Association of vision impairment and blindness with socioeconomic status in adults 50 years and older from Alto Amazonas, Peru.
Eye (London, England)
ISSN: 1476-5454
Titre abrégé: Eye (Lond)
Pays: England
ID NLM: 8703986
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
02 2023
02 2023
To determine the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and visual impairment (VI) or blindness in the rural Peruvian Amazon, hypothesizing that higher SES would have a protective effect on the odds of VI or blindness. In this cross-sectional study of 16 rural communities in the Peruvian Amazon, consenting adults aged ≥ 50 years were recruited from ~30 randomly selected households per village. Each household was administered a questionnaire and had a SES score constructed using principal components analysis. Blindness and VI were determined using a ministry of health 3-meter visual acuity card. Overall, 207 adults aged ≥ 50 were eligible; 146 (70.5%) completed visual acuity screening and answered the questionnaire. Of those 146 participants who completed presenting visual acuity screening, 57 (39.0%, 95% CI 30.2-47.1) were classified as visually impaired and 6 (4.1%, 95% CI 0.9-7.3) as blind. Belonging to the highest SES tercile had a protective effect on VI or blindness (OR 0.29, 95% CI 0.09 to 0.91, p = 0.034), with a linear trend across decreasing levels of SES (p = 0.019). This observed effect remained significant regardless of how SES groups were assigned. Belonging to a higher SES group resulted in a lower odds of VI or blindness compared to those in the lowest SES group. The observation of a dose response provides confidence in the observed association, but causality remains unclear. Blindness prevention programs could maximize impact by designing activities that specifically target people with lower SES.
pubmed: 35115717
doi: 10.1038/s41433-021-01870-x
pii: 10.1038/s41433-021-01870-x
pmc: PMC9905540
Types de publication
Journal Article
Sous-ensembles de citation
Organisme : FIC NIH HHS
ID : D43 TW007393
Pays : United States
Organisme : FIC NIH HHS
ID : D43 TW009343
Pays : United States
Organisme : NEI NIH HHS
ID : R21 EY033690
Pays : United States
Informations de copyright
© 2022. Pan American Health Organization.
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