Titre : États, signes et symptômes pathologiques

États, signes et symptômes pathologiques : Questions médicales fréquentes

Questions fréquentes et termes MeSH associés

Diagnostic 5


Comment diagnostiquer une maladie auto-immune ?

Un diagnostic repose sur des tests sanguins, des examens cliniques et des antécédents médicaux.
Maladies auto-immunes Diagnostic médical

Quels tests pour détecter une infection ?

Des analyses de sang, des cultures et des tests d'imagerie peuvent être utilisés.
Infections Tests diagnostiques

Quelles sont les méthodes d'imagerie courantes ?

Les radiographies, IRM et échographies sont des méthodes d'imagerie fréquemment utilisées.
Imagerie médicale Radiographie

Comment évaluer la gravité d'une maladie ?

L'évaluation se fait par des scores cliniques, des examens physiques et des tests de laboratoire.
Évaluation clinique Maladies

Quel rôle joue l'historique médical ?

L'historique médical aide à identifier des facteurs de risque et des symptômes pertinents.
Antécédents médicaux Évaluation des risques

Symptômes 5


Quels sont les symptômes d'une dépression ?

Les symptômes incluent tristesse persistante, fatigue, perte d'intérêt et troubles du sommeil.
Dépression Symptômes

Comment reconnaître une crise d'angoisse ?

Les crises d'angoisse se manifestent par palpitations, sueurs, tremblements et peur intense.
Troubles anxieux Symptômes

Quels signes indiquent une infection respiratoire ?

Toux, fièvre, essoufflement et douleurs thoraciques sont des signes d'infection respiratoire.
Infections respiratoires Signes cliniques

Quels symptômes d'une maladie cardiaque ?

Douleurs thoraciques, essoufflement, fatigue et palpitations peuvent indiquer une maladie cardiaque.
Maladies cardiaques Symptômes

Comment identifier une allergie alimentaire ?

Les symptômes incluent démangeaisons, éruptions cutanées, nausées et gonflement.
Allergies alimentaires Symptômes

Prévention 5


Comment prévenir les maladies cardiovasculaires ?

Adopter une alimentation équilibrée, faire de l'exercice et éviter le tabac sont essentiels.
Maladies cardiovasculaires Prévention

Quelles mesures pour éviter les infections ?

Se laver les mains, se faire vacciner et éviter les contacts avec des malades sont recommandés.
Infections Prévention

Comment réduire le risque de diabète ?

Maintenir un poids santé, faire de l'exercice et avoir une alimentation équilibrée aide à prévenir le diabète.
Diabète Prévention

Quelles stratégies pour prévenir le cancer ?

Éviter le tabac, limiter l'alcool et adopter une alimentation riche en fruits et légumes sont bénéfiques.
Cancer Prévention

Comment prévenir les allergies ?

Éviter les allergènes connus et maintenir un environnement propre peut aider à prévenir les allergies.
Allergies Prévention

Traitements 5


Quels traitements pour l'hypertension ?

Les traitements incluent des médicaments antihypertenseurs, des changements de mode de vie et une alimentation saine.
Hypertension Traitements

Comment traiter une infection bactérienne ?

Les antibiotiques sont généralement prescrits pour traiter les infections bactériennes.
Infections bactériennes Antibiotiques

Quelles options pour la dépression ?

Les options incluent thérapie, médicaments antidépresseurs et techniques de gestion du stress.
Dépression Traitements

Comment gérer l'asthme ?

Le traitement de l'asthme comprend des bronchodilatateurs et des corticostéroïdes inhalés.
Asthme Traitements

Quels traitements pour l'arthrite ?

Les traitements incluent des anti-inflammatoires, des thérapies physiques et des médicaments spécifiques.
Arthrite Traitements

Complications 5


Quelles complications du diabète ?

Les complications incluent des problèmes cardiaques, des lésions nerveuses et des troubles rénaux.
Diabète Complications

Quels risques d'une hypertension non traitée ?

Une hypertension non traitée peut entraîner des AVC, des crises cardiaques et des maladies rénales.
Hypertension Complications

Quelles complications de l'asthme ?

Les complications incluent des crises sévères, des infections pulmonaires et des hospitalisations.
Asthme Complications

Quels effets secondaires des traitements anticancéreux ?

Les effets secondaires peuvent inclure fatigue, nausées, perte de cheveux et infections.
Traitements anticancéreux Effets secondaires

Quelles complications de l'arthrite ?

Les complications peuvent inclure des déformations articulaires et des limitations fonctionnelles.
Arthrite Complications

Facteurs de risque 5


Quels facteurs de risque pour les maladies cardiaques ?

Les facteurs incluent le tabagisme, l'obésité, l'hypertension et un mode de vie sédentaire.
Maladies cardiaques Facteurs de risque

Quels sont les facteurs de risque du diabète ?

L'obésité, l'inactivité physique et des antécédents familiaux augmentent le risque de diabète.
Diabète Facteurs de risque

Quels facteurs de risque pour le cancer ?

Le tabagisme, l'alcool, l'exposition au soleil et des antécédents familiaux sont des facteurs de risque.
Cancer Facteurs de risque

Quels facteurs de risque d'allergies ?

Les antécédents familiaux, l'exposition précoce à des allergènes et la pollution sont des facteurs de risque.
Allergies Facteurs de risque

Quels facteurs de risque pour les infections ?

Un système immunitaire affaibli, le manque d'hygiène et le contact avec des malades augmentent le risque.
Infections Facteurs de risque
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"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les radiographies, IRM et échographies sont des méthodes d'imagerie fréquemment utilisées." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Comment évaluer la gravité d'une maladie ?", "position": 4, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "L'évaluation se fait par des scores cliniques, des examens physiques et des tests de laboratoire." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quel rôle joue l'historique médical ?", "position": 5, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "L'historique médical aide à identifier des facteurs de risque et des symptômes pertinents." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quels sont les symptômes d'une dépression ?", "position": 6, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les symptômes incluent tristesse persistante, fatigue, perte d'intérêt et troubles du sommeil." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Comment reconnaître une crise d'angoisse ?", "position": 7, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les crises d'angoisse se manifestent par palpitations, sueurs, tremblements et peur intense." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quels signes indiquent une infection respiratoire ?", "position": 8, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Toux, fièvre, essoufflement et douleurs thoraciques sont des signes d'infection respiratoire." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quels symptômes d'une maladie cardiaque ?", "position": 9, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Douleurs thoraciques, essoufflement, fatigue et palpitations peuvent indiquer une maladie cardiaque." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Comment identifier une allergie alimentaire ?", "position": 10, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les symptômes incluent démangeaisons, éruptions cutanées, nausées et gonflement." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Comment prévenir les maladies cardiovasculaires ?", "position": 11, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Adopter une alimentation équilibrée, faire de l'exercice et éviter le tabac sont essentiels." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quelles mesures pour éviter les infections ?", "position": 12, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Se laver les mains, se faire vacciner et éviter les contacts avec des malades sont recommandés." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Comment réduire le risque de diabète ?", "position": 13, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Maintenir un poids santé, faire de l'exercice et avoir une alimentation équilibrée aide à prévenir le diabète." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quelles stratégies pour prévenir le cancer ?", "position": 14, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Éviter le tabac, limiter l'alcool et adopter une alimentation riche en fruits et légumes sont bénéfiques." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Comment prévenir les allergies ?", "position": 15, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Éviter les allergènes connus et maintenir un environnement propre peut aider à prévenir les allergies." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quels traitements pour l'hypertension ?", "position": 16, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les traitements incluent des médicaments antihypertenseurs, des changements de mode de vie et une alimentation saine." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Comment traiter une infection bactérienne ?", "position": 17, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les antibiotiques sont généralement prescrits pour traiter les infections bactériennes." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quelles options pour la dépression ?", "position": 18, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les options incluent thérapie, médicaments antidépresseurs et techniques de gestion du stress." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Comment gérer l'asthme ?", "position": 19, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Le traitement de l'asthme comprend des bronchodilatateurs et des corticostéroïdes inhalés." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quels traitements pour l'arthrite ?", "position": 20, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les traitements incluent des anti-inflammatoires, des thérapies physiques et des médicaments spécifiques." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quelles complications du diabète ?", "position": 21, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les complications incluent des problèmes cardiaques, des lésions nerveuses et des troubles rénaux." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quels risques d'une hypertension non traitée ?", "position": 22, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Une hypertension non traitée peut entraîner des AVC, des crises cardiaques et des maladies rénales." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quelles complications de l'asthme ?", "position": 23, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les complications incluent des crises sévères, des infections pulmonaires et des hospitalisations." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quels effets secondaires des traitements anticancéreux ?", "position": 24, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les effets secondaires peuvent inclure fatigue, nausées, perte de cheveux et infections." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quelles complications de l'arthrite ?", "position": 25, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les complications peuvent inclure des déformations articulaires et des limitations fonctionnelles." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quels facteurs de risque pour les maladies cardiaques ?", "position": 26, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les facteurs incluent le tabagisme, l'obésité, l'hypertension et un mode de vie sédentaire." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quels sont les facteurs de risque du diabète ?", "position": 27, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "L'obésité, l'inactivité physique et des antécédents familiaux augmentent le risque de diabète." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quels facteurs de risque pour le cancer ?", "position": 28, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Le tabagisme, l'alcool, l'exposition au soleil et des antécédents familiaux sont des facteurs de risque." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quels facteurs de risque d'allergies ?", "position": 29, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Les antécédents familiaux, l'exposition précoce à des allergènes et la pollution sont des facteurs de risque." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Quels facteurs de risque pour les infections ?", "position": 30, "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Un système immunitaire affaibli, le manque d'hygiène et le contact avec des malades augmentent le risque." } } ] } ] }
Dr Olivier Menir

Contenu validé par Dr Olivier Menir

Expert en Médecine, Optimisation des Parcours de Soins et Révision Médicale

Validation scientifique effectuée le 14/01/2025

Contenu vérifié selon les dernières recommandations médicales


774 au total

Résultats morphologiques et microscopiques

Morphological and Microscopic Findings D065308 - C23.149

États anatomopathologiques

Pathological Conditions, Anatomical D020763 - C23.300

Processus pathologiques

Pathologic Processes D010335 - C23.550

Signes et symptômes

Signs and Symptoms D012816 - C23.888

Adénocarcinome in situ

Adenocarcinoma in Situ D065311 - C23.149.249

Cellules malpighiennes atypiques du col utérin

Atypical Squamous Cells of the Cervix D065309 - C23.149.500

Marges d'exérèse

Margins of Excision D000072662 - C23.149.625

Lésions malpighiennes intra-épithéliales

Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions D000081483 - C23.149.688

Agénésie du corps calleux

Agenesis of Corpus Callosum D061085 - C23.300.008


Alopecia D000505 - C23.300.035


Atrophy D001284 - C23.300.070


Blister D001768 - C23.300.122


Calculi D002137 - C23.300.175

Faisceau accessoire atrioventriculaire

Accessory Atrioventricular Bundle D058606 - C23.300.190


Choristoma D002828 - C23.300.250

Sténose pathologique

Constriction, Pathologic D003251 - C23.300.287


Cysts D003560 - C23.300.306

Dilatation pathologique

Dilatation, Pathologic D004108 - C23.300.325


Diverticulum D004240 - C23.300.415

Asymétrie faciale

Facial Asymmetry D005146 - C23.300.505


Fistula D005402 - C23.300.575


Hernia D006547 - C23.300.707


Hypertrophy D006984 - C23.300.775

Inégalité de longueur des membres inférieurs

Leg Length Inequality D007870 - C23.300.808


Leukoplakia D007971 - C23.300.816

Raréfaction microvasculaire

Microvascular Rarefaction D000073436 - C23.300.818

Ongles malformés

Nails, Malformed D009264 - C23.300.820

Plaque amyloïde

Plaque, Amyloid D058225 - C23.300.821

Plaque d'athérosclérose

Plaque, Atherosclerotic D058226 - C23.300.823


Polyps D011127 - C23.300.825


Prolapse D011391 - C23.300.842

Rupture spontanée

Rupture, Spontaneous D012422 - C23.300.909

Rein unique

Solitary Kidney D000075529 - C23.300.925

Perforation spontanée

Spontaneous Perforation D000072663 - C23.300.940

Structures lymphoïdes tertiaires

Tertiary Lymphoid Structures D000072717 - C23.300.955

Anomalie de torsion

Torsion Abnormality D014102 - C23.300.970


Acantholysis D000051 - C23.550.035

Troubles du rythme cardiaque

Arrhythmias, Cardiac D001145 - C23.550.073


Ascites D001201 - C23.550.081


Azotemia D053099 - C23.550.145


Channelopathies D053447 - C23.550.177


Death D003643 - C23.550.260


Dehydration D003681 - C23.550.274

Reprise retardée de fonction du greffon

Delayed Graft Function D051799 - C23.550.277


Disease D004194 - C23.550.288

Caractéristiques de la maladie

Disease Attributes D020969 - C23.550.291


Dysbiosis D064806 - C23.550.308


Emphysema D004646 - C23.550.325

Conflit fémoro-acétabulaire

Femoracetabular Impingement D057925 - C23.550.347


Fibrosis D005355 - C23.550.355


Frailty D000073496 - C23.550.359


Gliosis D005911 - C23.550.369


Granuloma D006099 - C23.550.382

Granulomatose orofaciale

Granulomatosis, Orofacial D051261 - C23.550.384

Troubles de la croissance

Growth Disorders D006130 - C23.550.393


Hemorrhage D006470 - C23.550.414


Hyperammonemia D022124 - C23.550.421


Hyperamylasemia D034321 - C23.550.425


Hyperbilirubinemia D006932 - C23.550.429


Hyperplasia D006965 - C23.550.444


Hyperuricemia D033461 - C23.550.449


Hypovolemia D020896 - C23.550.455


Inflammation D007249 - C23.550.470

Complications peropératoires

Intraoperative Complications D007431 - C23.550.505


Ischemia D007511 - C23.550.513


Leukoaraiosis D049292 - C23.550.522


Leukocytosis D007964 - C23.550.526


Lithiasis D020347 - C23.550.537

Effets indésirables à long terme

Long Term Adverse Effects D000069451 - C23.550.543


Malacoplakia D008287 - C23.550.548

Troubles de la menstruation

Menstruation Disturbances D008599 - C23.550.568


Metaplasia D008679 - C23.550.589


Necrosis D009336 - C23.550.717


Neointima D058426 - C23.550.722

Processus néoplasiques

Neoplastic Processes D009385 - C23.550.727

Dégénérescence nerveuse

Nerve Degeneration D009410 - C23.550.737


Ochronosis D009794 - C23.550.744

Ossification hétérotopique

Ossification, Heterotopic D009999 - C23.550.751

Troubles de la pigmentation

Pigmentation Disorders D010859 - C23.550.755

Complications postopératoires

Postoperative Complications D011183 - C23.550.767

Inhalation bronchique

Respiratory Aspiration D053120 - C23.550.773


Sclerosis D012598 - C23.550.823


Shock D012769 - C23.550.835


Teratogenesis D064793 - C23.550.863


Ulcer D014456 - C23.550.891

Déficit du Yang

Yang Deficiency D016711 - C23.550.945

Déficit du Yin

Yin Deficiency D016710 - C23.550.972

Vieillissement précoce

Aging, Premature D019588 - C23.888.069


Asthenia D001247 - C23.888.089

Odeur corporelle

Body Odor D000089083 - C23.888.104

Troubles de la température corporelle

Body Temperature Changes D001832 - C23.888.119

Débit cardiaque élevé

Cardiac Output, High D016534 - C23.888.176

Bas débit cardiaque

Cardiac Output, Low D002303 - C23.888.192

Sensation de froid

Chills D023341 - C23.888.208


Cyanosis D003490 - C23.888.248


Edema D004487 - C23.888.277

Manifestations oculaires

Eye Manifestations D005132 - C23.888.307

Retard de croissance staturo-pondérale

Failure to Thrive D005183 - C23.888.338


Fatigue D005221 - C23.888.369


Feminization D005262 - C23.888.378

Souffrance foetale

Fetal Distress D005316 - C23.888.380

Souffles cardiaques

Heart Murmurs D006337 - C23.888.447

Bouffées de chaleur

Hot Flashes D019584 - C23.888.475


Hypergammaglobulinemia D006942 - C23.888.512


Hyperlactatemia D065906 - C23.888.516

Tour de taille hypertriglycéridémique

Hypertriglyceridemic Waist D064250 - C23.888.521

Claudication intermittente

Intermittent Claudication D007383 - C23.888.531

Symptômes médicalement inexpliqués

Medically Unexplained Symptoms D000071896 - C23.888.541

Mobilité réduite

Mobility Limitation D051346 - C23.888.550

Mal des transports

Motion Sickness D009041 - C23.888.571

Sidération myocardique

Myocardial Stunning D017682 - C23.888.582

Manifestations neurologiques

Neurologic Manifestations D009461 - C23.888.592

Manifestations buccales

Oral Manifestations D009912 - C23.888.619


Polydipsia D059606 - C23.888.663


Pseudophakia D019591 - C23.888.681

Signes et symptômes digestifs

Signs and Symptoms, Digestive D012817 - C23.888.821

Signes et symptômes respiratoires

Signs and Symptoms, Respiratory D012818 - C23.888.852

Manifestations cutanées

Skin Manifestations D012877 - C23.888.885

Manifestations urologiques

Urological Manifestations D020924 - C23.888.942


Virilism D014770 - C23.888.971

Lésions malpighiennes intra-épithéliales du col utérin

Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions of the Cervix D065310 - C23.149.688.500

