International journal of molecular sciences
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism
Gut microbes
Mattea Müller
Gerben D A Hermes
Canfora Emanuel E
Jens J Holst
Erwin G Zoetendal
Hauke Smidt
Freddy Troost
Frank G Schaap
Steven Olde Damink
Kaatje Lenaerts
Ad A M Masclee
Ellen E Blaak
Molecular metabolism
Rens L J van Meijel
Max A A Vogel
Lars M M Vliex
Joey S J Smeets
Nicole Hoebers
Joris Hoeks
Yvonne Essers
Paul F M Schoffelen
Henrike Sell
Sander Kersten
Kasper M A Rouschop
Ellen E Blaak
Gijs H Goossens
Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews
International journal of obesity (2005)
Nature reviews. Endocrinology
Frontiers in endocrinology
International journal of obesity (2005)
Nicole Vogelzangs
Carla J H van der Kallen
Marleen M J van Greevenbroek
Birgitta W van der Kolk
Gijs H Goossens
Nicolaas C Schaper
Ronald M A Henry
Simone J P M Eussen
Armand Valsesia
Thomas Hankemeier
Arne Astrup
Wim H M Saris
Coen D A Stehouwer
Ellen E Blaak
Ilja C W Arts
Auteur inconnu
Birgitta W van der Kolk
Marianthi Kalafati
Michiel Adriaens
Marleen M J van Greevenbroek
Nicole Vogelzangs
Wim H M Saris
Arne Astrup
Armand Valsesia
Dominique Langin
Carla J H van der Kallen
Simone J P M Eussen
Casper G Schalkwijk
Coen D A Stehouwer
Gijs H Goossens
Ilja C W Arts
Chris T Evelo
Ellen E Blaak
Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)
International journal of obesity (2005)
Frontiers in endocrinology
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism