Świątkowska); Department of Psychiatry, Melbourne Medical School, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia (Baune); Department of Psychiatry, University of Münster, Münster, Germany (Baune); University of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K. (Müller-Myhsok); Department of Translational Research in Psychiatry, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany (Müller-Myhsok, Binder); Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy), Munich, Germany (Müller-Myhsok); Department of Psychiatry, University of Halle, Halle, Germany (Rujescu, Giegling); Department of Psychiatry, Vrije Universiteit Medical Center and GGZ inGeest, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Penninx, Milaneschi); College of Medicine Institute for Genomic Health, SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, Brooklyn, New York (C. Pato); Institute for Genomic Health, SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, Brooklyn, New York (C. Pato, M.T. Pato); Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto (Zai, Vincent, Strauss, Kloiber); Department of Psychiatry, University of Munich, Munich, Germany (Rujescu, Giegling); Center for Neonatal Screening, Department for Congenital Disorders, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark (Hougaard); Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K. (Quested); Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (Levinson); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Ga. (Binder); Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (Byrne, Trzaskowski, Wray); Centre for Integrated Register-based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark (Agerbo, Mortensen); National Centre for Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark (Agerbo, Mortensen); Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany (Streit, Strohmaier, Schulze); Mental Health Department, University Regional Hospital. Biomedicine Institute (IBIMA), Málaga, Spain (Mayoral, Guzman-Parra); Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris (Bellivier, Leboyer); Paris Bipolar and TRD Expert Centres, FondaMental Foundation, Paris (Bellivier); UMR-S1144 Team 1: Biomarkers of relapse and therapeutic response in addiction and mood disorders, INSERM, Paris (Bellivier); Psychiatry, Université Paris Diderot, Paris (Bellivier); NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre, King's College London (Breen); Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology-NTNU, Trondheim, Norway (Morken); Psychiatry, St. Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway (Morken); Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal (Turecki); Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Faculty of Medicine, Montreal. (Rouleau); Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (Rouleau); Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (Grabe, Van der Auwera); Institute for Community Medicine, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany (Völzke); Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, U.K. (Jones, Hamshere, O'Donovan, Owen, Craddock); Department of Psychiatric Research, Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo, Norway (Agartz); NORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Institute of Clinical Medicine and Diakonhjemmet Hospital, University of Oslo, Norway (Agartz); Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Centre for Psychiatry Research, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden (Agartz); Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital (Melle); Division of Mental Health and Addiction, University of Oslo, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Oslo (Melle); Psychiatry, North East London NHS Foundation Trust, Ilford, U.K. (Lawrence); MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, U.K. (Walters); Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md. (Shi); Department of Psychiatry, Laboratory of Psychiatric Genetics, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland (Hauser); Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. (Biernacka); Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, Calif. (Kelsoe); Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto (Strauss, Kloiber); Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, M. Sklodowska-Curie Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, Poland (Lissowska); Division of Psychiatry, University College London (Pimm, Bass, McQuillin); Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston (Smoller); Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit (PNGU), Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Smoller); Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, Mass (Smoller, Lee); Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, University of Münster, Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (Berger); Center for Statistical Genetics and Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Scott, Boehnke); Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Worcester, Worcester, U.K. (Jones); Department of Psychiatry, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal (Azevedo); Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Barcelona, Spain (Kogevinas); Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (Rietschel); Psychiatry, UMC Utrecht Hersencentrum Rudolf Magnus, Utrecht, the Netherlands (Boks, Kahn); Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany (Ising, Kloiber, Lucae); Biometric Psychiatric Genetics Research Unit, Alexandru Obregia Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Bucharest, Romania (Grigoroiu-Serbanescu); Faculté de Médecine, Université Paris Est, Créteil, France (Leboyer, Jamain); INSERM, Paris (Leboyer); Department of Psychiatry & Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. (Frye); Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (Alda); National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany, Czech Republic (Alda); Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital of Lausanne, Prilly, Vaud, Switzerland (Preisig); Mental Health Center Copenhagen, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark (Nordentoft); Genetics and Computational Biology, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (Renteria); Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), Medical Center of the University of Munich, Munich, Germany (Budde, Schulze); Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York (Weissman, McGrath); Division of Epidemiology, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York (Weissman); Department of Neurosciences, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, Calif. (Smeland); Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital (Smeland, Andreassen); NORMENT, University of Oslo (Smeland, Andreassen); Psychosis Research Unit, Aarhus University Hospital, Risskov, Aarhus, Denmark (Mors); Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York (Sklar); Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland (Hoffmann, Cichon); Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit, Mass. General Hospital, Boston (Lee); Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, Los Angeles (Ophoff); UMC Utrecht Hersencentrum Rudolf Magnus, Utrecht, the Netherlands (Ophoff); Department of Clinical Sciences, Psychiatry, Umeå University Medical Faculty, Umeå, Sweden (Adolfsson); NORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Norway (Djurovic); Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital Ullevål, (Djurovic); Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland (Heilmann-Heimbach); Psychiatrie Translationnelle, Inserm U955, Créteil, France (Jamain); Psychiatry, Kaiser Permanente Northern California, San Francisco (Hamilton); Research Institute, Lindner Center of HOPE, Mason, Ohio, (McElroy); Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1), Research Centre Jülich, Jülich, Germany (Cichon); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Md. (Schulze); Human Genetics Branch, Intramural Research Program, NIMH, Bethesda, Md. (Schulze); Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Göttingen, Goettingen, Niedersachsen, Germany (Schulze); Institute of Biological Psychiatry, MHC Sct. Hans, Mental Health Services Copenhagen (Hansen); Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen (Werge); Institute of Biological Psychiatry, MHC Sct. Hans, Mental Health Services Copenhagen, Roskilde, Denmark (Werge); Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia (Air); Psychiatry and Human Genetics, University of Pittsburgh (Nimgaonkar); Department of Psychiatry, UMC Utrecht Hersencentrum Rudolf Magnus, Utrecht, the Netherlands (Cahn); Department of Medical & Molecular Genetics, King's College London (Lewis).

Publications (49)

GWAS of Suicide Attempt in Psychiatric Disorders and Association With Major Depression Polygenic Risk Scores.

The American journal of psychiatry
Avec: Niamh Mullins , Tim B Bigdeli , Anders D Børglum , Jonathan R I Coleman , Ditte Demontis , Divya Mehta , Robert A Power , Stephan Ripke , Eli A Stahl , Anna Starnawska , Adebayo Anjorin , Auteur inconnu , Aiden Corvin , Alan R Sanders , Andreas J Forstner , Andreas Reif , Anna C Koller , Beata Świątkowska , Bernhard T Baune , Bertram Müller-Myhsok , Brenda W J H Penninx , Carlos Pato , Clement Zai , Dan Rujescu , David M Hougaard , Digby Quested , Douglas F Levinson , Elisabeth B Binder , Enda M Byrne , Esben Agerbo , Auteur inconnu , Fabian Streit , Fermin Mayoral , Frank Bellivier , Franziska Degenhardt , Gerome Breen , Gunnar Morken , Gustavo Turecki , Guy A Rouleau , Hans J Grabe , Henry Völzke , Ian Jones , Ina Giegling , Ingrid Agartz , Ingrid Melle , Jacob Lawrence , Auteur inconnu , James T R Walters , Jana Strohmaier , Jianxin Shi , Joanna Hauser , Joanna M Biernacka , John B Vincent , John Kelsoe , John S Strauss , Jolanta Lissowska , Jonathan Pimm , Auteur inconnu , Jordan W Smoller , José Guzman-Parra , Klaus Berger , Laura J Scott , Lisa A Jones , M Helena Azevedo , Maciej Trzaskowski , Manolis Kogevinas , Marcella Rietschel , Marco Boks , Marcus Ising , Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu , Marian L Hamshere , Marion Leboyer , Mark Frye , Markus M Nöthen , Martin Alda , Martin Preisig , Merete Nordentoft , Michael Boehnke , Michael C O'Donovan , Michael J Owen , Michele T Pato , Miguel E Renteria , Monika Budde , Auteur inconnu , Myrna M Weissman , Naomi R Wray , Nicholas Bass , Auteur inconnu , Nicholas Craddock , Olav B Smeland , Ole A Andreassen , Ole Mors , Pablo V Gejman , Pamela Sklar , Patrick McGrath , Per Hoffmann , Peter McGuffin , Phil H Lee , Preben Bo Mortensen , René S Kahn , Roel A Ophoff , Rolf Adolfsson , Sandra Van der Auwera , Srdjan Djurovic , Stefan Kloiber , Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach , Stéphane Jamain , Steven P Hamilton , Susan L McElroy , Susanne Lucae , Sven Cichon , Thomas G Schulze , Thomas Hansen , Thomas Werge , Tracy M Air , Vishwajit Nimgaonkar , Vivek Appadurai , Wiepke Cahn , Yuri Milaneschi , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Ayman H Fanous , Kenneth S Kendler , Cathryn M Lewis

Genome-wide association study identifies 30 loci associated with bipolar disorder.

Nature genetics
Avec: Eli A Stahl , Gerome Breen , Andreas J Forstner , Stephan Ripke , Vassily Trubetskoy , Manuel Mattheisen , Yunpeng Wang , Jonathan R I Coleman , Héléna A Gaspar , Christiaan A de Leeuw , Stacy Steinberg , Jennifer M Whitehead Pavlides , Maciej Trzaskowski , Enda M Byrne , Tune H Pers , Peter A Holmans , Alexander L Richards , Liam Abbott , Esben Agerbo , Huda Akil , Diego Albani , Ney Alliey-Rodriguez , Thomas D Als , Adebayo Anjorin , Verneri Antilla , Swapnil Awasthi , Judith A Badner , Marie Bækvad-Hansen , Jack D Barchas , Nicholas Bass , Michael Bauer , Richard Belliveau , Sarah E Bergen , Carsten Bøcker Pedersen , Erlend Bøen , Marco P Boks , James Boocock , Monika Budde , William Bunney , Margit Burmeister , Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm , William Byerley , Miquel Casas , Felecia Cerrato , Pablo Cervantes , Kimberly Chambert , Alexander W Charney , Danfeng Chen , Claire Churchhouse , Toni-Kim Clarke , William Coryell , David W Craig , Cristiana Cruceanu , David Curtis , Piotr M Czerski , Anders M Dale , Simone de Jong , Franziska Degenhardt , Jurgen Del-Favero , J Raymond DePaulo , Srdjan Djurovic , Amanda L Dobbyn , Ashley Dumont , Torbjørn Elvsåshagen , Valentina Escott-Price , Chun Chieh Fan , Sascha B Fischer , Matthew Flickinger , Tatiana M Foroud , Liz Forty , Josef Frank , Christine Fraser , Nelson B Freimer , Louise Frisén , Katrin Gade , Diane Gage , Julie Garnham , Claudia Giambartolomei , Marianne Giørtz Pedersen , Jaqueline Goldstein , Scott D Gordon , Katherine Gordon-Smith , Elaine K Green , Melissa J Green , Tiffany A Greenwood , Jakob Grove , Weihua Guan , José Guzman-Parra , Marian L Hamshere , Martin Hautzinger , Urs Heilbronner , Stefan Herms , Maria Hipolito , Per Hoffmann , Dominic Holland , Laura Huckins , Stéphane Jamain , Jessica S Johnson , Anders Juréus , Radhika Kandaswamy , Robert Karlsson , James L Kennedy , Sarah Kittel-Schneider , James A Knowles , Manolis Kogevinas , Anna C Koller , Ralph Kupka , Catharina Lavebratt , Jacob Lawrence , William B Lawson , Markus Leber , Phil H Lee , Shawn E Levy , Jun Z Li , Chunyu Liu , Susanne Lucae , Anna Maaser , Donald J MacIntyre , Pamela B Mahon , Wolfgang Maier , Lina Martinsson , Steve McCarroll , Peter McGuffin , Melvin G McInnis , James D McKay , Helena Medeiros , Sarah E Medland , Fan Meng , Lili Milani , Grant W Montgomery , Derek W Morris , Thomas W Mühleisen , Niamh Mullins , Hoang Nguyen , Caroline M Nievergelt , Annelie Nordin Adolfsson , Evaristus A Nwulia , Claire O'Donovan , Loes M Olde Loohuis , Anil P S Ori , Lilijana Oruc , Urban Ösby , Roy H Perlis , Amy Perry , Andrea Pfennig , James B Potash , Shaun M Purcell , Eline J Regeer , Andreas Reif , Céline S Reinbold , John P Rice , Fabio Rivas , Margarita Rivera , Panos Roussos , Douglas M Ruderfer , Euijung Ryu , Cristina Sánchez-Mora , Alan F Schatzberg , William A Scheftner , Nicholas J Schork , Cynthia Shannon Weickert , Tatyana Shehktman , Paul D Shilling , Engilbert Sigurdsson , Claire Slaney , Olav B Smeland , Janet L Sobell , Christine Søholm Hansen , Anne T Spijker , David St Clair , Michael Steffens , John S Strauss , Fabian Streit , Jana Strohmaier , Szabolcs Szelinger , Robert C Thompson , Thorgeir E Thorgeirsson , Jens Treutlein , Helmut Vedder , Weiqing Wang , Stanley J Watson , Thomas W Weickert , Stephanie H Witt , Simon Xi , Wei Xu , Allan H Young , Peter Zandi , Peng Zhang , Sebastian Zöllner , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Rolf Adolfsson , Ingrid Agartz , Martin Alda , Lena Backlund , Bernhard T Baune , Frank Bellivier , Wade H Berrettini , Joanna M Biernacka , Douglas H R Blackwood , Michael Boehnke , Anders D Børglum , Aiden Corvin , Nicholas Craddock , Mark J Daly , Udo Dannlowski , Tõnu Esko , Bruno Etain , Mark Frye , Janice M Fullerton , Elliot S Gershon , Michael Gill , Fernando Goes , Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu , Joanna Hauser , David M Hougaard , Christina M Hultman , Ian Jones , Lisa A Jones , René S Kahn , George Kirov , Mikael Landén , Marion Leboyer , Cathryn M Lewis , Qingqin S Li , Jolanta Lissowska , Nicholas G Martin , Fermin Mayoral , Susan L McElroy , Andrew M McIntosh , Francis J McMahon , Ingrid Melle , Andres Metspalu , Philip B Mitchell , Gunnar Morken , Ole Mors , Preben Bo Mortensen , Bertram Müller-Myhsok , Richard M Myers , Benjamin M Neale , Vishwajit Nimgaonkar , Merete Nordentoft , Markus M Nöthen , Michael C O'Donovan , Ketil J Oedegaard , Michael J Owen , Sara A Paciga , Carlos Pato , Michele T Pato , Danielle Posthuma , Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga , Marta Ribasés , Marcella Rietschel , Guy A Rouleau , Martin Schalling , Peter R Schofield , Thomas G Schulze , Alessandro Serretti , Jordan W Smoller , Hreinn Stefansson , Kari Stefansson , Eystein Stordal , Patrick F Sullivan , Gustavo Turecki , Arne E Vaaler , Eduard Vieta , John B Vincent , Thomas Werge , John I Nurnberger , Naomi R Wray , Arianna Di Florio , Howard J Edenberg , Sven Cichon , Roel A Ophoff , Laura J Scott , Ole A Andreassen , John Kelsoe , Pamela Sklar , Auteur inconnu

Rare coding variants in ten genes confer substantial risk for schizophrenia.

Avec: Tarjinder Singh , Timothy Poterba , David Curtis , Huda Akil , Mariam Al Eissa , Jack D Barchas , Nicholas Bass , Tim B Bigdeli , Gerome Breen , Evelyn J Bromet , Peter F Buckley , William E Bunney , Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm , William F Byerley , Sinéad B Chapman , Wei J Chen , Claire Churchhouse , Nicholas Craddock , Caroline M Cusick , Lynn DeLisi , Sheila Dodge , Michael A Escamilla , Saana Eskelinen , Ayman H Fanous , Stephen V Faraone , Alessia Fiorentino , Laurent Francioli , Stacey B Gabriel , Diane Gage , Sarah A Gagliano Taliun , Andrea Ganna , Giulio Genovese , David C Glahn , Jakob Grove , Mei-Hua Hall , Eija Hämäläinen , Henrike O Heyne , Matti Holi , David M Hougaard , Daniel P Howrigan , Hailiang Huang , Hai-Gwo Hwu , René S Kahn , Hyun Min Kang , Konrad J Karczewski , George Kirov , James A Knowles , Francis S Lee , Douglas S Lehrer , Francesco Lescai , Dolores Malaspina , Stephen R Marder , Steven A McCarroll , Andrew M McIntosh , Helena Medeiros , Lili Milani , Christopher P Morley , Derek W Morris , Preben Bo Mortensen , Richard M Myers , Merete Nordentoft , Niamh L O'Brien , Ana Maria Olivares , Dost Ongur , Willem H Ouwehand , Duncan S Palmer , Tiina Paunio , Digby Quested , Mark H Rapaport , Elliott Rees , Brandi Rollins , F Kyle Satterstrom , Alan Schatzberg , Edward Scolnick , Laura J Scott , Sally I Sharp , Pamela Sklar , Jordan W Smoller , Janet L Sobell , Matthew Solomonson , Eli A Stahl , Christine R Stevens , Jaana Suvisaari , Grace Tiao , Stanley J Watson , Nicholas A Watts , Douglas H Blackwood , Anders D Børglum , Bruce M Cohen , Aiden P Corvin , Tõnu Esko , Nelson B Freimer , Stephen J Glatt , Christina M Hultman , Aarno Palotie , Carlos N Pato , Michele T Pato , Ann E Pulver , David St Clair , Ming T Tsuang , Marquis P Vawter , James T Walters , Thomas M Werge , Roel A Ophoff , Patrick F Sullivan , Michael J Owen , Michael Boehnke , Michael C O'Donovan , Benjamin M Neale , Mark J Daly

Genetic meta-analysis of diagnosed Alzheimer's disease identifies new risk loci and implicates Aβ, tau, immunity and lipid processing.

Nature genetics
Avec: Brian W Kunkle , Benjamin Grenier-Boley , Rebecca Sims , Joshua C Bis , Vincent Damotte , Adam C Naj , Anne Boland , Maria Vronskaya , Sven J van der Lee , Alexandre Amlie-Wolf , Céline Bellenguez , Aura Frizatti , Vincent Chouraki , Eden R Martin , Kristel Sleegers , Nandini Badarinarayan , Johanna Jakobsdottir , Kara L Hamilton-Nelson , Sonia Moreno-Grau , Robert Olaso , Rachel Raybould , Yuning Chen , Amanda B Kuzma , Mikko Hiltunen , Taniesha Morgan , Shahzad Ahmad , Badri N Vardarajan , Jacques Epelbaum , Per Hoffmann , Merce Boada , Gary W Beecham , Jean-Guillaume Garnier , Denise Harold , Annette L Fitzpatrick , Otto Valladares , Marie-Laure Moutet , Amy Gerrish , Albert V Smith , Liming Qu , Delphine Bacq , Nicola Denning , Xueqiu Jian , Yi Zhao , Maria Del Zompo , Nick C Fox , Seung-Hoan Choi , Ignacio Mateo , Joseph T Hughes , Hieab H Adams , John Malamon , Florentino Sanchez-Garcia , Yogen Patel , Jennifer A Brody , Beth A Dombroski , Maria Candida Deniz Naranjo , Makrina Daniilidou , Gudny Eiriksdottir , Shubhabrata Mukherjee , David Wallon , James Uphill , Thor Aspelund , Laura B Cantwell , Fabienne Garzia , Daniela Galimberti , Edith Hofer , Mariusz Butkiewicz , Bertrand Fin , Elio Scarpini , Chloe Sarnowski , Will S Bush , Stéphane Meslage , Johannes Kornhuber , Charles C White , Yuenjoo Song , Robert C Barber , Sebastiaan Engelborghs , Sabrina Sordon , Dina Voijnovic , Perrie M Adams , Rik Vandenberghe , Manuel Mayhaus , L Adrienne Cupples , Marilyn S Albert , Peter P De Deyn , Wei Gu , Jayanadra J Himali , Duane Beekly , Alessio Squassina , Annette M Hartmann , Adelina Orellana , Deborah Blacker , Eloy Rodriguez-Rodriguez , Simon Lovestone , Melissa E Garcia , Rachelle S Doody , Carmen Munoz-Fernadez , Rebecca Sussams , Honghuang Lin , Thomas J Fairchild , Yolanda A Benito , Clive Holmes , Hata Karamujić-Čomić , Matthew P Frosch , Hakan Thonberg , Wolfgang Maier , Gennady Roshchupkin , Bernardino Ghetti , Vilmantas Giedraitis , Amit Kawalia , Shuo Li , Ryan M Huebinger , Lena Kilander , Susanne Moebus , Isabel Hernández , M Ilyas Kamboh , RoseMarie Brundin , James Turton , Qiong Yang , Mindy J Katz , Letizia Concari , Jenny Lord , Alexa S Beiser , C Dirk Keene , Seppo Helisalmi , Iwona Kloszewska , Walter A Kukull , Anne Maria Koivisto , Aoibhinn Lynch , Lluís Tarraga , Eric B Larson , Annakaisa Haapasalo , Brian Lawlor , Thomas H Mosley , Richard B Lipton , Vincenzo Solfrizzi , Michael Gill , W T Longstreth , Thomas J Montine , Vincenza Frisardi , Monica Diez-Fairen , Fernando Rivadeneira , Ronald C Petersen , Vincent Deramecourt , Ignacio Alvarez , Francesca Salani , Antonio Ciaramella , Eric Boerwinkle , Eric M Reiman , Nathalie Fievet , Jerome I Rotter , Joan S Reisch , Olivier Hanon , Chiara Cupidi , A G Andre Uitterlinden , Donald R Royall , Carole Dufouil , Raffaele Giovanni Maletta , Itziar de Rojas , Mary Sano , Alexis Brice , Roberta Cecchetti , Peter St George-Hyslop , Karen Ritchie , Magda Tsolaki , Debby W Tsuang , Bruno Dubois , David Craig , Chuang-Kuo Wu , Hilkka Soininen , Despoina Avramidou , Roger L Albin , Laura Fratiglioni , Antonia Germanou , Liana G Apostolova , Lina Keller , Maria Koutroumani , Steven E Arnold , Francesco Panza , Olymbia Gkatzima , Sanjay Asthana , Didier Hannequin , Patrice Whitehead , Craig S Atwood , Paolo Caffarra , Harald Hampel , Inés Quintela , Ángel Carracedo , Lars Lannfelt , David C Rubinsztein , Lisa L Barnes , Florence Pasquier , Lutz Frölich , Sandra Barral , Bernadette McGuinness , Thomas G Beach , Janet A Johnston , James T Becker , Peter Passmore , Eileen H Bigio , Jonathan M Schott , Thomas D Bird , Jason D Warren , Bradley F Boeve , Michelle K Lupton , James D Bowen , Petra Proitsi , Adam Boxer , John F Powell , James R Burke , John S K Kauwe , Jeffrey M Burns , Michelangelo Mancuso , Joseph D Buxbaum , Ubaldo Bonuccelli , Nigel J Cairns , Chuanhai Cao , Gill Livingston , Chris S Carlson , Nicholas J Bass , Cynthia M Carlsson , John Hardy , Regina M Carney , Jose Bras , Minerva M Carrasquillo , Rita Guerreiro , Mariet Allen , Helena C Chui , Elizabeth Fisher , Carlo Masullo , Elizabeth A Crocco , Charles DeCarli , Gina Bisceglio , Malcolm Dick , Li Ma , Ranjan Duara , Neill R Graff-Radford , Denis A Evans , Angela Hodges , Kelley M Faber , Martin Scherer , Kenneth B Fallon , Matthias Riemenschneider , David W Fardo , Reinhard Heun , Martin R Farlow , Heike Kölsch , Steven Ferris , Markus Leber , Tatiana M Foroud , Isabella Heuser , Douglas R Galasko , Ina Giegling , Marla Gearing , Michael Hüll , Daniel H Geschwind , John R Gilbert , John Morris , Robert C Green , Kevin Mayo , John H Growdon , Thomas Feulner , Ronald L Hamilton , Lindy E Harrell , Dmitriy Drichel , Lawrence S Honig , Thomas D Cushion , Matthew J Huentelman , Paul Hollingworth , Christine M Hulette , Bradley T Hyman , Rachel Marshall , Gail P Jarvik , Alun Meggy , Erin Abner , Georgina E Menzies , Lee-Way Jin , Ganna Leonenko , Luis M Real , Gyungah R Jun , Clinton T Baldwin , Detelina Grozeva , Anna Karydas , Giancarlo Russo , Jeffrey A Kaye , Ronald Kim , Frank Jessen , Neil W Kowall , Bruno Vellas , Joel H Kramer , Emma Vardy , Frank M LaFerla , Karl-Heinz Jöckel , James J Lah , Martin Dichgans , James B Leverenz , David Mann , Allan I Levey , Stuart Pickering-Brown , Andrew P Lieberman , Norman Klopp , Kathryn L Lunetta , H-Erich Wichmann , Constantine G Lyketsos , Kevin Morgan , Daniel C Marson , Kristelle Brown , Frank Martiniuk , Christopher Medway , Deborah C Mash , Markus M Nöthen , Eliezer Masliah , Nigel M Hooper , Wayne C McCormick , Antonio Daniele , Susan M McCurry , Anthony Bayer , Andrew N McDavid , John Gallacher , Ann C McKee , Hendrik van den Bussche , Marsel Mesulam , Carol Brayne , Bruce L Miller , Steffi Riedel-Heller , Carol A Miller , Joshua W Miller , Ammar Al-Chalabi , John C Morris , Christopher E Shaw , Amanda J Myers , Jens Wiltfang , Sid O'Bryant , John M Olichney , Victoria Alvarez , Joseph E Parisi , Andrew B Singleton , Henry L Paulson , John Collinge , William R Perry , Simon Mead , Elaine Peskind , David H Cribbs , Martin Rossor , Aimee Pierce , Natalie S Ryan , Wayne W Poon , Benedetta Nacmias , Huntington Potter , Sandro Sorbi , Joseph F Quinn , Eleonora Sacchinelli , Ashok Raj , Gianfranco Spalletta , Murray Raskind , Carlo Caltagirone , Paola Bossù , Maria Donata Orfei , Barry Reisberg , Robert Clarke , Christiane Reitz , A David Smith , John M Ringman , Donald Warden , Erik D Roberson , Gordon Wilcock , Ekaterina Rogaeva , Amalia Cecilia Bruni , Howard J Rosen , Maura Gallo , Roger N Rosenberg , Yoav Ben-Shlomo , Mark A Sager , Patrizia Mecocci , Andrew J Saykin , Pau Pastor , Michael L Cuccaro , Jeffery M Vance , Julie A Schneider , Lori S Schneider , Susan Slifer , William W Seeley , Amanda G Smith , Joshua A Sonnen , Salvatore Spina , Robert A Stern , Russell H Swerdlow , Mitchell Tang , Rudolph E Tanzi , John Q Trojanowski , Juan C Troncoso , Vivianna M Van Deerlin , Linda J Van Eldik , Harry V Vinters , Jean Paul Vonsattel , Sandra Weintraub , Kathleen A Welsh-Bohmer , Kirk C Wilhelmsen , Jennifer Williamson , Thomas S Wingo , Randall L Woltjer , Clinton B Wright , Chang-En Yu , Lei Yu , Yasaman Saba , Alberto Pilotto , Maria J Bullido , Oliver Peters , Paul K Crane , David Bennett , Paola Bosco , Eliecer Coto , Virginia Boccardi , Phil L De Jager , Alberto Lleo , Nick Warner , Oscar L Lopez , Martin Ingelsson , Panagiotis Deloukas , Carlos Cruchaga , Caroline Graff , Rhian Gwilliam , Myriam Fornage , Alison M Goate , Pascual Sanchez-Juan , Patrick G Kehoe , Najaf Amin , Nilifur Ertekin-Taner , Claudine Berr , Stéphanie Debette , Seth Love , Lenore J Launer , Steven G Younkin , Jean-Francois Dartigues , Chris Corcoran , M Arfan Ikram , Dennis W Dickson , Gael Nicolas , Dominique Campion , JoAnn Tschanz , Helena Schmidt , Hakon Hakonarson , Jordi Clarimon , Ron Munger , Reinhold Schmidt , Lindsay A Farrer , Christine Van Broeckhoven , Michael C O'Donovan , Anita L DeStefano , Lesley Jones , Jonathan L Haines , Jean-Francois Deleuze , Michael J Owen , Vilmundur Gudnason , Richard Mayeux , Valentina Escott-Price , Bruce M Psaty , Alfredo Ramirez , Li-San Wang , Agustin Ruiz , Cornelia M van Duijn , Peter A Holmans , Sudha Seshadri , Julie Williams , Phillippe Amouyel , Gerard D Schellenberg , Jean-Charles Lambert , Margaret A Pericak-Vance , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu

Characterisation of age and polarity at onset in bipolar disorder.

The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science
Avec: Janos L Kalman , Loes M Olde Loohuis , Annabel Vreeker , Eli A Stahl , Douglas Ruderfer , Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu , Georgia Panagiotaropoulou , Stephan Ripke , Tim B Bigdeli , Frederike Stein , Tina Meller , Susanne Meinert , Helena Pelin , Fabian Streit , Sergi Papiol , Mark J Adams , Rolf Adolfsson , Kristina Adorjan , Ingrid Agartz , Sofie R Aminoff , Heike Anderson-Schmidt , Ole A Andreassen , Raffaella Ardau , Jean-Michel Aubry , Ceylan Balaban , Nicholas Bass , Bernhard T Baune , Frank Bellivier , Antoni Benabarre , Susanne Bengesser , Wade H Berrettini , Marco P Boks , Evelyn J Bromet , Katharina Brosch , Monika Budde , William Byerley , Pablo Cervantes , Catina Chillotti , Sven Cichon , Scott R Clark , Ashley L Comes , Aiden Corvin , William Coryell , Nick Craddock , David W Craig , Paul E Croarkin , Cristiana Cruceanu , Piotr M Czerski , Nina Dalkner , Udo Dannlowski , Franziska Degenhardt , Maria Del Zompo , J Raymond DePaulo , Srdjan Djurovic , Howard J Edenberg , Mariam Al Eissa , Torbjørn Elvsåshagen , Bruno Etain , Ayman H Fanous , Frederike Fellendorf , Alessia Fiorentino , Andreas J Forstner , Mark A Frye , Janice M Fullerton , Katrin Gade , Julie Garnham , Elliot Gershon , Michael Gill , Fernando S Goes , Katherine Gordon-Smith , Paul Grof , Jose Guzman-Parra , Tim Hahn , Roland Hasler , Maria Heilbronner , Urs Heilbronner , Stephane Jamain , Esther Jimenez , Ian Jones , Lisa Jones , Lina Jonsson , Rene S Kahn , John R Kelsoe , James L Kennedy , Tilo Kircher , George Kirov , Sarah Kittel-Schneider , Farah Klöhn-Saghatolislam , James A Knowles , Thorsten M Kranz , Trine Vik Lagerberg , Mikael Landen , William B Lawson , Marion Leboyer , Qingqin S Li , Mario Maj , Dolores Malaspina , Mirko Manchia , Fermin Mayoral , Susan L McElroy , Melvin G McInnis , Andrew M McIntosh , Helena Medeiros , Ingrid Melle , Vihra Milanova , Philip B Mitchell , Palmiero Monteleone , Alessio Maria Monteleone , Markus M Nöthen , Tomas Novak , John I Nurnberger , Niamh O'Brien , Kevin S O'Connell , Claire O'Donovan , Michael C O'Donovan , Nils Opel , Abigail Ortiz , Michael J Owen , Erik Pålsson , Carlos Pato , Michele T Pato , Joanna Pawlak , Julia-Katharina Pfarr , Claudia Pisanu , James B Potash , Mark H Rapaport , Daniela Reich-Erkelenz , Andreas Reif , Eva Reininghaus , Jonathan Repple , Hélène Richard-Lepouriel , Marcella Rietschel , Kai Ringwald , Gloria Roberts , Guy Rouleau , Sabrina Schaupp , William A Scheftner , Simon Schmitt , Peter R Schofield , K Oliver Schubert , Eva C Schulte , Barbara Schweizer , Fanny Senner , Giovanni Severino , Sally Sharp , Claire Slaney , Olav B Smeland , Janet L Sobell , Alessio Squassina , Pavla Stopkova , John Strauss , Alfonso Tortorella , Gustavo Turecki , Joanna Twarowska-Hauser , Marin Veldic , Eduard Vieta , John B Vincent , Wei Xu , Clement C Zai , Peter P Zandi , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Arianna Di Florio , Jordan W Smoller , Joanna M Biernacka , Francis J McMahon , Martin Alda , Bertram Müller-Myhsok , Nikolaos Koutsouleris , Peter Falkai , Nelson B Freimer , Till F M Andlauer , Thomas G Schulze , Roel A Ophoff

GWAS Meta-Analysis of Suicide Attempt: Identification of 12 Genome-Wide Significant Loci and Implication of Genetic Risks for Specific Health Factors.

The American journal of psychiatry
Avec: Anna R Docherty , Niamh Mullins , Allison E Ashley-Koch , Xuejun Qin , Jonathan R I Coleman , Andrey Shabalin , JooEun Kang , Balasz Murnyak , Frank Wendt , Mark Adams , Adrian I Campos , Emily DiBlasi , Janice M Fullerton , Henry R Kranzler , Amanda V Bakian , Eric T Monson , Miguel E Rentería , Consuelo Walss-Bass , Ole A Andreassen , Chittaranjan Behera , Cynthia M Bulik , Howard J Edenberg , Ronald C Kessler , J John Mann , John I Nurnberger , Giorgio Pistis , Fabian Streit , Robert J Ursano , Renato Polimanti , Michelle Dennis , Melanie Garrett , Lauren Hair , Philip Harvey , Elizabeth R Hauser , Michael A Hauser , Jennifer Huffman , Daniel Jacobson , Ravi Madduri , Benjamin McMahon , David W Oslin , Jodie Trafton , Swapnil Awasthi , Wade H Berrettini , Martin Bohus , Xiao Chang , Hsi-Chung Chen , Wei J Chen , Erik D Christensen , Scott Crow , Philibert Duriez , Alexis C Edwards , Fernando Fernández-Aranda , Hanga Galfalvy , Michael Gandal , Philip Gorwood , Yiran Guo , Jonathan D Hafferty , Hakon Hakonarson , Katherine A Halmi , Akitoyo Hishimoto , Sonia Jain , Stéphane Jamain , Susana Jiménez-Murcia , Craig Johnson , Allan S Kaplan , Walter H Kaye , Pamela K Keel , James L Kennedy , Minsoo Kim , Kelly L Klump , Daniel F Levey , Dong Li , Shih-Cheng Liao , Klaus Lieb , Lisa Lilenfeld , Christian R Marshall , James E Mitchell , Satoshi Okazaki , Ikuo Otsuka , Dalila Pinto , Abigail Powers , Nicolas Ramoz , Stephan Ripke , Stefan Roepke , Vsevolod Rozanov , Stephen W Scherer , Christian Schmahl , Marcus Sokolowski , Anna Starnawska , Michael Strober , Mei-Hsin Su , Laura M Thornton , Janet Treasure , Erin B Ware , Hunna J Watson , Stephanie H Witt , D Blake Woodside , Zeynep Yilmaz , Lea Zillich , Rolf Adolfsson , Ingrid Agartz , Martin Alda , Lars Alfredsson , Vivek Appadurai , María Soler Artigas , Sandra Van der Auwera , M Helena Azevedo , Nicholas Bass , Claiton H D Bau , Bernhard T Baune , Frank Bellivier , Klaus Berger , Joanna M Biernacka , Tim B Bigdeli , Elisabeth B Binder , Michael Boehnke , Marco P Boks , David L Braff , Richard Bryant , Monika Budde , Enda M Byrne , Wiepke Cahn , Enrique Castelao , Jorge A Cervilla , Boris Chaumette , Aiden Corvin , Nicholas Craddock , Srdjan Djurovic , Jerome C Foo , Andreas J Forstner , Mark Frye , Justine M Gatt , Ina Giegling , Hans J Grabe , Melissa J Green , Eugenio H Grevet , Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu , Blanca Gutierrez , Jose Guzman-Parra , Marian L Hamshere , Annette M Hartmann , Joanna Hauser , Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach , Per Hoffmann , Marcus Ising , Ian Jones , Lisa A Jones , Lina Jonsson , René S Kahn , John R Kelsoe , Kenneth S Kendler , Stefan Kloiber , Karestan C Koenen , Manolis Kogevinas , Marie-Odile Krebs , Mikael Landén , Marion Leboyer , Phil H Lee , Douglas F Levinson , Calwing Liao , Jolanta Lissowska , Fermin Mayoral , Susan L McElroy , Patrick McGrath , Peter McGuffin , Divya Mehta , Ingrid Melle , Philip B Mitchell , Esther Molina , Gunnar Morken , Caroline Nievergelt , Markus M Nöthen , Michael C O'Donovan , Roel A Ophoff , Michael J Owen , Carlos Pato , Michele T Pato , Brenda W J H Penninx , James B Potash , Robert A Power , Martin Preisig , Digby Quested , Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga , Andreas Reif , Marta Ribasés , Vanesa Richarte , Marcella Rietschel , Margarita Rivera , Andrea Roberts , Gloria Roberts , Guy A Rouleau , Diego L Rovaris , Alan R Sanders , Peter R Schofield , Thomas G Schulze , Laura J Scott , Alessandro Serretti , Jianxin Shi , Lea Sirignano , Pamela Sklar , Olav B Smeland , Jordan W Smoller , Edmund J S Sonuga-Barke , Maciej Trzaskowski , Ming T Tsuang , Gustavo Turecki , Laura Vilar-Ribó , John B Vincent , Henry Völzke , James T R Walters , Cynthia Shannon Weickert , Thomas W Weickert , Myrna M Weissman , Leanne M Williams , Naomi R Wray , Clement C Zai , Esben Agerbo , Anders D Børglum , Gerome Breen , Ditte Demontis , Annette Erlangsen , Joel Gelernter , Stephen J Glatt , David M Hougaard , Hai-Gwo Hwu , Po-Hsiu Kuo , Cathryn M Lewis , Qingqin S Li , Chih-Min Liu , Nicholas G Martin , Andrew M McIntosh , Sarah E Medland , Ole Mors , Merete Nordentoft , Catherine M Olsen , David Porteous , Daniel J Smith , Eli A Stahl , Murray B Stein , Danuta Wasserman , Thomas Werge , David C Whiteman , Virginia Willour , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Hilary Coon , Jean C Beckham , Nathan A Kimbrel , Douglas M Ruderfer

Sex-Dependent Shared and Nonshared Genetic Architecture Across Mood and Psychotic Disorders.