Syndrome des cheveux anagènes caduques

Loose Anagen Hair Syndrome D058247 - C23.300.035.500

Tartre dentaire

Dental Calculus D003728 - C23.300.175.350

Calculs biliaires

Gallstones D042882 - C23.300.175.525

Calculs salivaires

Salivary Calculi D020792 - C23.300.175.700

Calculs urinaires

Urinary Calculi D014545 - C23.300.175.850

Kyste paraovarien

Parovarian Cyst D010310 - C23.300.306.500


Spermatocele D013088 - C23.300.306.750

Diverticule du côlon

Diverticulum, Colon D004241 - C23.300.415.500

Diverticule de l'oesophage

Diverticulum, Esophageal D004936 - C23.300.415.625

Diverticule de l'estomac

Diverticulum, Stomach D013273 - C23.300.415.687

Diverticule de Meckel

Meckel Diverticulum D008467 - C23.300.415.750

Fistule cutanée

Cutaneous Fistula D017577 - C23.300.575.150

Fistule digestive

Digestive System Fistula D016154 - C23.300.575.185

Fistule buccale

Oral Fistula D016155 - C23.300.575.500

Fistule de l'appareil respiratoire

Respiratory Tract Fistula D016156 - C23.300.575.687

Fistule urinaire

Urinary Fistula D014548 - C23.300.575.825

Fistule vaginale

Vaginal Fistula D014624 - C23.300.575.925

Fistule vasculaire

Vascular Fistula D016157 - C23.300.575.950


Encephalocele D004677 - C23.300.707.186

Hernie abdominale

Hernia, Abdominal D046449 - C23.300.707.374

Hernie obturatrice

Hernia, Obturator D006553 - C23.300.707.937

Déplacement de disque intervertébral

Intervertebral Disc Displacement D007405 - C23.300.707.952

Hernie interne

Internal Hernia D000082122 - C23.300.707.960


Meningocele D008588 - C23.300.707.968


Rectocele D020047 - C23.300.707.984


Cardiomegaly D006332 - C23.300.775.250


Hepatomegaly D006529 - C23.300.775.525


Splenomegaly D013163 - C23.300.775.750

Leucoplasie buccale

Leukoplakia, Oral D007972 - C23.300.816.513

Syndrome des ongles jaunes

Yellow Nail Syndrome D056684 - C23.300.820.500

Polypes intestinaux

Intestinal Polyps D007417 - C23.300.825.411

Polypes du nez

Nasal Polyps D009298 - C23.300.825.557

Prolapsus d'organe pelvien

Pelvic Organ Prolapse D056887 - C23.300.842.624

Antéversion de l'os

Bone Anteversion D060750 - C23.300.970.249

Rétroversion de l'os

Bone Retroversion D060751 - C23.300.970.374

Volvulus intestinal

Intestinal Volvulus D045822 - C23.300.970.500

Torsion ovarienne

Ovarian Torsion D000082843 - C23.300.970.625

Rétroversion de l'utérus

Uterine Retroversion D060725 - C23.300.970.750

Arythmie sinusale

Arrhythmia, Sinus D001146 - C23.550.073.093

Fibrillation auriculaire

Atrial Fibrillation D001281 - C23.550.073.198

Flutter auriculaire

Atrial Flutter D001282 - C23.550.073.248


Bradycardia D001919 - C23.550.073.300


Cardiac Complexes, Premature D005117 - C23.550.073.325

Bloc cardiaque

Heart Block D006327 - C23.550.073.425

Syndrome du QT long

Long QT Syndrome D008133 - C23.550.073.547


Parasystole D017574 - C23.550.073.670


Tachycardia D013610 - C23.550.073.845

Fibrillation ventriculaire

Ventricular Fibrillation D014693 - C23.550.073.922

Flutter ventriculaire

Ventricular Flutter D054141 - C23.550.073.961

Mort cérébrale

Brain Death D001926 - C23.550.260.159


Cadaver D002102 - C23.550.260.224

Mort subite

Death, Sudden D003645 - C23.550.260.322

Perte de l'embryon

Embryo Loss D020964 - C23.550.260.440

Mort foetale

Fetal Death D005313 - C23.550.260.585

Mort infantile

Infant Death D066088 - C23.550.260.657

Mort périnatale

Perinatal Death D066087 - C23.550.260.865


Syndrome D013577 - C23.550.288.500

Maladie aigüe

Acute Disease D000208 - C23.550.291.125

Maladies asymptomatiques

Asymptomatic Diseases D058070 - C23.550.291.187


Breakthrough Infections D000093742 - C23.550.291.219

Maladie catastrophique

Catastrophic Illness D002388 - C23.550.291.250

Maladie chronique

Chronic Disease D002908 - C23.550.291.500

Maladies transmissibles

Communicable Diseases D003141 - C23.550.291.531


Convalescence D003289 - C23.550.291.562

Maladie grave

Critical Illness D016638 - C23.550.291.625

Évolution de la maladie

Disease Progression D018450 - C23.550.291.656

Maladies chez les jumeaux

Diseases in Twins D004200 - C23.550.291.750

Maladie iatrogène

Iatrogenic Disease D007049 - C23.550.291.875

Troubles tardifs

Late Onset Disorders D000067562 - C23.550.291.883

Maladies négligées

Neglected Diseases D058069 - C23.550.291.890

Maladies non transmissibles

Noncommunicable Diseases D000073296 - C23.550.291.898

Infection persistante

Persistent Infection D000088562 - C23.550.291.902

Maladies rares

Rare Diseases D035583 - C23.550.291.906


Recurrence D012008 - C23.550.291.937

Maladies non diagnostiquées

Undiagnosed Diseases D000080842 - C23.550.291.968

Emphysème médiastinal

Mediastinal Emphysema D008478 - C23.550.325.250

Emphysème sous-cutané

Subcutaneous Emphysema D013352 - C23.550.325.500

Cirrhose du foie

Liver Cirrhosis D008103 - C23.550.355.412

Fibrose systémique néphrogénique

Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy D054989 - C23.550.355.550

Fibrose péritonéale

Peritoneal Fibrosis D056627 - C23.550.355.625

Fibrose pulmonaire

Pulmonary Fibrosis D011658 - C23.550.355.644

Fibrose rétropéritonéale

Retroperitoneal Fibrosis D012185 - C23.550.355.700

Granulome éosinophile

Eosinophilic Granuloma D004803 - C23.550.382.250

Granulome annulaire

Granuloma Annulare D016460 - C23.550.382.375

Granulome à cellules géantes

Granuloma, Giant Cell D006101 - C23.550.382.468

Granulome à plasmocytes

Granuloma, Plasma Cell D006104 - C23.550.382.875

Granulome pyogénique

Granuloma, Pyogenic D017789 - C23.550.382.937

Granulome de l'appareil respiratoire

Granuloma, Respiratory Tract D015769 - C23.550.382.968

Xanthogranulome nécrobiotique

Necrobiotic Xanthogranuloma D058252 - C23.550.382.984

Retard de croissance intra-utérin

Fetal Growth Retardation D005317 - C23.550.393.450


Exsanguination D058734 - C23.550.414.734

Hémorragie gastro-intestinale

Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage D006471 - C23.550.414.788


Hemarthrosis D006395 - C23.550.414.794


Hematocele D006398 - C23.550.414.817


Hematoma D006406 - C23.550.414.838


Hematuria D006417 - C23.550.414.849


Hemobilia D006431 - C23.550.414.864


Hemoperitoneum D006465 - C23.550.414.888


Hemothorax D006491 - C23.550.414.904

Hémorragies intracrâniennes

Intracranial Hemorrhages D020300 - C23.550.414.913

Hémorragie rétrobulbaire

Retrobulbar Hemorrhage D019315 - C23.550.414.960

Hémorragie utérine

Uterine Hemorrhage D014592 - C23.550.414.993

Hyperbilirubinémie néonatale

Hyperbilirubinemia, Neonatal D051556 - C23.550.429.249

Ictère nucléaire

Kernicterus D007647 - C23.550.429.750

Réaction inflammatoire aigüe

Acute-Phase Reaction D000210 - C23.550.470.099

Inflammation neurogénique

Neurogenic Inflammation D020078 - C23.550.470.448

Maladies neuro-inflammatoires

Neuroinflammatory Diseases D000090862 - C23.550.470.544


Seroma D049291 - C23.550.470.640


Serositis D012700 - C23.550.470.646


Suppuration D013492 - C23.550.470.756


Thromboinflammation D000090882 - C23.550.470.895

Perte sanguine peropératoire

Blood Loss, Surgical D016063 - C23.550.505.300

Conscience peropératoire

Intraoperative Awareness D058926 - C23.550.505.400

Ischémie chronique menaçant les membres

Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia D000089802 - C23.550.513.178

Phénomène de non reperfusion

No-Reflow Phenomenon D054318 - C23.550.513.677


Amenorrhea D000568 - C23.550.568.500


Menorrhagia D008595 - C23.550.568.875


Oligomenorrhea D009839 - C23.550.568.937

Syndrome prémenstruel

Premenstrual Syndrome D011293 - C23.550.568.968

Néovascularisation pathologique

Neovascularization, Pathologic D009389 - C23.550.589.500

Nécrose pulpaire

Dental Pulp Necrosis D003790 - C23.550.717.182


Fat Necrosis D005218 - C23.550.717.365


Gangrene D005734 - C23.550.717.427


Infarction D007238 - C23.550.717.489


Osteonecrosis D010020 - C23.550.717.732


Anaplasia D000708 - C23.550.727.045


Carcinogenesis D063646 - C23.550.727.098

Invasion tumorale

Neoplasm Invasiveness D009361 - C23.550.727.645

Métastase tumorale

Neoplasm Metastasis D009362 - C23.550.727.650

Récidive tumorale locale

Neoplasm Recurrence, Local D009364 - C23.550.727.655

Maladie résiduelle

Neoplasm, Residual D018365 - C23.550.727.700

Dépendance oncogène

Oncogene Addiction D000074723 - C23.550.727.850

Dégénérescence rétrograde

Retrograde Degeneration D012183 - C23.550.737.500

Dégénérescence combinée subaigüe

Subacute Combined Degeneration D052879 - C23.550.737.625

Dégénérescence wallerienne

Wallerian Degeneration D014855 - C23.550.737.750

Ossification du ligament longitudinal postérieur

Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament D017887 - C23.550.751.500

Syndrome de l'anse afférente

Afferent Loop Syndrome D000343 - C23.550.767.050

Désunion anastomotique

Anastomotic Leak D057868 - C23.550.767.071

Lymphoedème après cancer du sein

Breast Cancer Lymphedema D000072656 - C23.550.767.082

Syndrome de vol coronaire sous-clavier

Coronary-Subclavian Steal Syndrome D058686 - C23.550.767.115

Retard de réveil post-anesthésique

Delayed Emergence from Anesthesia D055191 - C23.550.767.137

Occlusion du greffon vasculaire

Graft Occlusion, Vascular D006083 - C23.550.767.400

Hernie incisionnelle

Incisional Hernia D000069290 - C23.550.767.500

Syndrome de résection antérieure du rectum

Low Anterior Resection Syndrome D000094123 - C23.550.767.550

Syndrome post-cholécystectomie

Postcholecystectomy Syndrome D017562 - C23.550.767.775

Syndromes post-gastrectomie

Postgastrectomy Syndromes D011178 - C23.550.767.812

Hémorragie postopératoire

Postoperative Hemorrhage D019106 - C23.550.767.850

Syndrome post-péricardotomie

Postpericardiotomy Syndrome D011185 - C23.550.767.863

Infections dues aux prothèses

Prosthesis-Related Infections D016459 - C23.550.767.868

Lésion d'ischémie-reperfusion

Reperfusion Injury D015427 - C23.550.767.877

Syndrome de l'intestin court

Short Bowel Syndrome D012778 - C23.550.767.882

Lâchage de suture

Surgical Wound Dehiscence D013529 - C23.550.767.887

Infection de plaie opératoire

Surgical Wound Infection D013530 - C23.550.767.925


Vasoplegia D056987 - C23.550.767.962

Inhalation du contenu gastrique

Respiratory Aspiration of Gastric Contents D063466 - C23.550.773.500

Défaillance multiviscérale

Multiple Organ Failure D009102 - C23.550.835.525

Choc cardiogénique

Shock, Cardiogenic D012770 - C23.550.835.550

Choc hémorragique

Shock, Hemorrhagic D012771 - C23.550.835.650

Choc opératoire

Shock, Surgical D012773 - C23.550.835.775

Syndrome de réponse inflammatoire généralisée

Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome D018746 - C23.550.835.900


