Norovirus Disease Among Children <5 Years in 3 Sub-Saharan African Countries: Findings From the Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa (VIDA) Study, 2015-2018.
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
ISSN: 1537-6591
Titre abrégé: Clin Infect Dis
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 9203213
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
19 04 2023
19 04 2023
To address a paucity of data from sub-Saharan Africa, we examined the prevalence, severity, and seasonality of norovirus genogroup II (NVII) among children <5 years old in The Gambia, Kenya, and Mali following rotavirus vaccine introduction. Population-based surveillance was conducted to capture medically-attended moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) cases, defined as a child 0-59 months old passing ≥3 loose stools in a 24-hour period with ≥1 of the following: sunken eyes, poor skin turgor, dysentery, intravenous rehydration, or hospitalization within 7 days of diarrhea onset. Diarrhea-free matched controls randomly selected from a censused population were enrolled at home. Stools from cases and controls were tested for enteropathogens, including norovirus and rotavirus, by TaqMan quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and conventional reverse transcription PCR. We used multiple logistic regression to derive adjusted attributable fractions (AFe) for each pathogen causing MSD, which takes into consideration the prevalence in both cases and controls, for each site and age. A pathogen was considered etiologic if AFe was ≥0.5. In further analyses focusing on the predominant NVII strains, we compared rotavirus and NVII severity using a 20-point modified Vesikari score and examined seasonal fluctuations. From May 2015 to July 2018, we enrolled 4840 MSD cases and 6213 controls. NVI was attributed to only 1 MSD episode. NVII was attributed to 185 (3.8%) of all MSD episodes and was the sole attributable pathogen in 139 (2.9%); peaking (36.0%) at age 6-8 months with majority (61.2%) aged 6-11 months. MSD cases whose episodes were attributed to NVII alone compared with rotavirus alone were younger (median age, 8 vs 12 months, P < .0001) and had less severe illness (median Vesikari severity score, 9 vs 11, P = .0003) but equally likely to be dehydrated. NVII occurred year-round at all study sites. Infants aged 6-11 months bear the greatest burden of norovirus disease, with NVII predominating. An early infant vaccine schedule and rigorous adherence to guidelines recommended for management of dehydrating diarrhea may offer substantial benefit in these African settings.
Sections du résumé
To address a paucity of data from sub-Saharan Africa, we examined the prevalence, severity, and seasonality of norovirus genogroup II (NVII) among children <5 years old in The Gambia, Kenya, and Mali following rotavirus vaccine introduction.
Population-based surveillance was conducted to capture medically-attended moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) cases, defined as a child 0-59 months old passing ≥3 loose stools in a 24-hour period with ≥1 of the following: sunken eyes, poor skin turgor, dysentery, intravenous rehydration, or hospitalization within 7 days of diarrhea onset. Diarrhea-free matched controls randomly selected from a censused population were enrolled at home. Stools from cases and controls were tested for enteropathogens, including norovirus and rotavirus, by TaqMan quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and conventional reverse transcription PCR. We used multiple logistic regression to derive adjusted attributable fractions (AFe) for each pathogen causing MSD, which takes into consideration the prevalence in both cases and controls, for each site and age. A pathogen was considered etiologic if AFe was ≥0.5. In further analyses focusing on the predominant NVII strains, we compared rotavirus and NVII severity using a 20-point modified Vesikari score and examined seasonal fluctuations.
From May 2015 to July 2018, we enrolled 4840 MSD cases and 6213 controls. NVI was attributed to only 1 MSD episode. NVII was attributed to 185 (3.8%) of all MSD episodes and was the sole attributable pathogen in 139 (2.9%); peaking (36.0%) at age 6-8 months with majority (61.2%) aged 6-11 months. MSD cases whose episodes were attributed to NVII alone compared with rotavirus alone were younger (median age, 8 vs 12 months, P < .0001) and had less severe illness (median Vesikari severity score, 9 vs 11, P = .0003) but equally likely to be dehydrated. NVII occurred year-round at all study sites.
Infants aged 6-11 months bear the greatest burden of norovirus disease, with NVII predominating. An early infant vaccine schedule and rigorous adherence to guidelines recommended for management of dehydrating diarrhea may offer substantial benefit in these African settings.
pubmed: 37074441
pii: 7130322
doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac967
pmc: PMC10116553
Substances chimiques
Rotavirus Vaccines
Types de publication
Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Sous-ensembles de citation
S114-S122Informations de copyright
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Infectious Diseases Society of America.
Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts
Potential conflicts of interest. K. L. K. reports consultation fees and travel support from PATH and the University of Washington related to diarrheal diseases and grant support to her institution from the National Institutes of Health, Institut Pasteur, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. M. A. W. reports receiving funding from the CDC and Institute of Tropical Medicine. S. M. T. reports multiple grants paid to their institution from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), BMGF, Wellcome Trust, Affinivax, Lumen Biosciences, PATH, and Medical Research Council. They also report payments as royalties related to intellectual property for Salmonella vaccines and Klebsiella/Pseudomonas vaccines; consulting fees and travel support from the University of Washington for a grant proposal. They also report holding multiple planned, issued, and pending patents on Salmonella, Klebsiella, and Pseudomonas vaccines; and holds multiple unpaid committee roles with the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. All other authors report no potential conflicts. All authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Conflicts that the editors consider relevant to the content of the manuscript have been disclosed.
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