Multi-organ/disseminated echinococcosis in children: Case series and review of the literature.
Journal of paediatrics and child health
ISSN: 1440-1754
Titre abrégé: J Paediatr Child Health
Pays: Australia
ID NLM: 9005421
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
07 2022
07 2022
Echinococcosis with multi-organ/disseminated involvement is rare in childhood. We aimed to evaluate the clinical and laboratory characteristics and prognosis in paediatric patients with echinococcosis having multiorgan/disseminated involvement. We evaluated retrospectively children with echinococcosis with involvement of three or more organs. Thirteen patients were included in the study. The median age was 120 (range 71-189) months. Three (23%) were diagnosed incidentally. Abdominal pain was seen in 5 (38.4%) patients, vomiting in 4 (30.7%), headache in 3 (23%), cough in 2 (15.3%), groin pain in 1 (7.6%), 1 (7.6%) had jaundice and 1 (7.6%) had fever. The median duration of complaints was 48 (0-140) days. The most common tripartite organ was 38.4% (5/13) liver, lung and spleen. Isolated abdominal dissemination was detected in two patients. Two patients had multi-organ involvement and multiple cysts with dissemination. Cyst rupture was observed in three of the patients; recurrent urinary tract infection, hydroureteronephrosis, secondary peritonitis with intra-abdominal abscess, and biliary tract fistula were each observed in one patient. Relapse developed in 3 (23%) patients. Echinococcosis is a very slow growing and complex parasitic disease that affects many organs and tissues. In our study, eosinophilia, recurrence, and complications were seen at a higher rate in paediatric patients with multiorgan involvement, who required repetitive surgeries and long-term medical treatment. However, there are scanty data on risk factors, optimum treatment and prognosis.
Types de publication
Journal Article
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© 2022 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (The Royal Australasian College of Physicians).
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