Fever D005334 - C23.888.119.344


Hypothermia D007035 - C23.888.119.565

Oedème cardiaque

Edema, Cardiac D004489 - C23.888.277.197

Anasarque foetoplacentaire

Hydrops Fetalis D015160 - C23.888.277.395

Perte de cellules endothéliales cornéennes

Corneal Endothelial Cell Loss D055954 - C23.888.307.250

Hémorragie oculaire

Eye Hemorrhage D005130 - C23.888.307.500

Syndrome de surentraînement

Overtraining Syndrome D000095027 - C23.888.369.750

Souffles systoliques

Systolic Murmurs D054160 - C23.888.447.500

Mal de l'espace

Space Motion Sickness D018489 - C23.888.571.800

Vestibulopathie bilatérale

Bilateral Vestibulopathy D000071699 - C23.888.592.057

Amincissement du cortex cérébral

Cerebral Cortical Thinning D000082643 - C23.888.592.206


Decerebrate State D003655 - C23.888.592.298


Dyskinesias D020820 - C23.888.592.350

Troubles neurologiques de la marche

Gait Disorders, Neurologic D020233 - C23.888.592.413

Syndrome méningé

Meningism D008580 - C23.888.592.544

Manifestations neuromusculaires

Neuromuscular Manifestations D020879 - C23.888.592.608

Intolérance orthostatique

Orthostatic Intolerance D054971 - C23.888.592.610


Paralysis D010243 - C23.888.592.636


Paresis D010291 - C23.888.592.643

Troubles psychosomatiques

Psychophysiologic Disorders D011602 - C23.888.592.700

Troubles pupillaires

Pupil Disorders D011681 - C23.888.592.708

Crises épileptiques

Seizures D012640 - C23.888.592.742

Troubles sensitifs

Sensation Disorders D012678 - C23.888.592.763

Syndrome de Susac

Susac Syndrome D055955 - C23.888.592.848

Vessie neurologique

Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic D001750 - C23.888.592.900


Vertigo D014717 - C23.888.592.958

Troubles de la voix

Voice Disorders D014832 - C23.888.592.979

Hémorragie buccale

Oral Hemorrhage D006472 - C23.888.619.500

Douleur abdominale

Abdominal Pain D015746 - C23.888.821.030


Aerophagy D000334 - C23.888.821.061


Anorexia D000855 - C23.888.821.108


Constipation D003248 - C23.888.821.150


Diarrhea D003967 - C23.888.821.214


Dyspepsia D004415 - C23.888.821.236


Eructation D004884 - C23.888.821.297


Flatulence D005414 - C23.888.821.360

Intolérance alimentaire

Food Intolerance D000073923 - C23.888.821.387


Halitosis D006209 - C23.888.821.475


Heartburn D006356 - C23.888.821.525


Hiccup D006606 - C23.888.821.578


Hyperphagia D006963 - C23.888.821.645


Nausea D009325 - C23.888.821.712


Vomiting D014839 - C23.888.821.937


Epistaxis D004844 - C23.888.852.040


Hypoxia D000860 - C23.888.852.079


Apnea D001049 - C23.888.852.130

Respiration de Cheyne Stokes

Cheyne-Stokes Respiration D002639 - C23.888.852.227


Cough D003371 - C23.888.852.293


Dyspnea D004417 - C23.888.852.371


Hemoptysis D006469 - C23.888.852.430


Hoarseness D006685 - C23.888.852.490


Hypercapnia D006935 - C23.888.852.544


Hyperoxia D018496 - C23.888.852.567


Hyperventilation D006985 - C23.888.852.591


Hypocapnia D016857 - C23.888.852.614


Hypoventilation D007040 - C23.888.852.638

Bref incident résolu inexpliqué

Brief, Resolved, Unexplained Event D057768 - C23.888.852.700

Respiration par la bouche

Mouth Breathing D009058 - C23.888.852.761


Rhinorrhea D000086722 - C23.888.852.834


Tachypnea D059246 - C23.888.852.944

Taches café-au-lait

Cafe-au-Lait Spots D019080 - C23.888.885.250


Cellulite D000071697 - C23.888.885.281


Ecchymosis D004438 - C23.888.885.312


Erythema D004890 - C23.888.885.328

Rougeur de la face

Flushing D005483 - C23.888.885.344


Jaundice D007565 - C23.888.885.375

Livedo réticulaire

Livedo Reticularis D054068 - C23.888.885.437

Érythème nécrolytique migrateur

Necrolytic Migratory Erythema D058568 - C23.888.885.468


Pallor D010167 - C23.888.885.500


Pruritus D011537 - C23.888.885.625


Purpura D011693 - C23.888.885.687


Striae Distensae D057896 - C23.888.885.800


Crystalluria D000092162 - C23.888.942.169


Hypercalciuria D053565 - C23.888.942.337

Symptômes de l'appareil urinaire inférieur

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms D059411 - C23.888.942.343


Oliguria D009846 - C23.888.942.400


Polyuria D011141 - C23.888.942.600


Proteinuria D011507 - C23.888.942.750


Urinoma D053584 - C23.888.942.900


Hirsutism D006628 - C23.888.971.468

Calculs salivaires canalaires

Salivary Duct Calculi D012465 - C23.300.175.700.325

Calculs salivaires intraglandulaires

Salivary Gland Calculi D015494 - C23.300.175.700.500

Calculs rénaux

Kidney Calculi D007669 - C23.300.175.850.550

Calculs urétéraux

Ureteral Calculi D014514 - C23.300.175.850.750

Calculs de la vessie

Urinary Bladder Calculi D001744 - C23.300.175.850.875

Diverticule de Zenker

Zenker Diverticulum D016672 - C23.300.415.625.900

Fistule biliaire

Biliary Fistula D001658 - C23.300.575.185.150

Fistule oesophagienne

Esophageal Fistula D004937 - C23.300.575.185.250

Fistule gastrique

Gastric Fistula D005747 - C23.300.575.185.375

Fistule intestinale

Intestinal Fistula D007412 - C23.300.575.185.550

Fistule pancréatique

Pancreatic Fistula D010185 - C23.300.575.185.775

Fistule dentaire

Dental Fistula D003751 - C23.300.575.500.275

Fistule buccosinusienne

Oroantral Fistula D009957 - C23.300.575.500.550

Fistule salivaire

Salivary Gland Fistula D012467 - C23.300.575.500.775

Fistule bronchique

Bronchial Fistula D001983 - C23.300.575.687.225

Fistule vésicale

Urinary Bladder Fistula D001747 - C23.300.575.825.250

Fistule rectovaginale

Rectovaginal Fistula D012006 - C23.300.575.925.558

Fistule vésicovaginale

Vesicovaginal Fistula D014719 - C23.300.575.925.816

Fistule artérioartérielle

Arterio-Arterial Fistula D001159 - C23.300.575.950.150

Fistule artérioveineuse

Arteriovenous Fistula D001164 - C23.300.575.950.250


Gastroschisis D020139 - C23.300.707.374.500

Hernie crurale

Hernia, Femoral D006550 - C23.300.707.374.750

Hernie inguinale

Hernia, Inguinal D006552 - C23.300.707.374.875

Hernie ventrale

Hernia, Ventral D006555 - C23.300.707.374.937

Hernie diaphragmatique

Hernia, Diaphragmatic D006548 - C23.300.707.960.500

Hernie paraduodénale

Paraduodenal Hernia D000082123 - C23.300.707.960.750

Hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche

Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular D017379 - C23.300.775.250.400

Hypertrophie ventriculaire droite

Hypertrophy, Right Ventricular D017380 - C23.300.775.250.401

Leucoplasie chevelue

Leukoplakia, Hairy D017733 - C23.300.816.513.500

Polypes coliques

Colonic Polyps D003111 - C23.300.825.411.235


Cystocele D052858 - C23.300.842.624.249

Prolapsus rectal

Rectal Prolapse D012005 - C23.300.842.624.500

Prolapsus utérin

Uterine Prolapse D014596 - C23.300.842.624.750

Prolapsus viscéral

Visceral Prolapse D014782 - C23.300.842.624.875

Coxa vara

Coxa Vara D060905 - C23.300.970.249.500

Coxa valga

Coxa Valga D060906 - C23.300.970.374.500

Arrêt sinusal

Sinus Arrest, Cardiac D054138 - C23.550.073.093.500

Extrasystoles auriculaires

Atrial Premature Complexes D018880 - C23.550.073.325.050

Extrasystoles ventriculaires

Ventricular Premature Complexes D018879 - C23.550.073.325.800

Syndrome d'Adams-Stokes

Adams-Stokes Syndrome D000219 - C23.550.073.425.025

Bloc atrioventriculaire

Atrioventricular Block D054537 - C23.550.073.425.062

Bloc de branche

Bundle-Branch Block D002037 - C23.550.073.425.100

Bloc interauriculaire

Interatrial Block D000074021 - C23.550.073.425.270

Maladie du sinus

Sick Sinus Syndrome D012804 - C23.550.073.425.440

Bloc sinoauriculaire

Sinoatrial Block D012848 - C23.550.073.425.780

Syndrome d'Andersen

Andersen Syndrome D050030 - C23.550.073.547.070

Syndrome de Romano-Ward

Romano-Ward Syndrome D029597 - C23.550.073.547.720

Tachycardie paroxystique

Tachycardia, Paroxysmal D013614 - C23.550.073.845.695

Tachycardie réciproque

Tachycardia, Reciprocating D054139 - C23.550.073.845.787

Tachycardie supraventriculaire

Tachycardia, Supraventricular D013617 - C23.550.073.845.880

Tachycardie ventriculaire

Tachycardia, Ventricular D017180 - C23.550.073.845.940

Modifications postmortem

Postmortem Changes D011180 - C23.550.260.224.617

Mort subite cardiaque

Death, Sudden, Cardiac D016757 - C23.550.260.322.250

Mort subite et inexpliquée en épilepsie

Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy D000080485 - C23.550.260.322.812

Résorption foetale

Fetal Resorption D005327 - C23.550.260.585.260

Mort subite du nourrisson

Sudden Infant Death D013398 - C23.550.260.657.500

Infections asymptomatiques

Asymptomatic Infections D058345 - C23.550.291.187.500

Souffrance cérébrale chronique

Brain Damage, Chronic D001925 - C23.550.291.500.063

Candidose mucocutanée chronique

Candidiasis, Chronic Mucocutaneous D002178 - C23.550.291.500.250

Syndrome de loge chronique d'effort

Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome D000083182 - C23.550.291.500.282

Ostéodystrophie rénale

Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder D012080 - C23.550.291.500.290

Parodontite chronique

Chronic Periodontitis D055113 - C23.550.291.500.313

Urticaire chronique

Chronic Urticaria D000080223 - C23.550.291.500.360

Granulomatose septique chronique

Granulomatous Disease, Chronic D006105 - C23.550.291.500.423

Hépatite chronique

Hepatitis, Chronic D006521 - C23.550.291.500.477

Ictère chronique idiopathique

Jaundice, Chronic Idiopathic D007566 - C23.550.291.500.479

Leucémie chronique lymphocytaire à cellules B

Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell D015451 - C23.550.291.500.483

Leucémie myéloïde chronique BCR-ABL positive

Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive D015464 - C23.550.291.500.485

Leucémie myéloïde chronique atypique BCR-ABL négative

Leukemia, Myeloid, Chronic, Atypical, BCR-ABL Negative D054438 - C23.550.291.500.493

Leucémie myélomonocytaire chronique

Leukemia, Myelomonocytic, Chronic D015477 - C23.550.291.500.495

Leucémie chronique à neutrophiles

Leukemia, Neutrophilic, Chronic D015467 - C23.550.291.500.497

Maladies chroniques multiples

Multiple Chronic Conditions D000071069 - C23.550.291.500.500

Sclérose en plaques chronique progressive

Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Progressive D020528 - C23.550.291.500.625

Pancréatite chronique

Pancreatitis, Chronic D050500 - C23.550.291.500.750

Polyradiculonévrite inflammatoire démyélinisante chronique

Polyradiculoneuropathy, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating D020277 - C23.550.291.500.813

Troubles post-infectieux

Post-Infectious Disorders D000094025 - C23.550.291.500.829

Broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive

Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive D029424 - C23.550.291.500.875

Insuffisance rénale chronique

Renal Insufficiency, Chronic D051436 - C23.550.291.500.906

Maladie du dépérissement chronique

Wasting Disease, Chronic D034081 - C23.550.291.500.937

Infections transmissibles par le sang

Blood-Borne Infections D000086982 - C23.550.291.531.500

Maladies transmissibles émergentes

Communicable Diseases, Emerging D021821 - C23.550.291.531.750

Maladies transmissibles importées

Communicable Diseases, Imported D000076263 - C23.550.291.531.875

Maladies sexuellement transmissibles

Sexually Transmitted Diseases D012749 - C23.550.291.531.937

Aggravation clinique

Clinical Deterioration D000075902 - C23.550.291.656.350

Infection croisée

Cross Infection D003428 - C23.550.291.875.500


Reinfection D000084063 - C23.550.291.937.250

Aggravation transitoire des symptômes

Symptom Flare Up D000067251 - C23.550.291.937.500

Déficit en alpha-1-antitrypsine

alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency D019896 - C23.550.325.500.500

Cicatrice hypertrophique

Cicatrix, Hypertrophic D017439 - C23.550.355.274.505


Keloid D007627 - C23.550.355.274.510

Adhérences tissulaires

Tissue Adhesions D000267 - C23.550.355.274.840

Cirrhose biliaire

Liver Cirrhosis, Biliary D008105 - C23.550.355.412.400

Granulome laryngé

Granuloma, Laryngeal D006102 - C23.550.382.968.500

Hémorragie de la choroïde

Choroid Hemorrhage D002832 - C23.550.414.756.300


Hyphema D006988 - C23.550.414.756.550

Hémorragie de la rétine

Retinal Hemorrhage D012166 - C23.550.414.756.775

Hémorragie du vitré

Vitreous Hemorrhage D014823 - C23.550.414.756.887


Melena D008551 - C23.550.414.788.600

Hémorragie de l'ulcère gastroduodénal

Peptic Ulcer Hemorrhage D010438 - C23.550.414.788.700

Hématome aortique intramural

Aortic Intramural Hematoma D000094666 - C23.550.414.838.175

Hématome épidural rachidien

Hematoma, Epidural, Spinal D046748 - C23.550.414.838.355


Hemopneumothorax D006468 - C23.550.414.904.500

Hémorragie cérébrale

Cerebral Hemorrhage D002543 - C23.550.414.913.100

Hémorragie meningée

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage D013345 - C23.550.414.913.850

Hémorragie gingivale

Gingival Hemorrhage D005884 - C23.550.414.922.500


Metrorrhagia D008796 - C23.550.414.993.700

Hémorragie de la délivrance

Postpartum Hemorrhage D006473 - C23.550.414.993.850

Ictère néonatal

Jaundice, Neonatal D007567 - C23.550.429.249.500


Abscess D000038 - C23.550.470.756.100

Cellulite sous-cutanée

Cellulitis D002481 - C23.550.470.756.200


Empyema D004653 - C23.550.470.756.305


Sepsis D018805 - C23.550.470.790.500

Néovascularisation choroïdienne

Choroidal Neovascularization D020256 - C23.550.589.500.145

Néovascularisation cornéenne

Corneal Neovascularization D016510 - C23.550.589.500.435

Néovascularisation rétinienne

Retinal Neovascularization D015861 - C23.550.589.500.725

Infarctus encéphalique

Brain Infarction D020520 - C23.550.717.489.250

Infarctus hépatique

Hepatic Infarction D000081011 - C23.550.717.489.500

Infarctus du myocarde

Myocardial Infarction D009203 - C23.550.717.489.750

Infarctus pulmonaire

Pulmonary Infarction D054060 - C23.550.717.489.875

Infarctus splénique

Splenic Infarction D013159 - C23.550.717.489.937

Ostéonécrose de la mâchoire associée aux biphosphonates

Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw D059266 - C23.550.717.732.183

Nécrose de la tête fémorale

Femur Head Necrosis D005271 - C23.550.717.732.368

Transformation cellulaire néoplasique

Cell Transformation, Neoplastic D002471 - C23.550.727.098.500


Cocarcinogenesis D003043 - C23.550.727.098.750

Infiltration leucémique

Leukemic Infiltration D017254 - C23.550.727.645.500

Extension extranodale

Extranodal Extension D000079822 - C23.550.727.650.280

Métastase lymphatique

Lymphatic Metastasis D008207 - C23.550.727.650.560

Micrométastase tumorale

Neoplasm Micrometastasis D061206 - C23.550.727.650.695

Essaimage tumoral

Neoplasm Seeding D009366 - C23.550.727.650.830

Métastases d'origine inconnue

Neoplasms, Unknown Primary D009382 - C23.550.727.650.895

Cellules tumorales circulantes

Neoplastic Cells, Circulating D009360 - C23.550.727.650.900

Dumping syndrome

Dumping Syndrome D004377 - C23.550.767.812.500


Endoleak D057867 - C23.550.767.850.500

Contracture capsulaire péri-prothétique

Implant Capsular Contracture D057910 - C23.550.767.865.500

Lésion de reperfusion myocardique

Myocardial Reperfusion Injury D015428 - C23.550.767.877.500

Syndrome post-arrêt cardiaque

Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome D000080942 - C23.550.767.877.625

Dysfonction primaire du greffon

Primary Graft Dysfunction D055031 - C23.550.767.877.750

Syndrome de libération de cytokines

Cytokine Release Syndrome D000080424 - C23.550.835.900.356

Choc septique

Shock, Septic D012772 - C23.550.835.900.712

Fièvre d'origine inconnue

Fever of Unknown Origin D005335 - C23.888.119.344.345

Suette miliaire

Sweating Sickness D018614 - C23.888.119.344.672

Hyperthermie maligne

Malignant Hyperthermia D008305 - C23.888.119.455.500

Macrosomie foetale

Fetal Macrosomia D005320 - C23.888.144.186.500


Obesity D009765 - C23.888.144.699.500


Cachexia D002100 - C23.888.144.828.250


Emaciation D004614 - C23.888.144.828.500


Ataxia D001259 - C23.888.592.350.090


Athetosis D001264 - C23.888.592.350.110


Catalepsy D002375 - C23.888.592.350.200


Chorea D002819 - C23.888.592.350.250


Dystonia D004421 - C23.888.592.350.300


Hyperkinesis D006948 - C23.888.592.350.350


Hypokinesia D018476 - C23.888.592.350.400


Myoclonus D009207 - C23.888.592.350.500


Synkinesis D046608 - C23.888.592.350.675


Tics D020323 - C23.888.592.350.700


Tremor D014202 - C23.888.592.350.850

Démarche ataxique

Gait Ataxia D020234 - C23.888.592.413.450


Fasciculation D005207 - C23.888.592.608.250

Crampe musculaire

Muscle Cramp D009120 - C23.888.592.608.500

Hypertonie musculaire

Muscle Hypertonia D009122 - C23.888.592.608.550

Hypotonie musculaire

Muscle Hypotonia D009123 - C23.888.592.608.575

Faiblesse musculaire

Muscle Weakness D018908 - C23.888.592.608.593


Muscular Atrophy D009133 - C23.888.592.608.612


Myokymia D020385 - C23.888.592.608.650


Myotonia D009222 - C23.888.592.608.700


Spasm D013035 - C23.888.592.608.750


Tetany D013746 - C23.888.592.608.875

Douleur aigüe

Acute Pain D059787 - C23.888.592.612.081


Back Pain D001416 - C23.888.592.612.107

Douleur cancéreuse

Cancer Pain D000072716 - C23.888.592.612.212

Douleur thoracique

Chest Pain D002637 - C23.888.592.612.233

Douleur chronique

Chronic Pain D059350 - C23.888.592.612.274


Earache D004433 - C23.888.592.612.302

Douleur oculaire

Eye Pain D058447 - C23.888.592.612.316

Algie faciale

Facial Pain D005157 - C23.888.592.612.330

Douleur du flanc

Flank Pain D021501 - C23.888.592.612.386


Glossalgia D005926 - C23.888.592.612.414


Headache D006261 - C23.888.592.612.441

Douleur de l'accouchement

Labor Pain D048949 - C23.888.592.612.451


Metatarsalgia D037061 - C23.888.592.612.540


Neck Pain D019547 - C23.888.592.612.553


Neuralgia D009437 - C23.888.592.612.664

Douleur nociceptive

Nociceptive Pain D059226 - C23.888.592.612.720

Douleur rebelle

Pain, Intractable D010148 - C23.888.592.612.776

Douleur postopératoire

Pain, Postoperative D010149 - C23.888.592.612.832

Douleur liée aux interventions

Pain, Procedural D000073818 - C23.888.592.612.860

Douleur référée

Pain, Referred D053591 - C23.888.592.612.888

Douleur pelvienne

Pelvic Pain D017699 - C23.888.592.612.944

Paralysie faciale

Facial Paralysis D005158 - C23.888.592.636.214


Gastroparesis D018589 - C23.888.592.636.263


Hemiplegia D006429 - C23.888.592.636.312


Ophthalmoplegia D009886 - C23.888.592.636.447


Paraplegia D010264 - C23.888.592.636.637

Paralysie pseudobulbaire

Pseudobulbar Palsy D020828 - C23.888.592.636.711


Quadriplegia D011782 - C23.888.592.636.786

Paralysie des muscles respiratoires

Respiratory Paralysis D012133 - C23.888.592.636.812

Paralysie des cordes vocales

Vocal Cord Paralysis D014826 - C23.888.592.636.943


Paraparesis D020335 - C23.888.592.643.500


Anisocoria D015875 - C23.888.592.708.150


Miosis D015877 - C23.888.592.708.362


Tonic Pupil D015845 - C23.888.592.708.575

Crises non épileptiques psychogènes

Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures D000091323 - C23.888.592.742.357

Crises convulsives fébriles

Seizures, Febrile D003294 - C23.888.592.742.571

État de mal épileptique

Status Epilepticus D013226 - C23.888.592.742.785

Sensation vertigineuse

Dizziness D004244 - C23.888.592.763.237

Troubles de l'audition

Hearing Disorders D006311 - C23.888.592.763.393

Troubles de l'olfaction

Olfaction Disorders D000857 - C23.888.592.763.550

Troubles somatosensoriels

Somatosensory Disorders D020886 - C23.888.592.763.770

Troubles du goût

Taste Disorders D013651 - C23.888.592.763.861

Troubles de la vision

Vision Disorders D014786 - C23.888.592.763.941

Vertige positionnel paroxystique bénin

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo D065635 - C23.888.592.958.500


Aphonia D001044 - C23.888.592.979.100


Dysphonia D055154 - C23.888.592.979.325

Abdomen aigu

Abdomen, Acute D000006 - C23.888.821.030.249

Diarrhée du nourrisson

Diarrhea, Infantile D003968 - C23.888.821.214.500


Bulimia D002032 - C23.888.821.645.500


Hematemesis D006396 - C23.888.821.937.019

Maladie gravidique précoce

Morning Sickness D048968 - C23.888.821.937.049

Vomissements et nausées postopératoires

Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting D020250 - C23.888.821.937.059

Vomissements d'anticipation

Vomiting, Anticipatory D014840 - C23.888.821.937.080

Hypoxie foetale

Fetal Hypoxia D005311 - C23.888.852.079.594

Hypoxie cérébrale

Hypoxia, Brain D002534 - C23.888.852.079.797

Dyspnée paroxystique

Dyspnea, Paroxysmal D004418 - C23.888.852.371.396

Syndrome d'orthodéoxie-platypnée

Platypnea Orthodeoxia Syndrome D000092129 - C23.888.852.371.698


Snoring D012913 - C23.888.852.779.850

Tachypnée transitoire du nouveau-né

Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn D059245 - C23.888.852.944.500

Ictère rétentionnel

Jaundice, Obstructive D041781 - C23.888.885.375.500

Pied d'athlète

Tinea Pedis D014008 - C23.888.885.625.500

Purpura fulminans

Purpura Fulminans D055665 - C23.888.885.687.230

Purpura hyperglobulinémique

Purpura, Hyperglobulinemic D011694 - C23.888.885.687.250

Purpura de Schönlein-Henoch

IgA Vasculitis D011695 - C23.888.885.687.375

Purpura thrombopénique

Purpura, Thrombocytopenic D011696 - C23.888.885.687.687

Syndrome de Waterhouse-Friderichsen

Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome D014884 - C23.888.885.687.843


Dysuria D053159 - C23.888.942.343.274


Nocturia D053158 - C23.888.942.343.550


Prostatism D053448 - C23.888.942.343.600

Vessie hyperactive

Urinary Bladder, Overactive D053201 - C23.888.942.343.780

Hypoactivité vésicale

Urinary Bladder, Underactive D000077295 - C23.888.942.343.790

Incontinence urinaire

Urinary Incontinence D014549 - C23.888.942.343.800


Albuminuria D000419 - C23.888.942.750.269


Hemoglobinuria D006456 - C23.888.942.750.634

Calculs coralliformes

Staghorn Calculi D000069856 - C23.300.175.850.550.500

Fistule trachéo-oesophagienne

Tracheoesophageal Fistula D014138 - C23.300.575.185.250.725

Fistule rectale

Rectal Fistula D012003 - C23.300.575.185.550.600

Syndrome de Bland-White-Garland

Bland White Garland Syndrome D063748 - C23.300.575.950.150.500

Hernie ombilicale

Hernia, Umbilical D006554 - C23.300.707.374.937.500

Hernies diaphragmatiques congénitales

Hernias, Diaphragmatic, Congenital D065630 - C23.300.707.960.500.116

Hernie hiatale

Hernia, Hiatal D006551 - C23.300.707.960.500.467

Tachycardie par réentrée intranodale

Tachycardia, Atrioventricular Nodal Reentry D013611 - C23.550.073.845.787.500

Tachycardie par réentrée nodale sinoauriculaire

Tachycardia, Sinoatrial Nodal Reentry D013615 - C23.550.073.845.787.750

Tachycardie auriculaire ectopique

Tachycardia, Ectopic Atrial D013612 - C23.550.073.845.880.315

Tachycardie jonctionnelle ectopique

Tachycardia, Ectopic Junctional D013613 - C23.550.073.845.880.320

Tachycardie sinusale

Tachycardia, Sinus D013616 - C23.550.073.845.880.845

Rythme idioventriculaire accéléré

Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm D016170 - C23.550.073.845.940.349

Torsades de pointes

Torsades de Pointes D016171 - C23.550.073.845.940.700

Autolyse (histologie)

Autolysis D001329 - C23.550.260.224.617.236

Rigidité cadavérique

Rigor Mortis D012298 - C23.550.260.224.617.839

Mort par excès de travail

Karoshi Death D065907 - C23.550.260.322.250.500

Urticaire chronique inductible

Chronic Inducible Urticaria D000094482 - C23.550.291.500.360.500

Hépatite B chronique

Hepatitis B, Chronic D019694 - C23.550.291.500.477.500

Hépatite C chronique

Hepatitis C, Chronic D019698 - C23.550.291.500.477.750

Hépatite D chronique

Hepatitis D, Chronic D019701 - C23.550.291.500.477.875

Leucémie myéloïde en phase accélérée

Leukemia, Myeloid, Accelerated Phase D015465 - C23.550.291.500.485.300

Leucémie myéloïde en phase chronique

Leukemia, Myeloid, Chronic-Phase D015466 - C23.550.291.500.485.400

Pancréatite auto-immune

Autoimmune Pancreatitis D000081012 - C23.550.291.500.750.500

Arthrite réactionnelle

Arthritis, Reactive D016918 - C23.550.291.500.829.125

Encéphalomyélite aigüe disséminée

Encephalomyelitis, Acute Disseminated D004673 - C23.550.291.500.829.188

Syndrome de Guillain-Barré

Guillain-Barre Syndrome D020275 - C23.550.291.500.829.313

Syndrome de post-COVID-19

Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome D000094024 - C23.550.291.500.829.375

Syndrome post-Lyme

Post-Lyme Disease Syndrome D000077342 - C23.550.291.500.829.500

Syndrome de chevauchement asthme-BPCO

Asthma-Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overlap Syndrome D000080445 - C23.550.291.500.875.500

