Relationship between tutor support, caring self-efficacy and intention to leave of nursing students: the roles of self-compassion as mediator and moderator.
caring self-efficacy
intention to leave
mediating e moderating roles
nursing students
tutor support
International journal of nursing education scholarship
ISSN: 1548-923X
Titre abrégé: Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh
Pays: Germany
ID NLM: 101214977
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
01 Jan 2024
01 Jan 2024
Analyze the mediating e moderating roles of self-compassion in the relationship between tutor support and both students' caring efficacy and intention to leave. A cross-sectional study using an online questionnaire was conducted. Self-compassion mediates the relationship between tutor support and students' caring efficacy. Tutor support play a role on all the facets of self-compassion, but only two dimensions of this variable (mindfulness vs. over-identification) are significantly associated with both the dimensions of caring self-efficacy, with inverse effects. Self-compassion moderates the relationship between tutor support and intention to leave. Tutor support can improve students' caring efficacy by helping them to be mindful of their experiences in a nonjudgmental way. Supportive tutor can mitigate intention to leave by increasing self-compassion ability. Implications for International Audience Nursing education programs should implement workshops and briefings to develop students' self-compassion ability. This can foster perceived caring efficacy in students and reduce intention to leave.
pubmed: 39449257
pii: ijnes-2023-0101
doi: 10.1515/ijnes-2023-0101
Types de publication
Journal Article
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Informations de copyright
© 2024 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston.
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