Biological psychiatry
Avec: Gabriëlla A M Blokland , Jakob Grove , Chia-Yen Chen , Chris Cotsapas , Stuart Tobet , Robert Handa , Auteur inconnu , David St Clair , Todd Lencz , Bryan J Mowry , Sathish Periyasamy , Murray J Cairns , Paul A Tooney , Jing Qin Wu , Brian Kelly , George Kirov , Patrick F Sullivan , Aiden Corvin , Brien P Riley , Tõnu Esko , Lili Milani , Erik G Jönsson , Aarno Palotie , Hannelore Ehrenreich , Martin Begemann , Agnes Steixner-Kumar , Pak C Sham , Nakao Iwata , Daniel R Weinberger , Pablo V Gejman , Alan R Sanders , Joseph D Buxbaum , Dan Rujescu , Ina Giegling , Bettina Konte , Annette M Hartmann , Elvira Bramon , Robin M Murray , Michele T Pato , Jimmy Lee , Ingrid Melle , Espen Molden , Roel A Ophoff , Nicholas J Bass , Rolf Adolfsson , Anil K Malhotra , Auteur inconnu , Nicholas G Martin , Janice M Fullerton , Philip B Mitchell , Peter R Schofield , Andreas J Forstner , Franziska Degenhardt , Sabrina Schaupp , Ashley L Comes , Manolis Kogevinas , José Guzman-Parra , Andreas Reif , Fabian Streit , Lea Sirignano , Sven Cichon , Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu , Joanna Hauser , Jolanta Lissowska , Fermin Mayoral , Bertram Müller-Myhsok , Beata Świątkowska , Thomas G Schulze , Markus M Nöthen , Marcella Rietschel , John Kelsoe , Marion Leboyer , Stéphane Jamain , Bruno Etain , Frank Bellivier , John B Vincent , Martin Alda , Claire O'Donovan , Pablo Cervantes , Joanna M Biernacka , Mark Frye , Susan L McElroy , Laura J Scott , Eli A Stahl , Mikael Landén , Marian L Hamshere , Olav B Smeland , Srdjan Djurovic , Arne E Vaaler , Ole A Andreassen , Auteur inconnu , Bernhard T Baune , Tracy Air , Martin Preisig , Rudolf Uher , Douglas F Levinson , Myrna M Weissman , James B Potash , Jianxin Shi , James A Knowles , Roy H Perlis , Susanne Lucae , Dorret I Boomsma , Brenda W J H Penninx , Jouke-Jan Hottenga , Eco J C de Geus , Gonneke Willemsen , Yuri Milaneschi , Henning Tiemeier , Hans J Grabe , Alexander Teumer , Sandra Van der Auwera , Uwe Völker , Steven P Hamilton , Patrik K E Magnusson , Alexander Viktorin , Divya Mehta , Niamh Mullins , Mark J Adams , Gerome Breen , Andrew M McIntosh , Cathryn M Lewis , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , David M Hougaard , Merete Nordentoft , Ole Mors , Preben B Mortensen , Thomas Werge , Thomas D Als , Anders D Børglum , Tracey L Petryshen , Jordan W Smoller , Jill M Goldstein

Fine-mapping genomic loci refines bipolar disorder risk genes.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences
Avec: Maria Koromina , Ashvin Ravi , Georgia Panagiotaropoulou , Brian M Schilder , Jack Humphrey , Alice Braun , Tim Bidgeli , Chris Chatzinakos , Brandon Coombes , Jaeyoung Kim , Xiaoxi Liu , Chikashi Terao , Kevin S O 'Connell , Mark Adams , Rolf Adolfsson , Martin Alda , Lars Alfredsson , Till F M Andlauer , Ole A Andreassen , Anastasia Antoniou , Bernhard T Baune , Susanne Bengesser , Joanna Biernacka , Michael Boehnke , Rosa Bosch , Murray Cairns , Vaughan J Carr , Miquel Casas , Stanley Catts , Sven Cichon , Aiden Corvin , Nicholas Craddock , Konstantinos Dafnas , Nina Dalkner , Udo Dannlowski , Franziska Degenhardt , Arianna Di Florio , Dimitris Dikeos , Frederike Tabea Fellendorf , Panagiotis Ferentinos , Andreas J Forstner , Liz Forty , Mark Frye , Janice M Fullerton , Micha Gawlik , Ian R Gizer , Katherine Gordon-Smith , Melissa J Green , Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu , José Guzman-Parra , Tim Hahn , Frans Henskens , Jan Hillert , Assen V Jablensky , Lisa Jones , Ian Jones , Lina Jonsson , John R Kelsoe , Tilo Kircher , George Kirov , Sarah Kittel-Schneider , Manolis Kogevinas , Mikael Landén , Marion Leboyer , Melanie Lenger , Jolanta Lissowska , Christine Lochner , Carmel Loughland , Donald MacIntyre , Nicholas G Martin , Eirini Maratou , Carol A Mathews , Fermin Mayoral , Susan L McElroy , Nathaniel W McGregor , Andrew McIntosh , Patricia Michie , Vihra Milanova , Philip B Mitchell , Paraskevi Moutsatsou , Bryan Mowry , Bertram Müller-Myhsok , Richard Myers , Igor Nenadić , Markus M Nöthen , Claire O'Donovan , Michael O'Donovan , Roel A Ophoff , Michael J Owen , Chris Pantelis , Carlos Pato , Michele T Pato , George P Patrinos , Joanna M Pawlak , Roy H Perlis , Evgenia Porichi , Danielle Posthuma , Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga , Andreas Reif , Eva Z Reininghaus , Marta Ribasés , Marcella Rietschel , Ulrich Schall , Thomas G Schulze , Laura Scott , Rodney J Scott , Alessandro Serretti , Cynthia Shannon Weickert , Jordan W Smoller , Maria Soler Artigas , Dan J Stein , Fabian Streit , Claudio Toma , Paul Tooney , Eduard Vieta , John B Vincent , Irwin D Waldman , Thomas Weickert , Stephanie H Witt , Kyung Sue Hong , Masashi Ikeda , Nakao Iwata , Beata Świątkowska , Hong-Hee Won , Howard J Edenberg , Stephan Ripke , Towfique Raj , Jonathan R I Coleman , Niamh Mullins

Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of major depression aids locus discovery, fine mapping, gene prioritization and causal inference.

Nature genetics

Author Correction: Genetic meta-analysis of diagnosed Alzheimer's disease identifies new risk loci and implicates Aβ, tau, immunity and lipid processing.

Nature genetics
Avec: Brian W Kunkle , Benjamin Grenier-Boley , Rebecca Sims , Joshua C Bis , Vincent Damotte , Adam C Naj , Anne Boland , Maria Vronskaya , Sven J van der Lee , Alexandre Amlie-Wolf , Céline Bellenguez , Aura Frizatti , Vincent Chouraki , Eden R Martin , Kristel Sleegers , Nandini Badarinarayan , Johanna Jakobsdottir , Kara L Hamilton-Nelson , Sonia Moreno-Grau , Robert Olaso , Rachel Raybould , Yuning Chen , Amanda B Kuzma , Mikko Hiltunen , Taniesha Morgan , Shahzad Ahmad , Badri N Vardarajan , Jacques Epelbaum , Per Hoffmann , Merce Boada , Gary W Beecham , Jean-Guillaume Garnier , Denise Harold , Annette L Fitzpatrick , Otto Valladares , Marie-Laure Moutet , Amy Gerrish , Albert V Smith , Liming Qu , Delphine Bacq , Nicola Denning , Xueqiu Jian , Yi Zhao , Maria Del Zompo , Nick C Fox , Seung-Hoan Choi , Ignacio Mateo , Joseph T Hughes , Hieab H Adams , John Malamon , Florentino Sanchez-Garcia , Yogen Patel , Jennifer A Brody , Beth A Dombroski , Maria Candida Deniz Naranjo , Makrina Daniilidou , Gudny Eiriksdottir , Shubhabrata Mukherjee , David Wallon , James Uphill , Thor Aspelund , Laura B Cantwell , Fabienne Garzia , Daniela Galimberti , Edith Hofer , Mariusz Butkiewicz , Bertrand Fin , Elio Scarpini , Chloe Sarnowski , Will S Bush , Stéphane Meslage , Johannes Kornhuber , Charles C White , Yuenjoo Song , Robert C Barber , Sebastiaan Engelborghs , Sabrina Sordon , Dina Voijnovic , Perrie M Adams , Rik Vandenberghe , Manuel Mayhaus , L Adrienne Cupples , Marilyn S Albert , Peter P De Deyn , Wei Gu , Jayanadra J Himali , Duane Beekly , Alessio Squassina , Annette M Hartmann , Adelina Orellana , Deborah Blacker , Eloy Rodriguez-Rodriguez , Simon Lovestone , Melissa E Garcia , Rachelle S Doody , Carmen Munoz-Fernadez , Rebecca Sussams , Honghuang Lin , Thomas J Fairchild , Yolanda A Benito , Clive Holmes , Hata Karamujić-Čomić , Matthew P Frosch , Hakan Thonberg , Wolfgang Maier , Gennady Roshchupkin , Bernardino Ghetti , Vilmantas Giedraitis , Amit Kawalia , Shuo Li , Ryan M Huebinger , Lena Kilander , Susanne Moebus , Isabel Hernández , M Ilyas Kamboh , RoseMarie Brundin , James Turton , Qiong Yang , Mindy J Katz , Letizia Concari , Jenny Lord , Alexa S Beiser , C Dirk Keene , Seppo Helisalmi , Iwona Kloszewska , Walter A Kukull , Anne Maria Koivisto , Aoibhinn Lynch , Lluís Tarraga , Eric B Larson , Annakaisa Haapasalo , Brian Lawlor , Thomas H Mosley , Richard B Lipton , Vincenzo Solfrizzi , Michael Gill , W T Longstreth , Thomas J Montine , Vincenza Frisardi , Monica Diez-Fairen , Fernando Rivadeneira , Ronald C Petersen , Vincent Deramecourt , Ignacio Alvarez , Francesca Salani , Antonio Ciaramella , Eric Boerwinkle , Eric M Reiman , Nathalie Fievet , Jerome I Rotter , Joan S Reisch , Olivier Hanon , Chiara Cupidi , A G Andre Uitterlinden , Donald R Royall , Carole Dufouil , Raffaele Giovanni Maletta , Itziar de Rojas , Mary Sano , Alexis Brice , Roberta Cecchetti , Peter St George-Hyslop , Karen Ritchie , Magda Tsolaki , Debby W Tsuang , Bruno Dubois , David Craig , Chuang-Kuo Wu , Hilkka Soininen , Despoina Avramidou , Roger L Albin , Laura Fratiglioni , Antonia Germanou , Liana G Apostolova , Lina Keller , Maria Koutroumani , Steven E Arnold , Francesco Panza , Olymbia Gkatzima , Sanjay Asthana , Didier Hannequin , Patrice Whitehead , Craig S Atwood , Paolo Caffarra , Harald Hampel , Inés Quintela , Ángel Carracedo , Lars Lannfelt , David C Rubinsztein , Lisa L Barnes , Florence Pasquier , Lutz Frölich , Sandra Barral , Bernadette McGuinness , Thomas G Beach , Janet A Johnston , James T Becker , Peter Passmore , Eileen H Bigio , Jonathan M Schott , Thomas D Bird , Jason D Warren , Bradley F Boeve , Michelle K Lupton , James D Bowen , Petra Proitsi , Adam Boxer , John F Powell , James R Burke , John S K Kauwe , Jeffrey M Burns , Michelangelo Mancuso , Joseph D Buxbaum , Ubaldo Bonuccelli , Nigel J Cairns , Chuanhai Cao , Gill Livingston , Chris S Carlson , Nicholas J Bass , Cynthia M Carlsson , John Hardy , Regina M Carney , Jose Bras , Minerva M Carrasquillo , Rita Guerreiro , Mariet Allen , Helena C Chui , Elizabeth Fisher , Carlo Masullo , Elizabeth A Crocco , Charles DeCarli , Gina Bisceglio , Malcolm Dick , Li Ma , Ranjan Duara , Neill R Graff-Radford , Denis A Evans , Angela Hodges , Kelley M Faber , Martin Scherer , Kenneth B Fallon , Matthias Riemenschneider , David W Fardo , Reinhard Heun , Martin R Farlow , Heike Kölsch , Steven Ferris , Markus Leber , Tatiana M Foroud , Isabella Heuser , Douglas R Galasko , Ina Giegling , Marla Gearing , Michael Hüll , Daniel H Geschwind , John R Gilbert , John Morris , Robert C Green , Kevin Mayo , John H Growdon , Thomas Feulner , Ronald L Hamilton , Lindy E Harrell , Dmitriy Drichel , Lawrence S Honig , Thomas D Cushion , Matthew J Huentelman , Paul Hollingworth , Christine M Hulette , Bradley T Hyman , Rachel Marshall , Gail P Jarvik , Alun Meggy , Erin Abner , Georgina E Menzies , Lee-Way Jin , Ganna Leonenko , Luis M Real , Gyungah R Jun , Clinton T Baldwin , Detelina Grozeva , Anna Karydas , Giancarlo Russo , Jeffrey A Kaye , Ronald Kim , Frank Jessen , Neil W Kowall , Bruno Vellas , Joel H Kramer , Emma Vardy , Frank M LaFerla , Karl-Heinz Jöckel , James J Lah , Martin Dichgans , James B Leverenz , David Mann , Allan I Levey , Stuart Pickering-Brown , Andrew P Lieberman , Norman Klopp , Kathryn L Lunetta , H-Erich Wichmann , Constantine G Lyketsos , Kevin Morgan , Daniel C Marson , Kristelle Brown , Frank Martiniuk , Christopher Medway , Deborah C Mash , Markus M Nöthen , Eliezer Masliah , Nigel M Hooper , Wayne C McCormick , Antonio Daniele , Susan M McCurry , Anthony Bayer , Andrew N McDavid , John Gallacher , Ann C McKee , Hendrik van den Bussche , Marsel Mesulam , Carol Brayne , Bruce L Miller , Steffi Riedel-Heller , Carol A Miller , Joshua W Miller , Ammar Al-Chalabi , John C Morris , Christopher E Shaw , Amanda J Myers , Jens Wiltfang , Sid O'Bryant , John M Olichney , Victoria Alvarez , Joseph E Parisi , Andrew B Singleton , Henry L Paulson , John Collinge , William R Perry , Simon Mead , Elaine Peskind , David H Cribbs , Martin Rossor , Aimee Pierce , Natalie S Ryan , Wayne W Poon , Benedetta Nacmias , Huntington Potter , Sandro Sorbi , Joseph F Quinn , Eleonora Sacchinelli , Ashok Raj , Gianfranco Spalletta , Murray Raskind , Carlo Caltagirone , Paola Bossù , Maria Donata Orfei , Barry Reisberg , Robert Clarke , Christiane Reitz , A David Smith , John M Ringman , Donald Warden , Erik D Roberson , Gordon Wilcock , Ekaterina Rogaeva , Amalia Cecilia Bruni , Howard J Rosen , Maura Gallo , Roger N Rosenberg , Yoav Ben-Shlomo , Mark A Sager , Patrizia Mecocci , Andrew J Saykin , Pau Pastor , Michael L Cuccaro , Jeffery M Vance , Julie A Schneider , Lori S Schneider , Susan Slifer , William W Seeley , Amanda G Smith , Joshua A Sonnen , Salvatore Spina , Robert A Stern , Russell H Swerdlow , Mitchell Tang , Rudolph E Tanzi , John Q Trojanowski , Juan C Troncoso , Vivianna M Van Deerlin , Linda J Van Eldik , Harry V Vinters , Jean Paul Vonsattel , Sandra Weintraub , Kathleen A Welsh-Bohmer , Kirk C Wilhelmsen , Jennifer Williamson , Thomas S Wingo , Randall L Woltjer , Clinton B Wright , Chang-En Yu , Lei Yu , Yasaman Saba , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Alberto Pilotto , Maria J Bullido , Oliver Peters , Paul K Crane , David Bennett , Paola Bosco , Eliecer Coto , Virginia Boccardi , Phil L De Jager , Alberto Lleo , Nick Warner , Oscar L Lopez , Martin Ingelsson , Panagiotis Deloukas , Carlos Cruchaga , Caroline Graff , Rhian Gwilliam , Myriam Fornage , Alison M Goate , Pascual Sanchez-Juan , Patrick G Kehoe , Najaf Amin , Nilifur Ertekin-Taner , Claudine Berr , Stéphanie Debette , Seth Love , Lenore J Launer , Steven G Younkin , Jean-Francois Dartigues , Chris Corcoran , M Arfan Ikram , Dennis W Dickson , Gael Nicolas , Dominique Campion , JoAnn Tschanz , Helena Schmidt , Hakon Hakonarson , Jordi Clarimon , Ron Munger , Reinhold Schmidt , Lindsay A Farrer , Christine Van Broeckhoven , Michael C O'Donovan , Anita L DeStefano , Lesley Jones , Jonathan L Haines , Jean-Francois Deleuze , Michael J Owen , Vilmundur Gudnason , Richard Mayeux , Valentina Escott-Price , Bruce M Psaty , Alfredo Ramirez , Li-San Wang , Agustin Ruiz , Cornelia M van Duijn , Peter A Holmans , Sudha Seshadri , Julie Williams , Phillippe Amouyel , Gerard D Schellenberg , Jean-Charles Lambert , Margaret A Pericak-Vance

Genetic association and functional characterization of MCPH1 gene variation in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics

Dissecting the Shared Genetic Architecture of Suicide Attempt, Psychiatric Disorders, and Known Risk Factors.