Bronchite chronique

Bronchitis, Chronic D029481 - C23.550.291.500.875.750

Emphysème pulmonaire

Pulmonary Emphysema D011656 - C23.550.291.500.875.875

Défaillance rénale chronique

Kidney Failure, Chronic D007676 - C23.550.291.500.906.500

Maladies sexuellement transmissibles bactériennes

Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Bacterial D015231 - C23.550.291.531.937.281

Maladies sexuellement transmissibles virales

Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Viral D015229 - C23.550.291.531.937.640

Pneumonie associée aux soins

Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia D000077299 - C23.550.291.875.500.500

Hématome subdural spinal

Hematoma, Subdural, Spinal D046649 - C23.550.414.838.700.700

Hémorragie des ganglions de la base

Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage D020145 - C23.550.414.913.100.200

Hémorragie cérébrale intraventriculaire

Cerebral Intraventricular Hemorrhage D000074042 - C23.550.414.913.100.600

Empyème pleural

Empyema, Pleural D016724 - C23.550.470.756.305.250

Empyème subdural

Empyema, Subdural D013354 - C23.550.470.756.305.500


Bacteremia D016470 - C23.550.470.790.500.100


Fungemia D016469 - C23.550.470.790.500.360

Sepsis néonatal

Neonatal Sepsis D000071074 - C23.550.470.790.500.470


Parasitemia D018512 - C23.550.470.790.500.580


Viremia D014766 - C23.550.470.790.500.900

Vasculopathie polypoïdale choroïdienne

Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy D000092342 - C23.550.589.500.145.500

Infarctus du tronc cérébral

Brain Stem Infarctions D020526 - C23.550.717.489.250.100

Infarctus cérébral

Cerebral Infarction D002544 - C23.550.717.489.250.200

Accident vasculaire cérébral lacunaire

Stroke, Lacunar D059409 - C23.550.717.489.250.600

Infarctus du myocarde antérieur

Anterior Wall Myocardial Infarction D056988 - C23.550.717.489.750.093

Infarctus du myocarde inférieur

Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction D056989 - C23.550.717.489.750.187


MINOCA D000088442 - C23.550.717.489.750.328

Infarctus du myocarde sans sus-décalage du segment ST

Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction D000072658 - C23.550.717.489.750.469

Infarctus du myocarde avec sus-décalage du segment ST

ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction D000072657 - C23.550.717.489.750.875

Crise blastique

Blast Crisis D001752 - C23.550.727.098.500.110

Obésité abdominale

Obesity, Abdominal D056128 - C23.888.144.699.500.063

Obésité maternelle

Obesity, Maternal D000079262 - C23.888.144.699.500.125

Obésité métaboliquement bénigne

Obesity, Metabolically Benign D000067329 - C23.888.144.699.500.250

Obésité morbide

Obesity, Morbid D009767 - C23.888.144.699.500.500

Obésité pédiatrique

Pediatric Obesity D063766 - C23.888.144.699.500.750

Ataxie cérébelleuse

Cerebellar Ataxia D002524 - C23.888.592.350.090.200

Dyskinésie tardive

Tardive Dyskinesia D000071057 - C23.888.592.350.275.500


Torticollis D014103 - C23.888.592.350.300.800

Troubles du langage

Language Disorders D007806 - C23.888.592.604.150.500

Perte de conscience

Unconsciousness D014474 - C23.888.592.604.359.800

Raideur musculaire

Muscle Rigidity D009127 - C23.888.592.608.550.500

Spasticité musculaire

Muscle Spasticity D009128 - C23.888.592.608.550.550

Syndrome de la tête tombante

Dropped Head Syndrome D000094222 - C23.888.592.608.593.500


Sarcopenia D055948 - C23.888.592.608.612.500

Spasme hémifacial

Hemifacial Spasm D019569 - C23.888.592.608.750.400


Trismus D014313 - C23.888.592.608.750.700

Séquelles de l'échec chirurgical rachidien

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome D055111 - C23.888.592.612.107.200


Low Back Pain D017116 - C23.888.592.612.107.400

Angine de poitrine

Angina Pectoris D000787 - C23.888.592.612.233.500


Toothache D014098 - C23.888.592.612.330.500

Collapsus ventriculaire

Slit Ventricle Syndrome D056124 - C23.888.592.612.441.500

Névrome de Morton

Morton Neuroma D000070607 - C23.888.592.612.664.275

Algie post-zona

Neuralgia, Postherpetic D051474 - C23.888.592.612.664.550

Névralgie pudendale

Pudendal Neuralgia D060545 - C23.888.592.612.664.737


Sciatica D012585 - C23.888.592.612.664.800

Douleur viscérale

Visceral Pain D059265 - C23.888.592.612.720.500


Dysmenorrhea D004412 - C23.888.592.612.944.500

Douleur de la ceinture pelvienne

Pelvic Girdle Pain D059388 - C23.888.592.612.944.625

Syndrome du muscle piriforme

Piriformis Muscle Syndrome D055958 - C23.888.592.612.944.750

Ophtalmoplégie externe progressive

Ophthalmoplegia, Chronic Progressive External D017246 - C23.888.592.636.447.511

Migraine ophtalmoplégique

Ophthalmoplegic Migraine D060486 - C23.888.592.636.447.600

Paralysie supranucléaire progressive

Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive D013494 - C23.888.592.636.447.690

Syndrome de Brown-Séquard

Brown-Sequard Syndrome D018437 - C23.888.592.636.637.300

Syndrome de déefférentation motrice

Locked-In Syndrome D000080422 - C23.888.592.636.786.500

Paraparésie spastique

Paraparesis, Spastic D020336 - C23.888.592.643.500.500

Syndrome de Claude Bernard-Horner

Horner Syndrome D006732 - C23.888.592.708.362.500

Épilepsie partielle continue

Epilepsia Partialis Continua D017036 - C23.888.592.742.785.260

Perte d'audition

Hearing Loss D034381 - C23.888.592.763.393.341


Hyperacusis D012001 - C23.888.592.763.393.505


Tinnitus D014012 - C23.888.592.763.393.670


Anosmia D000086582 - C23.888.592.763.550.500


Hyperalgesia D006930 - C23.888.592.763.770.400


Hyperesthesia D006941 - C23.888.592.763.770.450


Hypesthesia D006987 - C23.888.592.763.770.500


Paresthesia D010292 - C23.888.592.763.770.875


Ageusia D000370 - C23.888.592.763.861.184


Dysgeusia D004408 - C23.888.592.763.861.479


Amblyopia D000550 - C23.888.592.763.941.073


Blindness D001766 - C23.888.592.763.941.162

Troubles de la vision des couleurs

Color Vision Defects D003117 - C23.888.592.763.941.256


Diplopia D004172 - C23.888.592.763.941.339


Hemianopsia D006423 - C23.888.592.763.941.512


Photophobia D020795 - C23.888.592.763.941.661


Scotoma D012607 - C23.888.592.763.941.811

Vision faible

Vision, Low D015354 - C23.888.592.763.941.848

Hyperémèse gravidique

Hyperemesis Gravidarum D006939 - C23.888.821.937.049.500

Hypoxie-ischémie du cerveau

Hypoxia-Ischemia, Brain D020925 - C23.888.852.079.797.500

Purpura thrombopénique idiopathique

Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic D016553 - C23.888.885.687.687.600

Purpura thrombotique thrombocytopénique

Purpura, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic D011697 - C23.888.885.687.687.680

Incontinence urinaire d'effort

Urinary Incontinence, Stress D014550 - C23.888.942.343.800.500

Miction impérieuse incontrôlable

Urinary Incontinence, Urge D053202 - C23.888.942.343.800.750

Syndromes périodiques associés à la cryopyrine

Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic Syndromes D056587 - C23.550.291.500.360.500.500

Urticaire solaire

Urticaria, Solar D000092130 - C23.550.291.500.360.500.750

Syndrome de Frasier

Frasier Syndrome D052159 - C23.550.291.500.906.500.500

Infections à papillomavirus

Papillomavirus Infections D030361 - C23.550.291.531.937.640.500

Pneumopathie infectieuse sous ventilation assistée

Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated D053717 - C23.550.291.875.500.500.500

Hémorragie putaminale

Putaminal Hemorrhage D020146 - C23.550.414.913.100.200.500

Empyème tuberculeux

Empyema, Tuberculous D004654 - C23.550.470.756.305.250.320


Endotoxemia D019446 - C23.550.470.790.500.100.275

Septicémie hémorragique

Hemorrhagic Septicemia D006483 - C23.550.470.790.500.100.375


Candidemia D058387 - C23.550.470.790.500.360.150

Septicémie hémorragique virale

Hemorrhagic Septicemia, Viral D031941 - C23.550.470.790.500.900.400

Syndrome de Wallenberg

Lateral Medullary Syndrome D014854 - C23.550.717.489.250.100.500


CADASIL D046589 - C23.550.717.489.250.200.100

Infarctus du territoire de l'artère cérébrale antérieure

Infarction, Anterior Cerebral Artery D020243 - C23.550.717.489.250.200.400

Infarctus du territoire de l'artère cérébrale moyenne

Infarction, Middle Cerebral Artery D020244 - C23.550.717.489.250.200.450

Infarctus du territoire de l'artère cérébrale postérieure

Infarction, Posterior Cerebral Artery D020762 - C23.550.717.489.250.200.475


Agraphia D000381 - C23.888.592.604.150.500.050

Anomie (trouble du langage)

Anomia D000849 - C23.888.592.604.150.500.090

Troubles du développement du langage

Language Development Disorders D007805 - C23.888.592.604.150.500.550

Troubles de la parole

Speech Disorders D013064 - C23.888.592.604.150.500.800


Specific Language Disorder D000080888 - C23.888.592.604.150.550.600


Coma D003128 - C23.888.592.604.359.800.200

État végétatif persistant

Persistent Vegetative State D018458 - C23.888.592.604.359.800.400

État de stupeur

Stupor D053608 - C23.888.592.604.359.800.500


Syncope D013575 - C23.888.592.604.359.800.600

Angor instable

Angina, Unstable D000789 - C23.888.592.612.233.500.150

Angor stable

Angina, Stable D060050 - C23.888.592.612.233.500.575

Syndrome de Kearns-Sayre

Kearns-Sayre Syndrome D007625 - C23.888.592.636.447.511.500


Deafness D003638 - C23.888.592.763.393.341.186

Surdité bilatérale partielle

Hearing Loss, Bilateral D006312 - C23.888.592.763.393.341.374

Surdité de transmission

Hearing Loss, Conductive D006314 - C23.888.592.763.393.341.562

Surdité aux hautes fréquences

Hearing Loss, High-Frequency D006316 - C23.888.592.763.393.341.812

Surdité mixte de transmission et neurosensorielle

Hearing Loss, Mixed Conductive-Sensorineural D046089 - C23.888.592.763.393.341.849

Surdité neurosensorielle

Hearing Loss, Sensorineural D006319 - C23.888.592.763.393.341.887

Perte auditive soudaine

Hearing Loss, Sudden D003639 - C23.888.592.763.393.341.900

Perte auditive unilatérale

Hearing Loss, Unilateral D046088 - C23.888.592.763.393.341.950

Amaurose fugace

Amaurosis Fugax D020757 - C23.888.592.763.941.162.125

Cécité corticale

Blindness, Cortical D019575 - C23.888.592.763.941.162.250


Deaf-Blind Disorders D054062 - C23.888.592.763.941.162.625


Aphasia D001037 - C23.888.592.604.150.500.800.100

Troubles de la prononciation et de l'articulation

Articulation Disorders D001184 - C23.888.592.604.150.500.800.150


Echolalia D004454 - C23.888.592.604.150.500.800.300


Stuttering D013342 - C23.888.592.604.150.500.800.750

Syncope vagale

Syncope, Vasovagal D019462 - C23.888.592.604.359.800.600.500

Angine de poitrine variante

Angina Pectoris, Variant D000788 - C23.888.592.612.233.500.150.150

Surdité centrale

Hearing Loss, Central D006313 - C23.888.592.763.393.341.887.432

Surdité due au bruit

Hearing Loss, Noise-Induced D006317 - C23.888.592.763.393.341.887.460


Presbycusis D011304 - C23.888.592.763.393.341.887.772

Syndromes d'Usher

Usher Syndromes D052245 - C23.888.592.763.393.341.887.886

Syndrome CHARGE

CHARGE Syndrome D058747 - C23.888.592.763.941.162.625.500

Aphasie de Broca

Aphasia, Broca D001039 - C23.888.592.604.150.500.800.100.100

Aphasie de conduction

Aphasia, Conduction D018886 - C23.888.592.604.150.500.800.100.111

Aphasie de Wernicke

Aphasia, Wernicke D001041 - C23.888.592.604.150.500.800.100.166


Dysarthria D004401 - C23.888.592.604.150.500.800.150.200

Auteurs principaux

Claus Sixtus Jensen

2 publications dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Research Centre for Emergency Medicine, Emergency Department, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.

Marianne Lisby

2 publications dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Research Centre for Emergency Medicine, Emergency Department, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.

Hans Kirkegaard

2 publications dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Research Centre for Emergency Medicine, Emergency Department, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.

Mia Ingerslev Loft

2 publications dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Department of Neurology, Rigshospitalet, Glostrup, Denmark.

Davide Pietropaoli

2 publications dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • University of L'Aquila, Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences, San Salvatore Hospital, Building Delta 6-Unit of Dentistry, V.le San Salvatore, L'Aquila 67100, Italy.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Barry C Cooper

2 publications dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Division of Translational Oral Biology, School of Dental Medicine, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York, NY 14214, USA.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Eleonora Ortu

2 publications dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • University of L'Aquila, Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences, San Salvatore Hospital, Building Delta 6-Unit of Dentistry, V.le San Salvatore, L'Aquila 67100, Italy.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Annalisa Monaco

2 publications dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • University of L'Aquila, Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences, San Salvatore Hospital, Building Delta 6-Unit of Dentistry, V.le San Salvatore, L'Aquila 67100, Italy.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Masahiko Ayaki

2 publications dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Department of Ophthalmology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Otake Clinic Moon View Eye Center, Kanagawa, Japan.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Kazuno Negishi

2 publications dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Department of Ophthalmology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Maria Markoulli

2 publications dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • School of Optometry, Vision Science University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Krishnan Nagarajan

1 publication dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Radiodiagnosis, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry, IND.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Pravash Mishra

1 publication dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar, IND.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Sandeep Velagada

1 publication dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Orthopaedics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar, IND.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Sujit K Tripathy

1 publication dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Orthopaedics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar, IND.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Gamze Durhan

1 publication dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Department of Radiology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Selin Ardalı Düzgün

1 publication dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Department of Radiology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Osman Öcal

1 publication dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Department of Radiology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Orhan Macit Arıyürek

1 publication dans cette catégorie

Affiliations :
  • Department of Radiology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey.
Publications dans "États, signes et symptômes pathologiques" :

Sources (10000 au total)

Unraveling the signs and symptoms of oral conditions that affect daily life activities and oral health-related quality of life.

Since oral conditions negatively affect oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL), this study evaluated which oral clinical condition, signs, and symptoms are associated with the impact on OHRQoL, ... Data from a probabilistic sample of adults (35-44 years old) was used. The Oral Impacts on Daily Performance (OIDP) was used to evaluate OHRQoL, its domains (physical, psychological, and social), and ... A total of 5,834 adults were included, of which 52.9% had some negative impact of oral conditions on OHRQoL. Difficulty in eating was the most affected daily life activity. For multiple models, dental... Different signs and symptoms of prevalent oral diseases are associated with the impact on specific daily life activities among adults, which may compromise the OHRQoL.... Knowledge of how signs, symptoms, and oral conditions affect OHRQoL and daily life activities can provide essential information for clinicians to establish proper disease management and preventive str...

A physical sign of pathological myopia: myopic scleral pit.

Myopic scleral pit (MSP) is a rare physical sign of pathological myopia (PM). The aim of this study was to summarize the clinical characteristics of MSP and analyze its correlation with PM.... Eight cases with PM and MSP were enrolled in this study. Comprehensive ophthalmic examinations, including subjective refraction, slit-lamp biomicroscope, intraocular pressure, fundus photographs, A- a... All the patients had a long history of PM with visual impairment, long axial length, and myopia-related fundus degeneration. Mean axial length was 31.48 ± 2.17 mm. Mean size of MSP was 0.69 ± 0.29 opt... This study identified a rare scleral lesion in all eight individuals with PM, which was termed "myopic scleral pit". This phenomenon is different from focal choroidal excavation and posterior staphylo...

Impact of signs and symptoms on the prognosis of patients with HFmrEF.

Worsening of heart failure (HF) symptoms is the leading cause of medical contact and hospitalization of patients with mildly reduced ejection fraction (HFmrEF). The prognostic value of signs and sympt... A Cox proportional risk regression model analyzed the relationship between the number of signs/symptoms and outcomes in 1691 hospitalized HFmrEF patients. Ten significant signs and symptoms were inclu... After a median follow-up of 33 months, all-cause mortality occurred in 457 patients and CV events occurred in 977 patients. Incidence of all-cause mortality was 20.7%, 32.3%* and 49.4%*† in group A, B... Higher number of symptoms and signs is associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality and CV events in HFmrEF patients. Our results highlight the prognostic importance of careful inquiry on HF ...

Symptoms and signs of urogenital cancer in primary care.

Urogenital cancers are common, accounting for approximately 20% of cancer incidence globally. Cancers belonging to the same organ system often present with similar symptoms, making initial management ... Initial data capture was by completion of standardised forms containing closed questions about symptoms recorded during the consultation. The general practitioner (GP) provided follow-up data after di... The most common symptoms were mainly associated with one or two specific types of cancer: 'Macroscopic haematuria' with bladder or renal cancer (combined sensitivity 28.3%), 'Increased urinary frequen... Most types of urogenital cancer present with rather specific symptoms. If the GP considers ovarian cancer, increased abdominal circumference should be actively determined. Several cases were clarified...

Contralateral Arm Pain as a Sign of Distress Regarding Symptoms.

Pain intensity and magnitude of incapability are associated with common unhelpful thoughts about symptoms such as catastrophic thinking and kinesiophobia. To determine whether reports of pain in the u... In a cross-sectional study, 152 new and return patients seeking care of an upper-limb musculoskeletal condition completed measures of upper-extremity-specific magnitude of capability, pain intensity o... In bivariate analysis, contralateral arm pain was associated with symptoms of distress regarding pain, but not in multivariable analysis. Accounting for potential confounding in negative binominal reg... The observation that greater pain intensity in the opposite arm was associated with greater distress regarding symptoms suggests that, in combination with other verbal and non-verbal signs of distress...

Improved Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eye Disease for Restasis

To evaluate dry eye disease (DED) signs and symptoms six months after a single treatment with Localized Heat Therapy (LHT) (TearCare, Sight Sciences) for patients previously treated for six months wit... Nineteen ophthalmic and optometric practices in 11 US states.... Multicenter, cross-over, six month extension to the SAHARA randomized, controlled trial (RCT). Included patients were those randomized to CsA in Phase 1 of the SAHARA RCT.... This was the second phase of the SAHARA RCT in which, following the 6-month endpoint, all patients that had been randomized to CsA discontinued CsA and were treated with LHT and subsequently followed ... One hundred and sixty-one patients (322 eyes) were analyzed. Mean (SD) baseline TBUT prior to CsA was 4.4 (1.2) seconds, 5.6 (2.6) at 6 months which improved to 6.6 (3.2) and 6.1 (2.8) seconds (both P... SAHARA showed 6-month superiority of LHT to CsA in clinical signs and non-inferiority in symptom scores. This extension shows that patients treated with CsA for 6 months can achieve meaningful additio...