Biological psychiatry
Avec: Niamh Mullins , JooEun Kang , Adrian I Campos , Jonathan R I Coleman , Alexis C Edwards , Hanga Galfalvy , Daniel F Levey , Adriana Lori , Andrey Shabalin , Anna Starnawska , Mei-Hsin Su , Hunna J Watson , Mark Adams , Swapnil Awasthi , Michael Gandal , Jonathan D Hafferty , Akitoyo Hishimoto , Minsoo Kim , Satoshi Okazaki , Ikuo Otsuka , Stephan Ripke , Erin B Ware , Andrew W Bergen , Wade H Berrettini , Martin Bohus , Harry Brandt , Xiao Chang , Wei J Chen , Hsi-Chung Chen , Steven Crawford , Scott Crow , Emily DiBlasi , Philibert Duriez , Fernando Fernández-Aranda , Manfred M Fichter , Steven Gallinger , Stephen J Glatt , Philip Gorwood , Yiran Guo , Hakon Hakonarson , Katherine A Halmi , Hai-Gwo Hwu , Sonia Jain , Stéphane Jamain , Susana Jiménez-Murcia , Craig Johnson , Allan S Kaplan , Walter H Kaye , Pamela K Keel , James L Kennedy , Kelly L Klump , Dong Li , Shih-Cheng Liao , Klaus Lieb , Lisa Lilenfeld , Chih-Min Liu , Pierre J Magistretti , Christian R Marshall , James E Mitchell , Eric T Monson , Richard M Myers , Dalila Pinto , Abigail Powers , Nicolas Ramoz , Stefan Roepke , Vsevolod Rozanov , Stephen W Scherer , Christian Schmahl , Marcus Sokolowski , Michael Strober , Laura M Thornton , Janet Treasure , Ming T Tsuang , Stephanie H Witt , D Blake Woodside , Zeynep Yilmaz , Lea Zillich , Rolf Adolfsson , Ingrid Agartz , Tracy M Air , Martin Alda , Lars Alfredsson , Ole A Andreassen , Adebayo Anjorin , Vivek Appadurai , María Soler Artigas , Sandra Van der Auwera , M Helena Azevedo , Nicholas Bass , Claiton H D Bau , Bernhard T Baune , Frank Bellivier , Klaus Berger , Joanna M Biernacka , Tim B Bigdeli , Elisabeth B Binder , Michael Boehnke , Marco P Boks , Rosa Bosch , David L Braff , Richard Bryant , Monika Budde , Enda M Byrne , Wiepke Cahn , Miguel Casas , Enrique Castelao , Jorge A Cervilla , Boris Chaumette , Sven Cichon , Aiden Corvin , Nicholas Craddock , David Craig , Franziska Degenhardt , Srdjan Djurovic , Howard J Edenberg , Ayman H Fanous , Jerome C Foo , Andreas J Forstner , Mark Frye , Janice M Fullerton , Justine M Gatt , Pablo V Gejman , Ina Giegling , Hans J Grabe , Melissa J Green , Eugenio H Grevet , Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu , Blanca Gutierrez , Jose Guzman-Parra , Steven P Hamilton , Marian L Hamshere , Annette Hartmann , Joanna Hauser , Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach , Per Hoffmann , Marcus Ising , Ian Jones , Lisa A Jones , Lina Jonsson , René S Kahn , John R Kelsoe , Kenneth S Kendler , Stefan Kloiber , Karestan C Koenen , Manolis Kogevinas , Bettina Konte , Marie-Odile Krebs , Mikael Landén , Jacob Lawrence , Marion Leboyer , Phil H Lee , Douglas F Levinson , Calwing Liao , Jolanta Lissowska , Susanne Lucae , Fermin Mayoral , Susan L McElroy , Patrick McGrath , Peter McGuffin , Sarah E Medland , Divya Mehta , Ingrid Melle , Yuri Milaneschi , Philip B Mitchell , Esther Molina , Gunnar Morken , Preben Bo Mortensen , Bertram Müller-Myhsok , Caroline Nievergelt , Vishwajit Nimgaonkar , Markus M Nöthen , Michael C O'Donovan , Roel A Ophoff , Michael J Owen , Carlos Pato , Michele T Pato , Brenda W J H Penninx , Jonathan Pimm , Giorgio Pistis , James B Potash , Robert A Power , Martin Preisig , Digby Quested , Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga , Andreas Reif , Marta Ribasés , Vanesa Richarte , Marcella Rietschel , Margarita Rivera , Andrea Roberts , Gloria Roberts , Guy A Rouleau , Diego L Rovaris , Dan Rujescu , Cristina Sánchez-Mora , Alan R Sanders , Peter R Schofield , Thomas G Schulze , Laura J Scott , Alessandro Serretti , Jianxin Shi , Stanley I Shyn , Lea Sirignano , Pamela Sklar , Olav B Smeland , Jordan W Smoller , Edmund J S Sonuga-Barke , Gianfranco Spalletta , John S Strauss , Beata Świątkowska , Maciej Trzaskowski , Gustavo Turecki , Laura Vilar-Ribó , John B Vincent , Henry Völzke , James T R Walters , Cynthia Shannon Weickert , Thomas W Weickert , Myrna M Weissman , Leanne M Williams , Naomi R Wray , Clement C Zai , Allison E Ashley-Koch , Jean C Beckham , Elizabeth R Hauser , Michael A Hauser , Nathan A Kimbrel , Jennifer H Lindquist , Benjamin McMahon , David W Oslin , Xuejun Qin , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Esben Agerbo , Anders D Børglum , Gerome Breen , Annette Erlangsen , Tõnu Esko , Joel Gelernter , David M Hougaard , Ronald C Kessler , Henry R Kranzler , Qingqin S Li , Nicholas G Martin , Andrew M McIntosh , Ole Mors , Merete Nordentoft , Catherine M Olsen , David Porteous , Robert J Ursano , Danuta Wasserman , Thomas Werge , David C Whiteman , Cynthia M Bulik , Hilary Coon , Ditte Demontis , Anna R Docherty , Po-Hsiu Kuo , Cathryn M Lewis , J John Mann , Miguel E Rentería , Daniel J Smith , Eli A Stahl , Murray B Stein , Fabian Streit , Virginia Willour , Douglas M Ruderfer

Genome-wide association study of more than 40,000 bipolar disorder cases provides new insights into the underlying biology.

Nature genetics
Avec: Niamh Mullins , Andreas J Forstner , Kevin S O'Connell , Brandon Coombes , Jonathan R I Coleman , Zhen Qiao , Thomas D Als , Tim B Bigdeli , Sigrid Børte , Julien Bryois , Alexander W Charney , Ole Kristian Drange , Michael J Gandal , Saskia P Hagenaars , Masashi Ikeda , Nolan Kamitaki , Minsoo Kim , Kristi Krebs , Georgia Panagiotaropoulou , Brian M Schilder , Laura G Sloofman , Stacy Steinberg , Vassily Trubetskoy , Bendik S Winsvold , Hong-Hee Won , Liliya Abramova , Kristina Adorjan , Esben Agerbo , Mariam Al Eissa , Diego Albani , Ney Alliey-Rodriguez , Adebayo Anjorin , Verneri Antilla , Anastasia Antoniou , Swapnil Awasthi , Ji Hyun Baek , Marie Bækvad-Hansen , Nicholas Bass , Michael Bauer , Eva C Beins , Sarah E Bergen , Armin Birner , Carsten Bøcker Pedersen , Erlend Bøen , Marco P Boks , Rosa Bosch , Murielle Brum , Ben M Brumpton , Nathalie Brunkhorst-Kanaan , Monika Budde , Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm , William Byerley , Murray Cairns , Miquel Casas , Pablo Cervantes , Toni-Kim Clarke , Cristiana Cruceanu , Alfredo Cuellar-Barboza , Julie Cunningham , David Curtis , Piotr M Czerski , Anders M Dale , Nina Dalkner , Friederike S David , Franziska Degenhardt , Srdjan Djurovic , Amanda L Dobbyn , Athanassios Douzenis , Torbjørn Elvsåshagen , Valentina Escott-Price , I Nicol Ferrier , Alessia Fiorentino , Tatiana M Foroud , Liz Forty , Josef Frank , Oleksandr Frei , Nelson B Freimer , Louise Frisén , Katrin Gade , Julie Garnham , Joel Gelernter , Marianne Giørtz Pedersen , Ian R Gizer , Scott D Gordon , Katherine Gordon-Smith , Tiffany A Greenwood , Jakob Grove , José Guzman-Parra , Kyooseob Ha , Magnus Haraldsson , Martin Hautzinger , Urs Heilbronner , Dennis Hellgren , Stefan Herms , Per Hoffmann , Peter A Holmans , Laura Huckins , Stéphane Jamain , Jessica S Johnson , Janos L Kalman , Yoichiro Kamatani , James L Kennedy , Sarah Kittel-Schneider , James A Knowles , Manolis Kogevinas , Maria Koromina , Thorsten M Kranz , Henry R Kranzler , Michiaki Kubo , Ralph Kupka , Steven A Kushner , Catharina Lavebratt , Jacob Lawrence , Markus Leber , Heon-Jeong Lee , Phil H Lee , Shawn E Levy , Catrin Lewis , Calwing Liao , Susanne Lucae , Martin Lundberg , Donald J MacIntyre , Sigurdur H Magnusson , Wolfgang Maier , Adam Maihofer , Dolores Malaspina , Eirini Maratou , Lina Martinsson , Manuel Mattheisen , Steven A McCarroll , Nathaniel W McGregor , Peter McGuffin , James D McKay , Helena Medeiros , Sarah E Medland , Vincent Millischer , Grant W Montgomery , Jennifer L Moran , Derek W Morris , Thomas W Mühleisen , Niamh O'Brien , Claire O'Donovan , Loes M Olde Loohuis , Lilijana Oruc , Sergi Papiol , Antonio F Pardiñas , Amy Perry , Andrea Pfennig , Evgenia Porichi , James B Potash , Digby Quested , Towfique Raj , Mark H Rapaport , J Raymond DePaulo , Eline J Regeer , John P Rice , Fabio Rivas , Margarita Rivera , Julian Roth , Panos Roussos , Douglas M Ruderfer , Cristina Sánchez-Mora , Eva C Schulte , Fanny Senner , Sally Sharp , Paul D Shilling , Engilbert Sigurdsson , Lea Sirignano , Claire Slaney , Olav B Smeland , Daniel J Smith , Janet L Sobell , Christine Søholm Hansen , Maria Soler Artigas , Anne T Spijker , Dan J Stein , John S Strauss , Beata Świątkowska , Chikashi Terao , Thorgeir E Thorgeirsson , Claudio Toma , Paul Tooney , Evangelia-Eirini Tsermpini , Marquis P Vawter , Helmut Vedder , James T R Walters , Stephanie H Witt , Simon Xi , Wei Xu , Jessica Mei Kay Yang , Allan H Young , Hannah Young , Peter P Zandi , Hang Zhou , Lea Zillich , Auteur inconnu , Rolf Adolfsson , Ingrid Agartz , Martin Alda , Lars Alfredsson , Gulja Babadjanova , Lena Backlund , Bernhard T Baune , Frank Bellivier , Susanne Bengesser , Wade H Berrettini , Douglas H R Blackwood , Michael Boehnke , Anders D Børglum , Gerome Breen , Vaughan J Carr , Stanley Catts , Aiden Corvin , Nicholas Craddock , Udo Dannlowski , Dimitris Dikeos , Tõnu Esko , Bruno Etain , Panagiotis Ferentinos , Mark Frye , Janice M Fullerton , Micha Gawlik , Elliot S Gershon , Fernando S Goes , Melissa J Green , Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu , Joanna Hauser , Frans Henskens , Jan Hillert , Kyung Sue Hong , David M Hougaard , Christina M Hultman , Kristian Hveem , Nakao Iwata , Assen V Jablensky , Ian Jones , Lisa A Jones , René S Kahn , John R Kelsoe , George Kirov , Mikael Landén , Marion Leboyer , Cathryn M Lewis , Qingqin S Li , Jolanta Lissowska , Christine Lochner , Carmel Loughland , Nicholas G Martin , Carol A Mathews , Fermin Mayoral , Susan L McElroy , Andrew M McIntosh , Francis J McMahon , Ingrid Melle , Patricia Michie , Lili Milani , Philip B Mitchell , Gunnar Morken , Ole Mors , Preben Bo Mortensen , Bryan Mowry , Bertram Müller-Myhsok , Richard M Myers , Benjamin M Neale , Caroline M Nievergelt , Merete Nordentoft , Markus M Nöthen , Michael C O'Donovan , Ketil J Oedegaard , Tomas Olsson , Michael J Owen , Sara A Paciga , Chris Pantelis , Carlos Pato , Michele T Pato , George P Patrinos , Roy H Perlis , Danielle Posthuma , Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga , Andreas Reif , Eva Z Reininghaus , Marta Ribasés , Marcella Rietschel , Stephan Ripke , Guy A Rouleau , Takeo Saito , Ulrich Schall , Martin Schalling , Peter R Schofield , Thomas G Schulze , Laura J Scott , Rodney J Scott , Alessandro Serretti , Cynthia Shannon Weickert , Jordan W Smoller , Hreinn Stefansson , Kari Stefansson , Eystein Stordal , Fabian Streit , Patrick F Sullivan , Gustavo Turecki , Arne E Vaaler , Eduard Vieta , John B Vincent , Irwin D Waldman , Thomas W Weickert , Thomas Werge , Naomi R Wray , John-Anker Zwart , Joanna M Biernacka , John I Nurnberger , Sven Cichon , Howard J Edenberg , Eli A Stahl , Arianna Di Florio , Roel A Ophoff , Ole A Andreassen

Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia.

Avec: Vassily Trubetskoy , Antonio F Pardiñas , Ting Qi , Georgia Panagiotaropoulou , Swapnil Awasthi , Tim B Bigdeli , Julien Bryois , Chia-Yen Chen , Charlotte A Dennison , Lynsey S Hall , Max Lam , Kyoko Watanabe , Oleksandr Frei , Tian Ge , Janet C Harwood , Frank Koopmans , Sigurdur Magnusson , Alexander L Richards , Julia Sidorenko , Yang Wu , Jian Zeng , Jakob Grove , Minsoo Kim , Zhiqiang Li , Georgios Voloudakis , Wen Zhang , Mark Adams , Ingrid Agartz , Elizabeth G Atkinson , Esben Agerbo , Mariam Al Eissa , Margot Albus , Madeline Alexander , Behrooz Z Alizadeh , Köksal Alptekin , Thomas D Als , Farooq Amin , Volker Arolt , Manuel Arrojo , Lavinia Athanasiu , Maria Helena Azevedo , Silviu A Bacanu , Nicholas J Bass , Martin Begemann , Richard A Belliveau , Judit Bene , Beben Benyamin , Sarah E Bergen , Giuseppe Blasi , Julio Bobes , Stefano Bonassi , Alice Braun , Rodrigo Affonseca Bressan , Evelyn J Bromet , Richard Bruggeman , Peter F Buckley , Randy L Buckner , Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm , Wiepke Cahn , Murray J Cairns , Monica E Calkins , Vaughan J Carr , David Castle , Stanley V Catts , Kimberley D Chambert , Raymond C K Chan , Boris Chaumette , Wei Cheng , Eric F C Cheung , Siow Ann Chong , David Cohen , Angèle Consoli , Quirino Cordeiro , Javier Costas , Charles Curtis , Michael Davidson , Kenneth L Davis , Lieuwe de Haan , Franziska Degenhardt , Lynn E DeLisi , Ditte Demontis , Faith Dickerson , Dimitris Dikeos , Timothy Dinan , Srdjan Djurovic , Jubao Duan , Giuseppe Ducci , Frank Dudbridge , Johan G Eriksson , Lourdes Fañanás , Stephen V Faraone , Alessia Fiorentino , Andreas Forstner , Josef Frank , Nelson B Freimer , Menachem Fromer , Alessandra Frustaci , Ary Gadelha , Giulio Genovese , Elliot S Gershon , Marianna Giannitelli , Ina Giegling , Paola Giusti-Rodríguez , Stephanie Godard , Jacqueline I Goldstein , Javier González Peñas , Ana González-Pinto , Srihari Gopal , Jacob Gratten , Michael F Green , Tiffany A Greenwood , Olivier Guillin , Sinan Gülöksüz , Raquel E Gur , Ruben C Gur , Blanca Gutiérrez , Eric Hahn , Hakon Hakonarson , Vahram Haroutunian , Annette M Hartmann , Carol Harvey , Caroline Hayward , Frans A Henskens , Stefan Herms , Per Hoffmann , Daniel P Howrigan , Masashi Ikeda , Conrad Iyegbe , Inge Joa , Antonio Julià , Anna K Kähler , Tony Kam-Thong , Yoichiro Kamatani , Sena Karachanak-Yankova , Oussama Kebir , Matthew C Keller , Brian J Kelly , Andrey Khrunin , Sung-Wan Kim , Janis Klovins , Nikolay Kondratiev , Bettina Konte , Julia Kraft , Michiaki Kubo , Vaidutis Kučinskas , Zita Ausrele Kučinskiene , Agung Kusumawardhani , Hana Kuzelova-Ptackova , Stefano Landi , Laura C Lazzeroni , Phil H Lee , Sophie E Legge , Douglas S Lehrer , Rebecca Lencer , Bernard Lerer , Miaoxin Li , Jeffrey Lieberman , Gregory A Light , Svetlana Limborska , Chih-Min Liu , Jouko Lönnqvist , Carmel M Loughland , Jan Lubinski , Jurjen J Luykx , Amy Lynham , Milan Macek , Andrew Mackinnon , Patrik K E Magnusson , Brion S Maher , Wolfgang Maier , Dolores Malaspina , Jacques Mallet , Stephen R Marder , Sara Marsal , Alicia R Martin , Lourdes Martorell , Manuel Mattheisen , Robert W McCarley , Colm McDonald , John J McGrath , Helena Medeiros , Sandra Meier , Bela Melegh , Ingrid Melle , Raquelle I Mesholam-Gately , Andres Metspalu , Patricia T Michie , Lili Milani , Vihra Milanova , Marina Mitjans , Espen Molden , Esther Molina , María Dolores Molto , Valeria Mondelli , Carmen Moreno , Christopher P Morley , Gerard Muntané , Kieran C Murphy , Inez Myin-Germeys , Igor Nenadić , Gerald Nestadt , Liene Nikitina-Zake , Cristiano Noto , Keith H Nuechterlein , Niamh Louise O'Brien , F Anthony O'Neill , Sang-Yun Oh , Ann Olincy , Vanessa Kiyomi Ota , Christos Pantelis , George N Papadimitriou , Mara Parellada , Tiina Paunio , Renata Pellegrino , Sathish Periyasamy , Diana O Perkins , Bruno Pfuhlmann , Olli Pietiläinen , Jonathan Pimm , David Porteous , John Powell , Diego Quattrone , Digby Quested , Allen D Radant , Antonio Rampino , Mark H Rapaport , Anna Rautanen , Abraham Reichenberg , Cheryl Roe , Joshua L Roffman , Julian Roth , Matthias Rothermundt , Bart P F Rutten , Safaa Saker-Delye , Veikko Salomaa , Julio Sanjuan , Marcos Leite Santoro , Adam Savitz , Ulrich Schall , Rodney J Scott , Larry J Seidman , Sally Isabel Sharp , Jianxin Shi , Larry J Siever , Engilbert Sigurdsson , Kang Sim , Nora Skarabis , Petr Slominsky , Hon-Cheong So , Janet L Sobell , Erik Söderman , Helen J Stain , Nils Eiel Steen , Agnes A Steixner-Kumar , Elisabeth Stögmann , William S Stone , Richard E Straub , Fabian Streit , Eric Strengman , T Scott Stroup , Mythily Subramaniam , Catherine A Sugar , Jaana Suvisaari , Dragan M Svrakic , Neal R Swerdlow , Jin P Szatkiewicz , Thi Minh Tam Ta , Atsushi Takahashi , Chikashi Terao , Florence Thibaut , Draga Toncheva , Paul A Tooney , Silvia Torretta , Sarah Tosato , Gian Battista Tura , Bruce I Turetsky , Alp Üçok , Arne Vaaler , Therese van Amelsvoort , Ruud van Winkel , Juha Veijola , John Waddington , Henrik Walter , Anna Waterreus , Bradley T Webb , Mark Weiser , Nigel M Williams , Stephanie H Witt , Brandon K Wormley , Jing Qin Wu , Zhida Xu , Robert Yolken , Clement C Zai , Wei Zhou , Feng Zhu , Fritz Zimprich , Eşref Cem Atbaşoğlu , Muhammad Ayub , Christian Benner , Alessandro Bertolino , Donald W Black , Nicholas J Bray , Gerome Breen , Nancy G Buccola , William F Byerley , Wei J Chen , C Robert Cloninger , Benedicto Crespo-Facorro , Gary Donohoe , Robert Freedman , Cherrie Galletly , Michael J Gandal , Massimo Gennarelli , David M Hougaard , Hai-Gwo Hwu , Assen V Jablensky , Steven A McCarroll , Jennifer L Moran , Ole Mors , Preben B Mortensen , Bertram Müller-Myhsok , Amanda L Neil , Merete Nordentoft , Michele T Pato , Tracey L Petryshen , Matti Pirinen , Ann E Pulver , Thomas G Schulze , Jeremy M Silverman , Jordan W Smoller , Eli A Stahl , Debby W Tsuang , Elisabet Vilella , Shi-Heng Wang , Shuhua Xu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Auteur inconnu , Rolf Adolfsson , Celso Arango , Bernhard T Baune , Sintia Iole Belangero , Anders D Børglum , David Braff , Elvira Bramon , Joseph D Buxbaum , Dominique Campion , Jorge A Cervilla , Sven Cichon , David A Collier , Aiden Corvin , David Curtis , Marta Di Forti , Enrico Domenici , Hannelore Ehrenreich , Valentina Escott-Price , Tõnu Esko , Ayman H Fanous , Anna Gareeva , Micha Gawlik , Pablo V Gejman , Michael Gill , Stephen J Glatt , Vera Golimbet , Kyung Sue Hong , Christina M Hultman , Steven E Hyman , Nakao Iwata , Erik G Jönsson , René S Kahn , James L Kennedy , Elza Khusnutdinova , George Kirov , James A Knowles , Marie-Odile Krebs , Claudine Laurent-Levinson , Jimmy Lee , Todd Lencz , Douglas F Levinson , Qingqin S Li , Jianjun Liu , Anil K Malhotra , Dheeraj Malhotra , Andrew McIntosh , Paulo R Menezes , Vera A Morgan , Derek W Morris , Bryan J Mowry , Robin M Murray , Vishwajit Nimgaonkar , Markus M Nöthen , Roel A Ophoff , Sara A Paciga , Aarno Palotie , Carlos N Pato , Shengying Qin , Marcella Rietschel , Brien P Riley , Margarita Rivera , Dan Rujescu , Meram C Saka , Alan R Sanders , Sibylle G Schwab , Alessandro Serretti , Pak C Sham , Yongyong Shi , David St Clair , Hreinn Stefánsson , Kari Stefansson , Ming T Tsuang , Jim van Os , Marquis P Vawter , Daniel R Weinberger , Thomas Werge , Dieter B Wildenauer , Xin Yu , Weihua Yue , Peter A Holmans , Andrew J Pocklington , Panos Roussos , Evangelos Vassos , Matthijs Verhage , Peter M Visscher , Jian Yang , Danielle Posthuma , Ole A Andreassen , Kenneth S Kendler , Michael J Owen , Naomi R Wray , Mark J Daly , Hailiang Huang , Benjamin M Neale , Patrick F Sullivan , Stephan Ripke , James T R Walters , Michael C O'Donovan , Auteur inconnu

Réseau de co-auteurs

None None 62 collaborations
Franziska Degenhardt 13 collaborations
Marcella Rietschel 13 collaborations
Markus M Nöthen 13 collaborations
Michael C O'Donovan 13 collaborations
Michael J Owen 13 collaborations
Aiden Corvin 12 collaborations
Roel A Ophoff 12 collaborations
Eli A Stahl 11 collaborations
Jordan W Smoller 11 collaborations
Rolf Adolfsson 11 collaborations
Andrew M McIntosh 11 collaborations
Andreas J Forstner 10 collaborations
Andreas Reif 10 collaborations
Bernhard T Baune 10 collaborations
Gerome Breen 10 collaborations
Michele T Pato 10 collaborations
Ole A Andreassen 10 collaborations
Tim B Bigdeli 9 collaborations
Anders D Børglum 9 collaborations
Stephan Ripke 9 collaborations
Fabian Streit 9 collaborations
Ingrid Melle 9 collaborations
Laura J Scott 9 collaborations
Nicholas Bass 9 collaborations
René S Kahn 9 collaborations
Thomas G Schulze 9 collaborations
David St Clair 9 collaborations
Nicholas J Bass 9 collaborations
Niamh Mullins 8 collaborations
Bertram Müller-Myhsok 8 collaborations
Carlos Pato 8 collaborations
David M Hougaard 8 collaborations
Fermin Mayoral 8 collaborations
Ian Jones 8 collaborations
Ina Giegling 8 collaborations
John B Vincent 8 collaborations
Marion Leboyer 8 collaborations
Martin Alda 8 collaborations
Merete Nordentoft 8 collaborations
Michael Boehnke 8 collaborations
Nicholas Craddock 8 collaborations
Per Hoffmann 8 collaborations
Srdjan Djurovic 8 collaborations
Susan L McElroy 8 collaborations
Sven Cichon 8 collaborations
Cathryn M Lewis 8 collaborations
Marsha Y Morgan 8 collaborations
Patrick F Sullivan 8 collaborations
Karoline Kuchenbaecker 8 collaborations
Elvira Bramon 8 collaborations
Jonathan R I Coleman 7 collaborations
Dan Rujescu 7 collaborations
Frank Bellivier 7 collaborations
Ingrid Agartz 7 collaborations
James T R Walters 7 collaborations
Joanna M Biernacka 7 collaborations
Jolanta Lissowska 7 collaborations
Manolis Kogevinas 7 collaborations
Mark Frye 7 collaborations
Olav B Smeland 7 collaborations
Ole Mors 7 collaborations
Thomas Werge 7 collaborations
Felix Stickel 7 collaborations
James B Potash 7 collaborations
Janice M Fullerton 7 collaborations
George Kirov 7 collaborations
Mikael Landén 7 collaborations
Nicholas G Martin 7 collaborations
Philip B Mitchell 7 collaborations
Howard J Edenberg 7 collaborations
Johan H Thygesen 7 collaborations
Joel Gelernter 7 collaborations
Nick Bass 7 collaborations
Digby Quested 6 collaborations
Esben Agerbo 6 collaborations
Gustavo Turecki 6 collaborations
Joanna Hauser 6 collaborations
Monika Budde 6 collaborations
Naomi R Wray 6 collaborations
Pamela Sklar 6 collaborations
Peter McGuffin 6 collaborations
Phil H Lee 6 collaborations
Stéphane Jamain 6 collaborations
Wiepke Cahn 6 collaborations
Ayman H Fanous 6 collaborations
Peter A Holmans 6 collaborations
Swapnil Awasthi 6 collaborations
David Curtis 6 collaborations
Nelson B Freimer 6 collaborations
James L Kennedy 6 collaborations
James A Knowles 6 collaborations
Derek W Morris 6 collaborations
Margarita Rivera 6 collaborations
Stephanie H Witt 6 collaborations
Tõnu Esko 6 collaborations
Michael Gill 6 collaborations
Christina M Hultman 6 collaborations
Qingqin S Li 6 collaborations
Danielle Posthuma 6 collaborations
Peter R Schofield 6 collaborations
Alessandro Serretti 6 collaborations
Robin M Murray 6 collaborations
Ditte Demontis 5 collaborations
Alan R Sanders 5 collaborations
Beata Świątkowska 5 collaborations
Douglas F Levinson 5 collaborations
Enda M Byrne 5 collaborations
Gunnar Morken 5 collaborations
Guy A Rouleau 5 collaborations
Jianxin Shi 5 collaborations
José Guzman-Parra 5 collaborations
Lisa A Jones 5 collaborations
Marian L Hamshere 5 collaborations
Preben Bo Mortensen 5 collaborations
Susanne Lucae 5 collaborations
Kenneth S Kendler 5 collaborations
Stephan Buch 5 collaborations
Janett Fischer 5 collaborations
Florian Eyer 5 collaborations
Christian Datz 5 collaborations
Sebastian Mueller 5 collaborations
Thomas Berg 5 collaborations
Jochen Hampe 5 collaborations
Manuel Mattheisen 5 collaborations
Marco P Boks 5 collaborations
Valentina Escott-Price 5 collaborations
Melissa J Green 5 collaborations
Jakob Grove 5 collaborations
Stefan Herms 5 collaborations
Wolfgang Maier 5 collaborations
Helena Medeiros 5 collaborations
Lili Milani 5 collaborations
Claire O'Donovan 5 collaborations
Douglas M Ruderfer 5 collaborations
Janet L Sobell 5 collaborations
Wade H Berrettini 5 collaborations
Richard M Myers 5 collaborations
Benjamin M Neale 5 collaborations
Marta Ribasés 5 collaborations
Arianna Di Florio 5 collaborations
Daniel F Levey 5 collaborations
Henry R Kranzler 5 collaborations
Alessia Fiorentino 5 collaborations
Annette M Hartmann 5 collaborations
Hakon Hakonarson 5 collaborations
Lina Jonsson 5 collaborations
John R Kelsoe 5 collaborations
Olga Giannakopoulou 5 collaborations
Haritz Irizar 5 collaborations
Marta Di Forti 5 collaborations
Divya Mehta 4 collaborations
Adebayo Anjorin 4 collaborations
Brenda W J H Penninx 4 collaborations
Hans J Grabe 4 collaborations
Jacob Lawrence 4 collaborations
John S Strauss 4 collaborations
Maciej Trzaskowski 4 collaborations
Martin Preisig 4 collaborations
Myrna M Weissman 4 collaborations
Pablo V Gejman 4 collaborations
Sandra Van der Auwera 4 collaborations
Vishwajit Nimgaonkar 4 collaborations
Hans Dieter Nischalke 4 collaborations
Pierre Deltenre 4 collaborations
Michael Soyka 4 collaborations
Thomas D Als 4 collaborations
Sarah E Bergen 4 collaborations
Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm 4 collaborations
Pablo Cervantes 4 collaborations
Tatiana M Foroud 4 collaborations
Josef Frank 4 collaborations
Katherine Gordon-Smith 4 collaborations
Sarah Kittel-Schneider 4 collaborations
Markus Leber 4 collaborations
Sarah E Medland 4 collaborations
Loes M Olde Loohuis 4 collaborations
Roy H Perlis 4 collaborations
Thomas W Weickert 4 collaborations
Udo Dannlowski 4 collaborations
Bruno Etain 4 collaborations
Eduard Vieta 4 collaborations
John I Nurnberger 4 collaborations
Hang Zhou 4 collaborations
Renato Polimanti 4 collaborations
Mariam Al Eissa 4 collaborations
Wei J Chen 4 collaborations
Mei-Hua Hall 4 collaborations
Hai-Gwo Hwu 4 collaborations
Dolores Malaspina 4 collaborations
Steven A McCarroll 4 collaborations
Mark H Rapaport 4 collaborations
Stephen J Glatt 4 collaborations
Ming T Tsuang 4 collaborations
Joseph D Buxbaum 4 collaborations
Fernando S Goes 4 collaborations
Clement C Zai 4 collaborations
Peter P Zandi 4 collaborations
Boris Chaumette 4 collaborations
Mark Adams 4 collaborations
Minsoo Kim 4 collaborations
Lars Alfredsson 4 collaborations
Lea Sirignano 4 collaborations
Murray B Stein 4 collaborations
Baihan Wang 4 collaborations
Nakao Iwata 4 collaborations
Anjali Bhat 4 collaborations
Jasmine Harju-Seppänen 4 collaborations
Eirini Zartaloudi 4 collaborations
Colm McDonald 4 collaborations
Robert A Power 3 collaborations
Anna Starnawska 3 collaborations
Elisabeth B Binder 3 collaborations
Henry Völzke 3 collaborations
John Kelsoe 3 collaborations
Jonathan Pimm 3 collaborations
Klaus Berger 3 collaborations
M Helena Azevedo 3 collaborations
Marcus Ising 3 collaborations
Patrick McGrath 3 collaborations
Stefan Kloiber 3 collaborations
Steven P Hamilton 3 collaborations
Vivek Appadurai 3 collaborations
Yuri Milaneschi 3 collaborations
Karl Heinz Weiss 3 collaborations
Jonas Rosendahl 3 collaborations
Astrid Marot 3 collaborations
Marcin Krawczyk 3 collaborations
Markus Casper 3 collaborations
Frank Lammert 3 collaborations
Arndt Vogel 3 collaborations
Silke Marhenke 3 collaborations
Johann von Felden 3 collaborations
Clemens Schafmayer 3 collaborations
Ali Canbay 3 collaborations
Luca Valenti 3 collaborations
Guruprasad P Aithal 3 collaborations
Mario Brosch 3 collaborations
Marsha Yvonne Morgan 3 collaborations
Vassily Trubetskoy 3 collaborations
Alexander L Richards 3 collaborations
Huda Akil 3 collaborations
Margit Burmeister 3 collaborations
William Byerley 3 collaborations
Miquel Casas 3 collaborations
Claire Churchhouse 3 collaborations
Toni-Kim Clarke 3 collaborations
Cristiana Cruceanu 3 collaborations
Piotr M Czerski 3 collaborations
J Raymond DePaulo 3 collaborations
Torbjørn Elvsåshagen 3 collaborations
Liz Forty 3 collaborations
Katrin Gade 3 collaborations
Julie Garnham 3 collaborations
Tiffany A Greenwood 3 collaborations
Urs Heilbronner 3 collaborations
Shawn E Levy 3 collaborations
Panos Roussos 3 collaborations
Cristina Sánchez-Mora 3 collaborations
Engilbert Sigurdsson 3 collaborations
Claire Slaney 3 collaborations
Weiqing Wang 3 collaborations
Wei Xu 3 collaborations
Mark J Daly 3 collaborations
Elliot S Gershon 3 collaborations
Francis J McMahon 3 collaborations
Sara A Paciga 3 collaborations
Kari Stefansson 3 collaborations
Arne E Vaaler 3 collaborations
Stephen R Atkinson 3 collaborations
Mark R Thursz 3 collaborations
Evelyn J Bromet 3 collaborations
Giulio Genovese 3 collaborations
Daniel P Howrigan 3 collaborations
Niamh L O'Brien 3 collaborations
Sally I Sharp 3 collaborations
Jaana Suvisaari 3 collaborations
Aarno Palotie 3 collaborations
Carlos N Pato 3 collaborations
Marquis P Vawter 3 collaborations
Maria Del Zompo 3 collaborations
Alessio Squassina 3 collaborations
Debby W Tsuang 3 collaborations
David Craig 3 collaborations
Gianfranco Spalletta 3 collaborations
Dominique Campion 3 collaborations
Mathis Heydtmann 3 collaborations
Iain Smith 3 collaborations
Mark J Adams 3 collaborations
Susanne Bengesser 3 collaborations
Nina Dalkner 3 collaborations
Jose Guzman-Parra 3 collaborations
Lisa Jones 3 collaborations
Rene S Kahn 3 collaborations
Vihra Milanova 3 collaborations
Gloria Roberts 3 collaborations
Adrian I Campos 3 collaborations
Eric T Monson 3 collaborations
Miguel E Rentería 3 collaborations
Ronald C Kessler 3 collaborations
Robert J Ursano 3 collaborations
Hsi-Chung Chen 3 collaborations
Lea Zillich 3 collaborations
Jorge A Cervilla 3 collaborations
Marie-Odile Krebs 3 collaborations
Calwing Liao 3 collaborations
Esther Molina 3 collaborations
Po-Hsiu Kuo 3 collaborations
Chih-Min Liu 3 collaborations
David Porteous 3 collaborations
Daniel J Smith 3 collaborations
Virginia Willour 3 collaborations
Chia-Yen Chen 3 collaborations
Bryan J Mowry 3 collaborations
Sathish Periyasamy 3 collaborations
Murray J Cairns 3 collaborations
Jing Qin Wu 3 collaborations
Bettina Konte 3 collaborations
Preben B Mortensen 3 collaborations
Eilis Hannon 3 collaborations
Jonathan Mill 3 collaborations
Carol A Mathews 3 collaborations
Chikashi Terao 3 collaborations
Rosa Bosch 3 collaborations
Vaughan J Carr 3 collaborations
Dimitris Dikeos 3 collaborations
Micha Gawlik 3 collaborations
Assen V Jablensky 3 collaborations
Andrew McIntosh 3 collaborations
Ulrich Schall 3 collaborations
Rodney J Scott 3 collaborations
Dan J Stein 3 collaborations
Paul Tooney 3 collaborations
Kyung Sue Hong 3 collaborations
Masashi Ikeda 3 collaborations
Kuang Lin 3 collaborations
Behrooz Z Alizadeh 3 collaborations
Conrad Iyegbe 3 collaborations
Jurjen J Luykx 3 collaborations
Bart P F Rutten 3 collaborations
Timothea Toulopoulou 3 collaborations
Therese van Amelsvoort 3 collaborations
Ruud van Winkel 3 collaborations
Evangelos Vassos 3 collaborations
John Powell 3 collaborations
Antonio F Pardiñas 3 collaborations
Anna C Koller 2 collaborations
Jana Strohmaier 2 collaborations
Marco Boks 2 collaborations
Tracy M Air 2 collaborations
Philipp Lutz 2 collaborations
Thomas W M Buckley 2 collaborations
Ulrich Spengler 2 collaborations
Rohini Sharma 2 collaborations
Andre Franke 2 collaborations
Carolin Lackner 2 collaborations
Rudolf E Stauber 2 collaborations
Alexander Link 2 collaborations
Jens U Marquardt 2 collaborations
Jonel Trebicka 2 collaborations
Mattias Mandorfer 2 collaborations
Elmar Aigner 2 collaborations
Stacy Steinberg 2 collaborations
Diego Albani 2 collaborations
Ney Alliey-Rodriguez 2 collaborations
Verneri Antilla 2 collaborations
Marie Bækvad-Hansen 2 collaborations
Jack D Barchas 2 collaborations
Michael Bauer 2 collaborations
Erlend Bøen 2 collaborations
Alexander W Charney 2 collaborations
William Coryell 2 collaborations
David W Craig 2 collaborations
Anders M Dale 2 collaborations
Amanda L Dobbyn 2 collaborations
Louise Frisén 2 collaborations
Diane Gage 2 collaborations
Scott D Gordon 2 collaborations
Martin Hautzinger 2 collaborations
Laura Huckins 2 collaborations
Jessica S Johnson 2 collaborations
Anders Juréus 2 collaborations
Ralph Kupka 2 collaborations
Catharina Lavebratt 2 collaborations
William B Lawson 2 collaborations
Jun Z Li 2 collaborations
Donald J MacIntyre 2 collaborations
Lina Martinsson 2 collaborations
Melvin G McInnis 2 collaborations
James D McKay 2 collaborations
Grant W Montgomery 2 collaborations
Thomas W Mühleisen 2 collaborations
Hoang Nguyen 2 collaborations
Caroline M Nievergelt 2 collaborations
Anil P S Ori 2 collaborations
Lilijana Oruc 2 collaborations
Amy Perry 2 collaborations
Andrea Pfennig 2 collaborations
Eline J Regeer 2 collaborations
John P Rice 2 collaborations
Fabio Rivas 2 collaborations
William A Scheftner 2 collaborations
Paul D Shilling 2 collaborations
Anne T Spijker 2 collaborations
Thorgeir E Thorgeirsson 2 collaborations
Helmut Vedder 2 collaborations
Stanley J Watson 2 collaborations
Simon Xi 2 collaborations
Allan H Young 2 collaborations
Sebastian Zöllner 2 collaborations
Lena Backlund 2 collaborations
Douglas H R Blackwood 2 collaborations
Andres Metspalu 2 collaborations
Ketil J Oedegaard 2 collaborations
Martin Schalling 2 collaborations
Hreinn Stefansson 2 collaborations
Eystein Stordal 2 collaborations
Lea K Davis 2 collaborations
Tarjinder Singh 2 collaborations
Peter F Buckley 2 collaborations
William F Byerley 2 collaborations
Sinéad B Chapman 2 collaborations
Stephen V Faraone 2 collaborations
Hailiang Huang 2 collaborations
Hyun Min Kang 2 collaborations
Douglas S Lehrer 2 collaborations
Stephen R Marder 2 collaborations
Christopher P Morley 2 collaborations
Duncan S Palmer 2 collaborations
Tiina Paunio 2 collaborations
Matthew Solomonson 2 collaborations
Nicholas A Watts 2 collaborations
Aiden P Corvin 2 collaborations
Ann E Pulver 2 collaborations
Brian W Kunkle 2 collaborations
Benjamin Grenier-Boley 2 collaborations
Rebecca Sims 2 collaborations
Joshua C Bis 2 collaborations
Vincent Damotte 2 collaborations
Adam C Naj 2 collaborations
Anne Boland 2 collaborations
Maria Vronskaya 2 collaborations
Sven J van der Lee 2 collaborations
Alexandre Amlie-Wolf 2 collaborations
Céline Bellenguez 2 collaborations
Aura Frizatti 2 collaborations
Vincent Chouraki 2 collaborations
Eden R Martin 2 collaborations
Kristel Sleegers 2 collaborations
Nandini Badarinarayan 2 collaborations
Johanna Jakobsdottir 2 collaborations
Kara L Hamilton-Nelson 2 collaborations
Sonia Moreno-Grau 2 collaborations
Robert Olaso 2 collaborations
Rachel Raybould 2 collaborations
Yuning Chen 2 collaborations
Amanda B Kuzma 2 collaborations
Mikko Hiltunen 2 collaborations
Taniesha Morgan 2 collaborations
Shahzad Ahmad 2 collaborations
Badri N Vardarajan 2 collaborations
Jacques Epelbaum 2 collaborations
Merce Boada 2 collaborations
Gary W Beecham 2 collaborations
Jean-Guillaume Garnier 2 collaborations
Denise Harold 2 collaborations
Annette L Fitzpatrick 2 collaborations
Otto Valladares 2 collaborations
Marie-Laure Moutet 2 collaborations
Amy Gerrish 2 collaborations
Albert V Smith 2 collaborations
Liming Qu 2 collaborations
Delphine Bacq 2 collaborations
Nicola Denning 2 collaborations
Xueqiu Jian 2 collaborations
Yi Zhao 2 collaborations
Nick C Fox 2 collaborations
Seung-Hoan Choi 2 collaborations
Ignacio Mateo 2 collaborations
Joseph T Hughes 2 collaborations
Hieab H Adams 2 collaborations
John Malamon 2 collaborations
Yogen Patel 2 collaborations
Jennifer A Brody 2 collaborations
Beth A Dombroski 2 collaborations
Makrina Daniilidou 2 collaborations
Gudny Eiriksdottir 2 collaborations
Shubhabrata Mukherjee 2 collaborations
David Wallon 2 collaborations
James Uphill 2 collaborations
Thor Aspelund 2 collaborations
Laura B Cantwell 2 collaborations
Fabienne Garzia 2 collaborations
Daniela Galimberti 2 collaborations
Edith Hofer 2 collaborations
Mariusz Butkiewicz 2 collaborations
Bertrand Fin 2 collaborations
Elio Scarpini 2 collaborations
Chloe Sarnowski 2 collaborations
Will S Bush 2 collaborations
Stéphane Meslage 2 collaborations
Johannes Kornhuber 2 collaborations
Charles C White 2 collaborations
Yuenjoo Song 2 collaborations
Robert C Barber 2 collaborations
Sebastiaan Engelborghs 2 collaborations
Sabrina Sordon 2 collaborations
Dina Voijnovic 2 collaborations
Perrie M Adams 2 collaborations
Rik Vandenberghe 2 collaborations
Manuel Mayhaus 2 collaborations
L Adrienne Cupples 2 collaborations
Marilyn S Albert 2 collaborations
Peter P De Deyn 2 collaborations
Wei Gu 2 collaborations
Jayanadra J Himali 2 collaborations
Duane Beekly 2 collaborations
Adelina Orellana 2 collaborations
Deborah Blacker 2 collaborations
Simon Lovestone 2 collaborations
Melissa E Garcia 2 collaborations
Rachelle S Doody 2 collaborations
Carmen Munoz-Fernadez 2 collaborations
Rebecca Sussams 2 collaborations
Honghuang Lin 2 collaborations
Thomas J Fairchild 2 collaborations
Yolanda A Benito 2 collaborations
Clive Holmes 2 collaborations
Hata Karamujić-Čomić 2 collaborations
Matthew P Frosch 2 collaborations
Hakan Thonberg 2 collaborations
Gennady Roshchupkin 2 collaborations
Bernardino Ghetti 2 collaborations
Vilmantas Giedraitis 2 collaborations
Amit Kawalia 2 collaborations
Shuo Li 2 collaborations
Ryan M Huebinger 2 collaborations
Lena Kilander 2 collaborations
Susanne Moebus 2 collaborations
Isabel Hernández 2 collaborations
M Ilyas Kamboh 2 collaborations
RoseMarie Brundin 2 collaborations
James Turton 2 collaborations
Qiong Yang 2 collaborations
Mindy J Katz 2 collaborations
Letizia Concari 2 collaborations
Jenny Lord 2 collaborations
Alexa S Beiser 2 collaborations
C Dirk Keene 2 collaborations
Seppo Helisalmi 2 collaborations
Iwona Kloszewska 2 collaborations
Walter A Kukull 2 collaborations
Anne Maria Koivisto 2 collaborations
Aoibhinn Lynch 2 collaborations
Lluís Tarraga 2 collaborations
Eric B Larson 2 collaborations
Annakaisa Haapasalo 2 collaborations
Brian Lawlor 2 collaborations
Thomas H Mosley 2 collaborations
Richard B Lipton 2 collaborations
Vincenzo Solfrizzi 2 collaborations
W T Longstreth 2 collaborations
Thomas J Montine 2 collaborations
Vincenza Frisardi 2 collaborations
Monica Diez-Fairen 2 collaborations
Fernando Rivadeneira 2 collaborations
Ronald C Petersen 2 collaborations
Vincent Deramecourt 2 collaborations
Ignacio Alvarez 2 collaborations
Francesca Salani 2 collaborations
Antonio Ciaramella 2 collaborations
Eric Boerwinkle 2 collaborations
Eric M Reiman 2 collaborations
Nathalie Fievet 2 collaborations
Jerome I Rotter 2 collaborations
Joan S Reisch 2 collaborations
Olivier Hanon 2 collaborations
Chiara Cupidi 2 collaborations
A G Andre Uitterlinden 2 collaborations
Donald R Royall 2 collaborations
Carole Dufouil 2 collaborations
Itziar de Rojas 2 collaborations
Mary Sano 2 collaborations
Alexis Brice 2 collaborations
Roberta Cecchetti 2 collaborations
Peter St George-Hyslop 2 collaborations
Karen Ritchie 2 collaborations
Magda Tsolaki 2 collaborations
Bruno Dubois 2 collaborations
Chuang-Kuo Wu 2 collaborations
Hilkka Soininen 2 collaborations
Despoina Avramidou 2 collaborations
Roger L Albin 2 collaborations
Laura Fratiglioni 2 collaborations
Antonia Germanou 2 collaborations
Liana G Apostolova 2 collaborations
Lina Keller 2 collaborations
Maria Koutroumani 2 collaborations
Steven E Arnold 2 collaborations
Francesco Panza 2 collaborations
Olymbia Gkatzima 2 collaborations
Sanjay Asthana 2 collaborations
Didier Hannequin 2 collaborations
Patrice Whitehead 2 collaborations
Craig S Atwood 2 collaborations
Paolo Caffarra 2 collaborations
Harald Hampel 2 collaborations
Inés Quintela 2 collaborations
Ángel Carracedo 2 collaborations
Lars Lannfelt 2 collaborations
David C Rubinsztein 2 collaborations
Lisa L Barnes 2 collaborations
Florence Pasquier 2 collaborations
Lutz Frölich 2 collaborations
Sandra Barral 2 collaborations
Bernadette McGuinness 2 collaborations
Thomas G Beach 2 collaborations
Janet A Johnston 2 collaborations
James T Becker 2 collaborations
Peter Passmore 2 collaborations
Eileen H Bigio 2 collaborations
Jonathan M Schott 2 collaborations
Thomas D Bird 2 collaborations
Jason D Warren 2 collaborations
Bradley F Boeve 2 collaborations
Michelle K Lupton 2 collaborations
James D Bowen 2 collaborations
Petra Proitsi 2 collaborations
Adam Boxer 2 collaborations
John F Powell 2 collaborations
James R Burke 2 collaborations
John S K Kauwe 2 collaborations
Jeffrey M Burns 2 collaborations
Michelangelo Mancuso 2 collaborations
Ubaldo Bonuccelli 2 collaborations
Nigel J Cairns 2 collaborations
Chuanhai Cao 2 collaborations
Gill Livingston 2 collaborations
Chris S Carlson 2 collaborations
Cynthia M Carlsson 2 collaborations
John Hardy 2 collaborations
Regina M Carney 2 collaborations
Jose Bras 2 collaborations
Minerva M Carrasquillo 2 collaborations
Rita Guerreiro 2 collaborations
Mariet Allen 2 collaborations
Helena C Chui 2 collaborations
Elizabeth Fisher 2 collaborations
Carlo Masullo 2 collaborations
Elizabeth A Crocco 2 collaborations
Charles DeCarli 2 collaborations
Gina Bisceglio 2 collaborations
Malcolm Dick 2 collaborations
Li Ma 2 collaborations
Ranjan Duara 2 collaborations
Neill R Graff-Radford 2 collaborations
Denis A Evans 2 collaborations
Angela Hodges 2 collaborations
Kelley M Faber 2 collaborations
Martin Scherer 2 collaborations
Kenneth B Fallon 2 collaborations
David W Fardo 2 collaborations
Reinhard Heun 2 collaborations
Martin R Farlow 2 collaborations
Heike Kölsch 2 collaborations
Steven Ferris 2 collaborations
Isabella Heuser 2 collaborations
Douglas R Galasko 2 collaborations
Marla Gearing 2 collaborations
Michael Hüll 2 collaborations
Daniel H Geschwind 2 collaborations
John R Gilbert 2 collaborations
John Morris 2 collaborations
Robert C Green 2 collaborations
Kevin Mayo 2 collaborations
John H Growdon 2 collaborations
Thomas Feulner 2 collaborations
Ronald L Hamilton 2 collaborations
Lindy E Harrell 2 collaborations
Dmitriy Drichel 2 collaborations
Lawrence S Honig 2 collaborations
Thomas D Cushion 2 collaborations
Matthew J Huentelman 2 collaborations
Paul Hollingworth 2 collaborations
Christine M Hulette 2 collaborations
Bradley T Hyman 2 collaborations
Rachel Marshall 2 collaborations
Gail P Jarvik 2 collaborations
Alun Meggy 2 collaborations
Erin Abner 2 collaborations
Georgina E Menzies 2 collaborations
Lee-Way Jin 2 collaborations
Ganna Leonenko 2 collaborations
Luis M Real 2 collaborations
Gyungah R Jun 2 collaborations
Clinton T Baldwin 2 collaborations
Detelina Grozeva 2 collaborations
Anna Karydas 2 collaborations
Giancarlo Russo 2 collaborations
Jeffrey A Kaye 2 collaborations
Ronald Kim 2 collaborations
Frank Jessen 2 collaborations
Neil W Kowall 2 collaborations
Bruno Vellas 2 collaborations
Joel H Kramer 2 collaborations
Emma Vardy 2 collaborations
Frank M LaFerla 2 collaborations
Karl-Heinz Jöckel 2 collaborations
James J Lah 2 collaborations
Martin Dichgans 2 collaborations
James B Leverenz 2 collaborations
David Mann 2 collaborations
Allan I Levey 2 collaborations
Stuart Pickering-Brown 2 collaborations
Andrew P Lieberman 2 collaborations
Norman Klopp 2 collaborations
Kathryn L Lunetta 2 collaborations
H-Erich Wichmann 2 collaborations
Constantine G Lyketsos 2 collaborations
Kevin Morgan 2 collaborations
Daniel C Marson 2 collaborations
Kristelle Brown 2 collaborations
Frank Martiniuk 2 collaborations
Christopher Medway 2 collaborations
Deborah C Mash 2 collaborations
Eliezer Masliah 2 collaborations
Nigel M Hooper 2 collaborations
Wayne C McCormick 2 collaborations
Antonio Daniele 2 collaborations
Susan M McCurry 2 collaborations
Anthony Bayer 2 collaborations
Andrew N McDavid 2 collaborations
John Gallacher 2 collaborations
Ann C McKee 2 collaborations
Hendrik van den Bussche 2 collaborations
Marsel Mesulam 2 collaborations
Carol Brayne 2 collaborations
Bruce L Miller 2 collaborations
Steffi Riedel-Heller 2 collaborations
Carol A Miller 2 collaborations
Joshua W Miller 2 collaborations
Ammar Al-Chalabi 2 collaborations
John C Morris 2 collaborations
Christopher E Shaw 2 collaborations
Amanda J Myers 2 collaborations
Jens Wiltfang 2 collaborations
Sid O'Bryant 2 collaborations
John M Olichney 2 collaborations
Victoria Alvarez 2 collaborations
Joseph E Parisi 2 collaborations
Andrew B Singleton 2 collaborations
Henry L Paulson 2 collaborations
John Collinge 2 collaborations
William R Perry 2 collaborations
Simon Mead 2 collaborations
Elaine Peskind 2 collaborations
David H Cribbs 2 collaborations
Martin Rossor 2 collaborations
Aimee Pierce 2 collaborations
Natalie S Ryan 2 collaborations
Wayne W Poon 2 collaborations
Benedetta Nacmias 2 collaborations
Huntington Potter 2 collaborations
Sandro Sorbi 2 collaborations
Joseph F Quinn 2 collaborations
Eleonora Sacchinelli 2 collaborations
Ashok Raj 2 collaborations
Murray Raskind 2 collaborations
Carlo Caltagirone 2 collaborations
Paola Bossù 2 collaborations
Maria Donata Orfei 2 collaborations
Barry Reisberg 2 collaborations
Robert Clarke 2 collaborations
Christiane Reitz 2 collaborations
A David Smith 2 collaborations
John M Ringman 2 collaborations
Donald Warden 2 collaborations
Erik D Roberson 2 collaborations
Gordon Wilcock 2 collaborations
Ekaterina Rogaeva 2 collaborations
Amalia Cecilia Bruni 2 collaborations
Howard J Rosen 2 collaborations
Maura Gallo 2 collaborations
Roger N Rosenberg 2 collaborations
Yoav Ben-Shlomo 2 collaborations
Mark A Sager 2 collaborations
Patrizia Mecocci 2 collaborations
Andrew J Saykin 2 collaborations
Pau Pastor 2 collaborations
Michael L Cuccaro 2 collaborations
Jeffery M Vance 2 collaborations
Julie A Schneider 2 collaborations
Lori S Schneider 2 collaborations
Susan Slifer 2 collaborations
William W Seeley 2 collaborations
Amanda G Smith 2 collaborations
Joshua A Sonnen 2 collaborations
Salvatore Spina 2 collaborations
Robert A Stern 2 collaborations
Russell H Swerdlow 2 collaborations
Mitchell Tang 2 collaborations
Rudolph E Tanzi 2 collaborations
John Q Trojanowski 2 collaborations
Juan C Troncoso 2 collaborations
Vivianna M Van Deerlin 2 collaborations
Linda J Van Eldik 2 collaborations
Harry V Vinters 2 collaborations
Jean Paul Vonsattel 2 collaborations
Sandra Weintraub 2 collaborations
Kathleen A Welsh-Bohmer 2 collaborations
Kirk C Wilhelmsen 2 collaborations
Jennifer Williamson 2 collaborations
Thomas S Wingo 2 collaborations
Randall L Woltjer 2 collaborations
Clinton B Wright 2 collaborations
Chang-En Yu 2 collaborations
Lei Yu 2 collaborations
Yasaman Saba 2 collaborations
Alberto Pilotto 2 collaborations
Maria J Bullido 2 collaborations
Oliver Peters 2 collaborations
Paul K Crane 2 collaborations
David Bennett 2 collaborations
Paola Bosco 2 collaborations
Eliecer Coto 2 collaborations
Virginia Boccardi 2 collaborations
Phil L De Jager 2 collaborations
Alberto Lleo 2 collaborations
Nick Warner 2 collaborations
Oscar L Lopez 2 collaborations
Martin Ingelsson 2 collaborations
Panagiotis Deloukas 2 collaborations
Carlos Cruchaga 2 collaborations
Caroline Graff 2 collaborations
Rhian Gwilliam 2 collaborations
Myriam Fornage 2 collaborations
Alison M Goate 2 collaborations
Pascual Sanchez-Juan 2 collaborations
Patrick G Kehoe 2 collaborations
Najaf Amin 2 collaborations
Nilifur Ertekin-Taner 2 collaborations
Claudine Berr 2 collaborations
Stéphanie Debette 2 collaborations
Seth Love 2 collaborations
Lenore J Launer 2 collaborations
Steven G Younkin 2 collaborations
Jean-Francois Dartigues 2 collaborations
Chris Corcoran 2 collaborations
M Arfan Ikram 2 collaborations
Dennis W Dickson 2 collaborations
Gael Nicolas 2 collaborations
JoAnn Tschanz 2 collaborations
Helena Schmidt 2 collaborations
Jordi Clarimon 2 collaborations
Ron Munger 2 collaborations
Reinhold Schmidt 2 collaborations
Lindsay A Farrer 2 collaborations
Anita L DeStefano 2 collaborations
Lesley Jones 2 collaborations
Jonathan L Haines 2 collaborations
Jean-Francois Deleuze 2 collaborations
Vilmundur Gudnason 2 collaborations
Richard Mayeux 2 collaborations
Bruce M Psaty 2 collaborations
Alfredo Ramirez 2 collaborations
Li-San Wang 2 collaborations
Agustin Ruiz 2 collaborations
Cornelia M van Duijn 2 collaborations
Sudha Seshadri 2 collaborations
Julie Williams 2 collaborations
Phillippe Amouyel 2 collaborations
Gerard D Schellenberg 2 collaborations
Jean-Charles Lambert 2 collaborations
Carmen C Diaconu 2 collaborations
Ana Iulia Neagu 2 collaborations
Wenqianglong Li 2 collaborations
Niamh Louise O'Brien 2 collaborations
Janos L Kalman 2 collaborations
Annabel Vreeker 2 collaborations
Sergi Papiol 2 collaborations
Kristina Adorjan 2 collaborations
Ashley L Comes 2 collaborations
Nick Craddock 2 collaborations
Tim Hahn 2 collaborations
Tilo Kircher 2 collaborations
Thorsten M Kranz 2 collaborations
Mikael Landen 2 collaborations
Niamh O'Brien 2 collaborations
Kevin S O'Connell 2 collaborations
Sabrina Schaupp 2 collaborations
Eva C Schulte 2 collaborations
Fanny Senner 2 collaborations
Sally Sharp 2 collaborations
Till F M Andlauer 2 collaborations
Anna R Docherty 2 collaborations
Allison E Ashley-Koch 2 collaborations
Xuejun Qin 2 collaborations
Andrey Shabalin 2 collaborations
JooEun Kang 2 collaborations
Emily DiBlasi 2 collaborations
Cynthia M Bulik 2 collaborations
J John Mann 2 collaborations
Giorgio Pistis 2 collaborations
Elizabeth R Hauser 2 collaborations
Michael A Hauser 2 collaborations
Benjamin McMahon 2 collaborations
David W Oslin 2 collaborations
Martin Bohus 2 collaborations
Xiao Chang 2 collaborations
Scott Crow 2 collaborations
Philibert Duriez 2 collaborations
Alexis C Edwards 2 collaborations
Hanga Galfalvy 2 collaborations
Michael Gandal 2 collaborations
Philip Gorwood 2 collaborations
Yiran Guo 2 collaborations
Jonathan D Hafferty 2 collaborations
Katherine A Halmi 2 collaborations
Akitoyo Hishimoto 2 collaborations
Sonia Jain 2 collaborations
Susana Jiménez-Murcia 2 collaborations
Craig Johnson 2 collaborations
Allan S Kaplan 2 collaborations
Walter H Kaye 2 collaborations
Pamela K Keel 2 collaborations
Kelly L Klump 2 collaborations
Dong Li 2 collaborations
Shih-Cheng Liao 2 collaborations
Klaus Lieb 2 collaborations
Lisa Lilenfeld 2 collaborations
Christian R Marshall 2 collaborations
James E Mitchell 2 collaborations
Satoshi Okazaki 2 collaborations
Ikuo Otsuka 2 collaborations
Dalila Pinto 2 collaborations
Abigail Powers 2 collaborations
Nicolas Ramoz 2 collaborations
Stefan Roepke 2 collaborations
Vsevolod Rozanov 2 collaborations
Stephen W Scherer 2 collaborations
Christian Schmahl 2 collaborations
Marcus Sokolowski 2 collaborations
Michael Strober 2 collaborations
Mei-Hsin Su 2 collaborations
Laura M Thornton 2 collaborations
Janet Treasure 2 collaborations
Erin B Ware 2 collaborations
Hunna J Watson 2 collaborations
D Blake Woodside 2 collaborations
Zeynep Yilmaz 2 collaborations
María Soler Artigas 2 collaborations
Claiton H D Bau 2 collaborations
David L Braff 2 collaborations
Richard Bryant 2 collaborations
Enrique Castelao 2 collaborations
Jerome C Foo 2 collaborations
Justine M Gatt 2 collaborations
Eugenio H Grevet 2 collaborations
Blanca Gutierrez 2 collaborations
Karestan C Koenen 2 collaborations
Caroline Nievergelt 2 collaborations
Vanesa Richarte 2 collaborations
Andrea Roberts 2 collaborations
Diego L Rovaris 2 collaborations
Edmund J S Sonuga-Barke 2 collaborations
Laura Vilar-Ribó 2 collaborations
Leanne M Williams 2 collaborations
Annette Erlangsen 2 collaborations
Catherine M Olsen 2 collaborations
Danuta Wasserman 2 collaborations
David C Whiteman 2 collaborations
Hilary Coon 2 collaborations
Jean C Beckham 2 collaborations
Nathan A Kimbrel 2 collaborations
Katja Schulze 2 collaborations
John B Whitfield 2 collaborations
Tae-Hwi Schwantes-An 2 collaborations
Rebecca Darlay 2 collaborations
Ramon Bataller 2 collaborations
Greg Botwin 2 collaborations
Naga P Chalasani 2 collaborations
Heather J Cordell 2 collaborations
Ann K Daly 2 collaborations
Christopher P Day 2 collaborations
Tatiana Foroud 2 collaborations
Dermot Gleeson 2 collaborations
David Goldman 2 collaborations
Paul S Haber 2 collaborations
Jean-Marc Jacquet 2 collaborations
Tiebing Liang 2 collaborations
Suthat Liangpunsakul 2 collaborations
Steven Masson 2 collaborations
Philippe Mathurin 2 collaborations
Romain Moirand 2 collaborations
Christophe Moreno 2 collaborations
Beat Müllhaupt 2 collaborations
Laura E Nagy 2 collaborations
Pierre Nahon 2 collaborations
Bertrand Nalpas 2 collaborations
Sylvie Naveau 2 collaborations
Pascal Perney 2 collaborations
Munir Pirmohamed 2 collaborations
Helmut K Seitz 2 collaborations
Andrew Thompson 2 collaborations
Eric Trépo 2 collaborations
Timothy R Morgan 2 collaborations
Devanshi Seth 2 collaborations
Douglas Blackwood 2 collaborations
Faith Dickerson 2 collaborations
Xiaoming Jia 2 collaborations
Adam E Locke 2 collaborations
Neil Risch 2 collaborations
Catherine Schaefer 2 collaborations
Laura Scott 2 collaborations
Robert Yolken 2 collaborations
Todd Lencz 2 collaborations
Paul A Tooney 2 collaborations
Brian Kelly 2 collaborations
Brien P Riley 2 collaborations
Erik G Jönsson 2 collaborations
Hannelore Ehrenreich 2 collaborations
Martin Begemann 2 collaborations
Pak C Sham 2 collaborations
Daniel R Weinberger 2 collaborations
Jimmy Lee 2 collaborations
Espen Molden 2 collaborations
Anil K Malhotra 2 collaborations
Patrik K E Magnusson 2 collaborations
Tracey L Petryshen 2 collaborations
Maria Koromina 2 collaborations
Brian M Schilder 2 collaborations
Alice Braun 2 collaborations
Brandon Coombes 2 collaborations
Anastasia Antoniou 2 collaborations
Murray Cairns 2 collaborations
Stanley Catts 2 collaborations
Panagiotis Ferentinos 2 collaborations
Ian R Gizer 2 collaborations
Frans Henskens 2 collaborations
Jan Hillert 2 collaborations
Christine Lochner 2 collaborations
Carmel Loughland 2 collaborations
Eirini Maratou 2 collaborations
Nathaniel W McGregor 2 collaborations
Patricia Michie 2 collaborations
Bryan Mowry 2 collaborations
Igor Nenadić 2 collaborations
Michael O'Donovan 2 collaborations
Chris Pantelis 2 collaborations
George P Patrinos 2 collaborations
Evgenia Porichi 2 collaborations
Eva Z Reininghaus 2 collaborations
Maria Soler Artigas 2 collaborations
Claudio Toma 2 collaborations
Irwin D Waldman 2 collaborations
Hong-Hee Won 2 collaborations
Towfique Raj 2 collaborations
J Michael Gaziano 2 collaborations
Brion S Maher 2 collaborations
Spiros Denaxas 2 collaborations
Hamish Innes 2 collaborations
Joanne R Morling 2 collaborations
Indra Neil Guha 2 collaborations
Eleanor Barnes 2 collaborations
Rebecca Jones 2 collaborations
Hreinn Stefánsson 2 collaborations
Tracey van der Veen 2 collaborations
Johan Thygesen 2 collaborations
Richard Bruggeman 2 collaborations
Jeremy Hall 2 collaborations
Rene Kahn 2 collaborations
Eugenia Kravariti 2 collaborations
Roel Ophoff 2 collaborations
Marco Picchioni 2 collaborations
Diana P Prata 2 collaborations
Madiha Shaikh 2 collaborations
Claudia J P Simons 2 collaborations
Neeltje van Haren 2 collaborations
Jim van Os 2 collaborations
Matthias Weisbrod 2 collaborations
Julien Bryois 2 collaborations
Michael J Gandal 2 collaborations
Oleksandr Frei 2 collaborations
Yoichiro Kamatani 2 collaborations
Michiaki Kubo 2 collaborations
Jennifer L Moran 2 collaborations
Julian Roth 2 collaborations
Charlotte A Dennison 2 collaborations
Sophie E Legge 2 collaborations
Kaarina Kowalec 2 collaborations
Alp Üçok 2 collaborations
Gary Donohoe 2 collaborations
Kieran C Murphy 2 collaborations
Diego Quattrone 2 collaborations
Lieuwe de Haan 2 collaborations
Clement Zai 1 collaboration
Miguel E Renteria 1 collaboration
Thomas Hansen 1 collaboration
Ines Silva 1 collaboration
Vanessa Rausch 1 collaboration
Daniel Gotthardt 1 collaboration
Mona Elamly 1 collaboration
Henning Wege 1 collaboration
Stephen Atkinson 1 collaboration
Sophie Nehring 1 collaboration
Vincent Moser 1 collaboration
Laurent Spahr 1 collaboration
Jane I Grove 1 collaboration
Waleed Fateen 1 collaboration
Steffen Zopf 1 collaboration
Jean-Francois Dufour 1 collaboration
Pavel Strnad 1 collaboration
Karim Hamesch 1 collaboration
Renate Schmelz 1 collaboration
Stefan Brueckner 1 collaboration
Carolin V Heimes 1 collaboration
Vivien Woditsch 1 collaboration
David Scholten 1 collaboration
Sabina Janciauskiene 1 collaboration
Michael Trauner 1 collaboration
Michael J Way 1 collaboration
Matthias C Reichert 1 collaboration
Felix Braun 1 collaboration
Witigo von Schönfels 1 collaboration
Sebastian Hinz 1 collaboration
Greta Burmeister 1 collaboration
Claus Hellerbrand 1 collaboration
Andreas Teufel 1 collaboration
Alexandra Feldman 1 collaboration
Joern M Schattenberg 1 collaboration
Heike Bantel 1 collaboration
Anita Pathil 1 collaboration
Muenevver Demir 1 collaboration
Johannes Kluwe 1 collaboration
Tobias Boettler 1 collaboration
Monika Ridinger 1 collaboration
Norbert Wodarz 1 collaboration
Falk Kiefer 1 collaboration
Thomas Weber 1 collaboration
Holger Hinrichsen 1 collaboration
Martin Schlattjan 1 collaboration
Katharina Sosnowsky 1 collaboration
Christoph Sarrazin 1 collaboration
Andreas Geier 1 collaboration
Bence Sipos 1 collaboration
Michael Nothnagel 1 collaboration
Christian Trautwein 1 collaboration
Yunpeng Wang 1 collaboration
Héléna A Gaspar 1 collaboration
Christiaan A de Leeuw 1 collaboration
Tune H Pers 1 collaboration
Liam Abbott 1 collaboration
Judith A Badner 1 collaboration
Richard Belliveau 1 collaboration
James Boocock 1 collaboration
William Bunney 1 collaboration
Felecia Cerrato 1 collaboration
Kimberly Chambert 1 collaboration
Danfeng Chen 1 collaboration
Simone de Jong 1 collaboration
Jurgen Del-Favero 1 collaboration
Ashley Dumont 1 collaboration
Chun Chieh Fan 1 collaboration
Sascha B Fischer 1 collaboration
Matthew Flickinger 1 collaboration
Christine Fraser 1 collaboration
Claudia Giambartolomei 1 collaboration
Jaqueline Goldstein 1 collaboration
Elaine K Green 1 collaboration
Weihua Guan 1 collaboration
Maria Hipolito 1 collaboration
Dominic Holland 1 collaboration
Radhika Kandaswamy 1 collaboration
Robert Karlsson 1 collaboration
Chunyu Liu 1 collaboration
Anna Maaser 1 collaboration
Pamela B Mahon 1 collaboration
Steve McCarroll 1 collaboration
Fan Meng 1 collaboration
Evaristus A Nwulia 1 collaboration
Urban Ösby 1 collaboration
Shaun M Purcell 1 collaboration
Céline S Reinbold 1 collaboration
Euijung Ryu 1 collaboration
Alan F Schatzberg 1 collaboration
Nicholas J Schork 1 collaboration
Tatyana Shehktman 1 collaboration
Michael Steffens 1 collaboration
Szabolcs Szelinger 1 collaboration
Robert C Thompson 1 collaboration
Jens Treutlein 1 collaboration
Peter Zandi 1 collaboration
Peng Zhang 1 collaboration
Fernando Goes 1 collaboration
Julia M Sealock 1 collaboration
Sandra Sanchez-Roige 1 collaboration
Zhongshan Cheng 1 collaboration
Boyang Li 1 collaboration
Rachel L Kember 1 collaboration
Rachel Vickers Smith 1 collaboration
Mette Nyegaard 1 collaboration
Emma C Johnson 1 collaboration
Amy C Justice 1 collaboration
Abraham A Palmer 1 collaboration
Arpana Agrawal 1 collaboration
Timothy Poterba 1 collaboration
William E Bunney 1 collaboration
Caroline M Cusick 1 collaboration
Lynn DeLisi 1 collaboration
Sheila Dodge 1 collaboration
Michael A Escamilla 1 collaboration
Saana Eskelinen 1 collaboration
Laurent Francioli 1 collaboration
Stacey B Gabriel 1 collaboration
Andrea Ganna 1 collaboration
David C Glahn 1 collaboration
Eija Hämäläinen 1 collaboration
Henrike O Heyne 1 collaboration
Matti Holi 1 collaboration
Konrad J Karczewski 1 collaboration
Francis S Lee 1 collaboration
Francesco Lescai 1 collaboration
Ana Maria Olivares 1 collaboration
Dost Ongur 1 collaboration
Willem H Ouwehand 1 collaboration
Elliott Rees 1 collaboration
Brandi Rollins 1 collaboration
F Kyle Satterstrom 1 collaboration
Alan Schatzberg 1 collaboration
Edward Scolnick 1 collaboration
Christine R Stevens 1 collaboration
Grace Tiao 1 collaboration
Douglas H Blackwood 1 collaboration
Bruce M Cohen 1 collaboration
James T Walters 1 collaboration
Thomas M Werge 1 collaboration
Giovanni Giaroli 1 collaboration
Oris Shenyan 1 collaboration
Johan Hilge Thygesen 1 collaboration
Markus Maria Nöthen 1 collaboration
Nicholas James Bass 1 collaboration
Douglas Ruderfer 1 collaboration
Frederike Stein 1 collaboration
Tina Meller 1 collaboration
Susanne Meinert 1 collaboration
Helena Pelin 1 collaboration
Sofie R Aminoff 1 collaboration
Heike Anderson-Schmidt 1 collaboration
Raffaella Ardau 1 collaboration
Jean-Michel Aubry 1 collaboration
Ceylan Balaban 1 collaboration
Antoni Benabarre 1 collaboration
Katharina Brosch 1 collaboration
Catina Chillotti 1 collaboration
Scott R Clark 1 collaboration
Paul E Croarkin 1 collaboration
Frederike Fellendorf 1 collaboration
Mark A Frye 1 collaboration
Elliot Gershon 1 collaboration
Paul Grof 1 collaboration
Roland Hasler 1 collaboration
Maria Heilbronner 1 collaboration
Stephane Jamain 1 collaboration
Esther Jimenez 1 collaboration
Trine Vik Lagerberg 1 collaboration
Mario Maj 1 collaboration
Mirko Manchia 1 collaboration
Palmiero Monteleone 1 collaboration
Tomas Novak 1 collaboration
Nils Opel 1 collaboration
Abigail Ortiz 1 collaboration
Erik Pålsson 1 collaboration
Joanna Pawlak 1 collaboration
Julia-Katharina Pfarr 1 collaboration
Claudia Pisanu 1 collaboration
Daniela Reich-Erkelenz 1 collaboration
Eva Reininghaus 1 collaboration
Jonathan Repple 1 collaboration
Kai Ringwald 1 collaboration
Guy Rouleau 1 collaboration
Simon Schmitt 1 collaboration
K Oliver Schubert 1 collaboration
Barbara Schweizer 1 collaboration
Giovanni Severino 1 collaboration
Pavla Stopkova 1 collaboration
John Strauss 1 collaboration
Alfonso Tortorella 1 collaboration
Marin Veldic 1 collaboration
Nikolaos Koutsouleris 1 collaboration
Peter Falkai 1 collaboration
Giorgia Quadri 1 collaboration
Iain Lightley 1 collaboration
Irene Guerrini 1 collaboration
Allan D Thomson 1 collaboration
Patrick C McHugh 1 collaboration
Kati Koido 1 collaboration
Lejla Pojskic 1 collaboration
Peter Z Almos 1 collaboration
Isabella Borg 1 collaboration
Nada Božina 1 collaboration
Domenico A Coviello 1 collaboration
Lana Ganoci 1 collaboration
Uffe B Jensen 1 collaboration
Louise Durand-Lennad 1 collaboration
Alvydas Navickas 1 collaboration
Nikolai P Pace 1 collaboration
Milena Paneque 1 collaboration
Maria Johansson Soller 1 collaboration
Algirdas Utkus 1 collaboration
Evelien Van Assche 1 collaboration
Lily Vissouze 1 collaboration
Shachar Zuckerman 1 collaboration
Kristiina Tammimies 1 collaboration
Balasz Murnyak 1 collaboration
Frank Wendt 1 collaboration
Amanda V Bakian 1 collaboration
Consuelo Walss-Bass 1 collaboration
Chittaranjan Behera 1 collaboration
Michelle Dennis 1 collaboration
Melanie Garrett 1 collaboration
Lauren Hair 1 collaboration
Philip Harvey 1 collaboration
Jennifer Huffman 1 collaboration
Daniel Jacobson 1 collaboration
Ravi Madduri 1 collaboration
Jodie Trafton 1 collaboration
Erik D Christensen 1 collaboration
Leun J Otten 1 collaboration
Hana Afrah 1 collaboration
Lauren Varney 1 collaboration
Marius Cotic 1 collaboration
Jennifer F Linden 1 collaboration
Aneesh Sharma 1 collaboration
Eleanor Ryan 1 collaboration
William J H Griffiths 1 collaboration
Michael Way 1 collaboration
John D Ryan 1 collaboration
Stephen Stewart 1 collaboration
Callum Wright 1 collaboration
Paola Dongiovanni 1 collaboration
Anna Fracanzani 1 collaboration
Jochen Zwerina 1 collaboration
Uta Merle 1 collaboration
Elisabeth Krones 1 collaboration
Christian Dejaco 1 collaboration
Heinz Zoller 1 collaboration
Marco P M Boks 1 collaboration
Nancy L Pedersen 1 collaboration
Chris Cotsapas 1 collaboration
Stuart Tobet 1 collaboration
Robert Handa 1 collaboration
Agnes Steixner-Kumar 1 collaboration
Tracy Air 1 collaboration
Rudolf Uher 1 collaboration
Dorret I Boomsma 1 collaboration
Jouke-Jan Hottenga 1 collaboration
Eco J C de Geus 1 collaboration
Gonneke Willemsen 1 collaboration
Henning Tiemeier 1 collaboration
Alexander Teumer 1 collaboration
Uwe Völker 1 collaboration
Alexander Viktorin 1 collaboration
Jill M Goldstein 1 collaboration
Chathura J Gunasekara 1 collaboration
Harry MacKay 1 collaboration
Cristian Coarfa 1 collaboration
Robert A Waterland 1 collaboration
Matthew Halvorsen 1 collaboration
Jin Szatkiewicz 1 collaboration
Poorva Mudgal 1 collaboration
Dongmei Yu 1 collaboration
Ashley E Nordsletten 1 collaboration
David Mataix-Cols 1 collaboration
Jeremiah M Scharf 1 collaboration
Mary M Robertson 1 collaboration
James J Crowley 1 collaboration
Ashvin Ravi 1 collaboration
Jack Humphrey 1 collaboration
Tim Bidgeli 1 collaboration
Chris Chatzinakos 1 collaboration
Jaeyoung Kim 1 collaboration
Xiaoxi Liu 1 collaboration
Kevin S O 'Connell 1 collaboration
Joanna Biernacka 1 collaboration
Konstantinos Dafnas 1 collaboration
Melanie Lenger 1 collaboration
Donald MacIntyre 1 collaboration
Paraskevi Moutsatsou 1 collaboration
Richard Myers 1 collaboration
Joanna M Pawlak 1 collaboration
Thomas Weickert 1 collaboration
Xiangrui Meng 1 collaboration
Georgina Navoly 1 collaboration
Dora Koller 1 collaboration
Gita A Pathak 1 collaboration
Nastassja Koen 1 collaboration
Yanzhe Feng 1 collaboration
Heather J Zar 1 collaboration
Megan L Campbell 1 collaboration
David A van Heel 1 collaboration
Bhavi Trivedi 1 collaboration
Sarah Finer 1 collaboration
V Kartik Chundru 1 collaboration
Hilary C Martin 1 collaboration
Qin Qin Huang 1 collaboration
Maria Valkovskaya 1 collaboration
Chia-Yi Chu 1 collaboration
Susan Kanjira 1 collaboration
Shih-Jen Tsai 1 collaboration
Yu-Li Liu 1 collaboration
Roseann E Peterson 1 collaboration
Na Cai 1 collaboration
Yu Fang 1 collaboration
Srijan Sen 1 collaboration
Ruth J F Loos 1 collaboration
Michael H Preuss 1 collaboration
Ky'Era V Actkins 1 collaboration
Monica Uddin 1 collaboration
Agaz H Wani 1 collaboration
Derek E Wildman 1 collaboration
Allison E Aiello 1 collaboration
Masahiro Kanai 1 collaboration
Yukinori Okada 1 collaboration
Saori Sakaue 1 collaboration
Jill A Rabinowitz 1 collaboration
George Uhl 1 collaboration
William Eaton 1 collaboration
Carlos S Cruz-Fuentes 1 collaboration
Iona Y Millwood 1 collaboration
Zhengming Chen 1 collaboration
Liming Li 1 collaboration
Yunxuan Jiang 1 collaboration
Chao Tian 1 collaboration
Brittany L Mitchell 1 collaboration
Tamar Sofer 1 collaboration
Robin G Walters 1 collaboration
Erin C Dunn 1 collaboration
Joseph D Deak 1 collaboration
Marco Galimberti 1 collaboration
Keyrun Adhikari 1 collaboration
John Concato 1 collaboration
Daniel J Buysse 1 collaboration
Daniel J Gottlieb 1 collaboration
Natalie Shoham 1 collaboration
Diana Dunca 1 collaboration
Claudia Cooper 1 collaboration
Joseph F Hayes 1 collaboration
Gemma Lewis 1 collaboration
Jerry Guintivano 1 collaboration
Emma Dempster 1 collaboration
Nick J Bass 1 collaboration
Steve Horvath 1 collaboration
Eleonora Iob 1 collaboration
Tabea Schoeler 1 collaboration
Charlotte M Cecil 1 collaboration
Esther Walton 1 collaboration
Jean-Baptiste Pingault 1 collaboration
Marta Wronska 1 collaboration
Ghazaleh Fatemifar 1 collaboration
Chris Finan 1 collaboration
Philipp Ludwig Lutz 1 collaboration
Stephen Rahul Atkinson 1 collaboration
Jacob Nattermann 1 collaboration
Christian Strassburg 1 collaboration
Heidi Altmann 1 collaboration
Stefan Sulk 1 collaboration
Thomas Reiberger 1 collaboration
Georg Semmler 1 collaboration
Bernhard Scheiner 1 collaboration
Stefano Romeo 1 collaboration
William Lucien Irving 1 collaboration
M Azim Ansari 1 collaboration
Jocelyn Quistrebert 1 collaboration
Sascha A Müller 1 collaboration
Jean-François Dufour 1 collaboration
Laura E Grover 1 collaboration
Kejal H S Patel 1 collaboration
G Bragi Walters 1 collaboration
Kári Stefánsson 1 collaboration
Markus Nothen 1 collaboration
Tracey Van Der Veen 1 collaboration
Anders Borglum 1 collaboration
Mark Kristiansen 1 collaboration
Tim Bigdeli 1 collaboration
Samer Gawrieh 1 collaboration
Craig S Lammert 1 collaboration
Amelia Presman 1 collaboration
Agna Bartels-Velthuis 1 collaboration
Stella Calafato 1 collaboration
Liewe de Haan 1 collaboration
Sonja M C de Zwarte 1 collaboration
Álvaro Díez-Revuelta 1 collaboration
Assen Jablensky 1 collaboration
Luba Kalaydjieva 1 collaboration
Stephen Lawrie 1 collaboration
Igancio Mata 1 collaboration
Rebecca Muir 1 collaboration
Siri Ranlund 1 collaboration
Frederike Schirmbeck 1 collaboration
Muriel Walshe 1 collaboration
Vaughan Bell 1 collaboration
Mariam M Al Eissa 1 collaboration
I Arican 1 collaboration
N Bass 1 collaboration
K Neelam 1 collaboration
K Wolfe 1 collaboration
A McQuillin 1 collaboration
G Giaroli 1 collaboration
Adriana Lori 1 collaboration
Andrew W Bergen 1 collaboration
Harry Brandt 1 collaboration
Steven Crawford 1 collaboration
Manfred M Fichter 1 collaboration
Steven Gallinger 1 collaboration
Pierre J Magistretti 1 collaboration
Miguel Casas 1 collaboration
Annette Hartmann 1 collaboration
Stanley I Shyn 1 collaboration
Jennifer H Lindquist 1 collaboration
Zhen Qiao 1 collaboration
Sigrid Børte 1 collaboration
Ole Kristian Drange 1 collaboration
Saskia P Hagenaars 1 collaboration
Nolan Kamitaki 1 collaboration
Kristi Krebs 1 collaboration
Laura G Sloofman 1 collaboration
Bendik S Winsvold 1 collaboration
Liliya Abramova 1 collaboration
Ji Hyun Baek 1 collaboration
Eva C Beins 1 collaboration
Armin Birner 1 collaboration
Murielle Brum 1 collaboration
Ben M Brumpton 1 collaboration
Julie Cunningham 1 collaboration
Friederike S David 1 collaboration
Athanassios Douzenis 1 collaboration
I Nicol Ferrier 1 collaboration
Kyooseob Ha 1 collaboration
Magnus Haraldsson 1 collaboration
Dennis Hellgren 1 collaboration
Steven A Kushner 1 collaboration
Heon-Jeong Lee 1 collaboration
Catrin Lewis 1 collaboration
Martin Lundberg 1 collaboration
Sigurdur H Magnusson 1 collaboration
Adam Maihofer 1 collaboration
Vincent Millischer 1 collaboration
Jessica Mei Kay Yang 1 collaboration
Hannah Young 1 collaboration
Gulja Babadjanova 1 collaboration
Kristian Hveem 1 collaboration
Tomas Olsson 1 collaboration
Takeo Saito 1 collaboration
John-Anker Zwart 1 collaboration
Sharon Hutchinson 1 collaboration
Will Irving 1 collaboration
Ewan Forrest 1 collaboration
Vincent Pedergnana 1 collaboration
David Goldberg 1 collaboration
Esther Aspinall 1 collaboration
Stephan Barclay 1 collaboration
Peter C Hayes 1 collaboration
John Dillon 1 collaboration
Teresa Peccerella 1 collaboration
Sophie E Smart 1 collaboration
Isabella R Willcocks 1 collaboration
Amy J Lynham 1 collaboration
Carmen Simonsen 1 collaboration
James H MacCabe 1 collaboration
Olesya Ajnakina 1 collaboration
Luis Alameda 1 collaboration
Thomas R E Barnes 1 collaboration
Domenico Berardi 1 collaboration
Elena Bonora 1 collaboration
Sara Camporesi 1 collaboration
Martine Cleusix 1 collaboration
Philippe Conus 1 collaboration
Giuseppe D'Andrea 1 collaboration
Arsime Demjaha 1 collaboration
Kim Q Do 1 collaboration
Gillian A Doody 1 collaboration
Chin B Eap 1 collaboration
Aziz Ferchiou 1 collaboration
Lorenzo Guidi 1 collaboration
Lina Homman 1 collaboration
Raoul Jenni 1 collaboration
Eileen M Joyce 1 collaboration
Laura Kassoumeri 1 collaboration
Inès Khadimallah 1 collaboration
Ornella Lastrina 1 collaboration
Roberto Muratori 1 collaboration
Handan Noyan 1 collaboration
Francis A O'Neill 1 collaboration
Baptiste Pignon 1 collaboration
Romeo Restellini 1 collaboration
Jean-Romain Richard 1 collaboration
Franck Schürhoff 1 collaboration
Filip Španiel 1 collaboration
Andrei Szöke 1 collaboration
Ilaria Tarricone 1 collaboration
Andrea Tortelli 1 collaboration
Karoline Kuchenbäcker 1 collaboration
Emma L Dempster 1 collaboration
Georgina Mansell 1 collaboration
Joe Burrage 1 collaboration
Marc M Bohlken 1 collaboration
Charles J Curtis 1 collaboration
David Dempster 1 collaboration
Timothy G Dinan 1 collaboration
Fiona Gaughran 1 collaboration
Amy Gillespie 1 collaboration
Cerisse Gunasinghe 1 collaboration
Hilleke E Hulshoff 1 collaboration
Viktoria Johansson 1 collaboration
Jaakko Kaprio 1 collaboration
Gunter Kenis 1 collaboration
James MacCabe 1 collaboration
Colette J Mustard 1 collaboration
Igor Nenadic 1 collaboration
Bart Pf Rutten 1 collaboration
Sebastian Therman 1 collaboration
Jim Van Os 1 collaboration
John L Waddington 1 collaboration
Patrick Sullivan 1 collaboration
David Andrew Collier 1 collaboration
Leonard S Schalkwyk 1 collaboration
Duncan Palmer 1 collaboration
Sarah Cohen-Woods 1 collaboration
Anne U Jackson 1 collaboration
Chen Jiang 1 collaboration
Mark Kvale 1 collaboration
Mehdi Pirooznia 1 collaboration
Ling Shen 1 collaboration
Khanh Thai 1 collaboration
Matthew Zawistowski 1 collaboration
Yongwen Zhuang 1 collaboration
Gonçalo Abecasis 1 collaboration
Sarah Bergen 1 collaboration
Sinéad Chapman 1 collaboration
Melissa DelaBastide 1 collaboration
Pui-Yan Kwok 1 collaboration
Jennifer Moran 1 collaboration
Janet Sobell 1 collaboration
Stanley Watson 1 collaboration
Arianna DiFlorio 1 collaboration
Cathryn Lewis 1 collaboration
W Richard McCombie 1 collaboration
Derek Morris 1 collaboration
Willem Ouwehand 1 collaboration
Michael Owen 1 collaboration
Michele Pato 1 collaboration
Jordan Smoller 1 collaboration
John Vincent 1 collaboration
James Walters 1 collaboration
Benjamin Neale 1 collaboration
Shaun Purcell 1 collaboration
Ting Qi 1 collaboration
Lynsey S Hall 1 collaboration
Max Lam 1 collaboration
Kyoko Watanabe 1 collaboration
Tian Ge 1 collaboration
Janet C Harwood 1 collaboration
Frank Koopmans 1 collaboration
Sigurdur Magnusson 1 collaboration
Julia Sidorenko 1 collaboration
Yang Wu 1 collaboration
Jian Zeng 1 collaboration
Zhiqiang Li 1 collaboration
Georgios Voloudakis 1 collaboration
Wen Zhang 1 collaboration
Elizabeth G Atkinson 1 collaboration
Margot Albus 1 collaboration
Madeline Alexander 1 collaboration
Köksal Alptekin 1 collaboration
Farooq Amin 1 collaboration
Volker Arolt 1 collaboration
Manuel Arrojo 1 collaboration
Lavinia Athanasiu 1 collaboration
Maria Helena Azevedo 1 collaboration
Silviu A Bacanu 1 collaboration
Richard A Belliveau 1 collaboration
Judit Bene 1 collaboration
Beben Benyamin 1 collaboration
Giuseppe Blasi 1 collaboration
Julio Bobes 1 collaboration
Stefano Bonassi 1 collaboration
Randy L Buckner 1 collaboration
Monica E Calkins 1 collaboration
David Castle 1 collaboration
Stanley V Catts 1 collaboration
Kimberley D Chambert 1 collaboration
Raymond C K Chan 1 collaboration
Wei Cheng 1 collaboration
Eric F C Cheung 1 collaboration
Siow Ann Chong 1 collaboration
David Cohen 1 collaboration
Angèle Consoli 1 collaboration
Quirino Cordeiro 1 collaboration
Javier Costas 1 collaboration
Charles Curtis 1 collaboration
Michael Davidson 1 collaboration
Kenneth L Davis 1 collaboration
Lynn E DeLisi 1 collaboration
Timothy Dinan 1 collaboration
Jubao Duan 1 collaboration
Giuseppe Ducci 1 collaboration
Frank Dudbridge 1 collaboration
Johan G Eriksson 1 collaboration
Lourdes Fañanás 1 collaboration
Andreas Forstner 1 collaboration
Menachem Fromer 1 collaboration
Alessandra Frustaci 1 collaboration
Ary Gadelha 1 collaboration
Marianna Giannitelli 1 collaboration
Stephanie Godard 1 collaboration
Jacqueline I Goldstein 1 collaboration
Ana González-Pinto 1 collaboration
Srihari Gopal 1 collaboration
Jacob Gratten 1 collaboration
Michael F Green 1 collaboration
Olivier Guillin 1 collaboration
Sinan Gülöksüz 1 collaboration
Raquel E Gur 1 collaboration
Ruben C Gur 1 collaboration
Blanca Gutiérrez 1 collaboration
Eric Hahn 1 collaboration
Vahram Haroutunian 1 collaboration
Carol Harvey 1 collaboration
Caroline Hayward 1 collaboration
Frans A Henskens 1 collaboration
Inge Joa 1 collaboration
Antonio Julià 1 collaboration
Anna K Kähler 1 collaboration
Tony Kam-Thong 1 collaboration
Oussama Kebir 1 collaboration
Matthew C Keller 1 collaboration
Brian J Kelly 1 collaboration
Andrey Khrunin 1 collaboration
Sung-Wan Kim 1 collaboration
Janis Klovins 1 collaboration
Nikolay Kondratiev 1 collaboration
Julia Kraft 1 collaboration
Vaidutis Kučinskas 1 collaboration
Agung Kusumawardhani 1 collaboration
Hana Kuzelova-Ptackova 1 collaboration
Stefano Landi 1 collaboration
Laura C Lazzeroni 1 collaboration
Rebecca Lencer 1 collaboration
Bernard Lerer 1 collaboration
Miaoxin Li 1 collaboration
Jeffrey Lieberman 1 collaboration
Gregory A Light 1 collaboration
Svetlana Limborska 1 collaboration
Jouko Lönnqvist 1 collaboration
Carmel M Loughland 1 collaboration
Jan Lubinski 1 collaboration
Amy Lynham 1 collaboration
Milan Macek 1 collaboration
Andrew Mackinnon 1 collaboration
Jacques Mallet 1 collaboration
Sara Marsal 1 collaboration
Alicia R Martin 1 collaboration
Lourdes Martorell 1 collaboration
Robert W McCarley 1 collaboration
John J McGrath 1 collaboration
Sandra Meier 1 collaboration
Bela Melegh 1 collaboration
Patricia T Michie 1 collaboration
Marina Mitjans 1 collaboration
María Dolores Molto 1 collaboration
Valeria Mondelli 1 collaboration
Carmen Moreno 1 collaboration
Gerard Muntané 1 collaboration
Inez Myin-Germeys 1 collaboration
Gerald Nestadt 1 collaboration
Liene Nikitina-Zake 1 collaboration
Cristiano Noto 1 collaboration
Keith H Nuechterlein 1 collaboration
F Anthony O'Neill 1 collaboration
Sang-Yun Oh 1 collaboration
Ann Olincy 1 collaboration
Vanessa Kiyomi Ota 1 collaboration
Christos Pantelis 1 collaboration
George N Papadimitriou 1 collaboration
Mara Parellada 1 collaboration
Renata Pellegrino 1 collaboration
Diana O Perkins 1 collaboration
Bruno Pfuhlmann 1 collaboration
Olli Pietiläinen 1 collaboration
Allen D Radant 1 collaboration
Antonio Rampino 1 collaboration
Anna Rautanen 1 collaboration
Abraham Reichenberg 1 collaboration
Cheryl Roe 1 collaboration
Joshua L Roffman 1 collaboration
Matthias Rothermundt 1 collaboration
Safaa Saker-Delye 1 collaboration
Veikko Salomaa 1 collaboration
Julio Sanjuan 1 collaboration
Marcos Leite Santoro 1 collaboration
Adam Savitz 1 collaboration
Larry J Seidman 1 collaboration
Sally Isabel Sharp 1 collaboration
Larry J Siever 1 collaboration
Kang Sim 1 collaboration
Nora Skarabis 1 collaboration
Petr Slominsky 1 collaboration
Hon-Cheong So 1 collaboration
Erik Söderman 1 collaboration
Helen J Stain 1 collaboration
Nils Eiel Steen 1 collaboration
Agnes A Steixner-Kumar 1 collaboration
Elisabeth Stögmann 1 collaboration
William S Stone 1 collaboration
Richard E Straub 1 collaboration
Eric Strengman 1 collaboration
T Scott Stroup 1 collaboration
Mythily Subramaniam 1 collaboration
Catherine A Sugar 1 collaboration
Dragan M Svrakic 1 collaboration
Neal R Swerdlow 1 collaboration
Jin P Szatkiewicz 1 collaboration
Thi Minh Tam Ta 1 collaboration
Atsushi Takahashi 1 collaboration
Florence Thibaut 1 collaboration
Draga Toncheva 1 collaboration
Silvia Torretta 1 collaboration
Sarah Tosato 1 collaboration
Gian Battista Tura 1 collaboration
Bruce I Turetsky 1 collaboration
Arne Vaaler 1 collaboration
Juha Veijola 1 collaboration
John Waddington 1 collaboration
Henrik Walter 1 collaboration
Anna Waterreus 1 collaboration
Bradley T Webb 1 collaboration
Mark Weiser 1 collaboration
Nigel M Williams 1 collaboration
Brandon K Wormley 1 collaboration
Zhida Xu 1 collaboration
Wei Zhou 1 collaboration
Feng Zhu 1 collaboration
Fritz Zimprich 1 collaboration
Eşref Cem Atbaşoğlu 1 collaboration
Muhammad Ayub 1 collaboration
Christian Benner 1 collaboration
Alessandro Bertolino 1 collaboration
Donald W Black 1 collaboration
Nicholas J Bray 1 collaboration
Nancy G Buccola 1 collaboration
C Robert Cloninger 1 collaboration
Robert Freedman 1 collaboration
Cherrie Galletly 1 collaboration
Massimo Gennarelli 1 collaboration
Amanda L Neil 1 collaboration
Matti Pirinen 1 collaboration
Jeremy M Silverman 1 collaboration
Elisabet Vilella 1 collaboration
Shi-Heng Wang 1 collaboration
Shuhua Xu 1 collaboration
Celso Arango 1 collaboration
Sintia Iole Belangero 1 collaboration
David Braff 1 collaboration
David A Collier 1 collaboration
Enrico Domenici 1 collaboration
Anna Gareeva 1 collaboration
Vera Golimbet 1 collaboration
Steven E Hyman 1 collaboration
Elza Khusnutdinova 1 collaboration
Jianjun Liu 1 collaboration
Dheeraj Malhotra 1 collaboration
Paulo R Menezes 1 collaboration
Vera A Morgan 1 collaboration
Shengying Qin 1 collaboration
Meram C Saka 1 collaboration
Sibylle G Schwab 1 collaboration
Yongyong Shi 1 collaboration
Dieter B Wildenauer 1 collaboration
Xin Yu 1 collaboration
Weihua Yue 1 collaboration
Andrew J Pocklington 1 collaboration
Matthijs Verhage 1 collaboration
Peter M Visscher 1 collaboration
Jian Yang 1 collaboration
Markus Nöthen 1 collaboration
Mohanad M Alsaleh 1 collaboration
Freya Allery 1 collaboration
Jung Won Choi 1 collaboration
Tuankasfee Hama 1 collaboration
Honghan Wu 1 collaboration
Naaheed Mukadam 1 collaboration
Oliver Pain 1 collaboration
Vasiliki Gkofa 1 collaboration
Maria J Arranz 1 collaboration
Stephan Bender 1 collaboration
Maria Stella Calafato 1 collaboration
Stephen M Lawrie 1 collaboration
Ignacio Mata 1 collaboration
Kai Yao 1 collaboration