IDH Wild-type Glioblastoma Presenting with Seizure: Clinical Specificity, and Oncologic and Surgical Outcomes.


Journal of neurological surgery. Part A, Central European neurosurgery
ISSN: 2193-6323
Titre abrégé: J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg
Pays: Germany
ID NLM: 101580767

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Jul 2022
pubmed: 19 11 2021
medline: 7 7 2022
entrez: 18 11 2021
Statut: ppublish


 Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary brain neoplasia in adults. Seizure is a common manifestation in GBM. Up to 25 to 60% of patients with GBM have seizures. We aim to summarize all the relevant clinical, surgical, radiologic, and molecular features of a cohort of patients suffering from GBM-related epilepsy and measure the outcome, to understand the possible existence of a clinical/phenotypical specificity of this subgroup of patients.  We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of 177 patients affected by isocitrate dehydrogenase wild-type (IDH-WT) GBM; 49 patients presented seizure at onset (SaO) and 128 were seizure free (SF). We investigated the relationship between seizures and other prognostic factors of GBMs.  A statistically significant association between the location of the lesions in the parietal lobe and seizures was observed. The left side was more commonly affected. Interestingly, there was a statistical relationship between tumors involving the subventricular zone (SVZ) and SaO patients. The tumors were also smaller on average at diagnosis, and generalized SaOs were associated with longer overall survival.  The typical patient with IDH-WT GBM with SaO is a young (<55 year) male without a history of headache. The lesion is typically small to medium in size and located in the temporoparietal dominant lobe, with a high tendency to involve the SVZ.

Sections du résumé

 Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary brain neoplasia in adults. Seizure is a common manifestation in GBM. Up to 25 to 60% of patients with GBM have seizures. We aim to summarize all the relevant clinical, surgical, radiologic, and molecular features of a cohort of patients suffering from GBM-related epilepsy and measure the outcome, to understand the possible existence of a clinical/phenotypical specificity of this subgroup of patients.
 We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of 177 patients affected by isocitrate dehydrogenase wild-type (IDH-WT) GBM; 49 patients presented seizure at onset (SaO) and 128 were seizure free (SF). We investigated the relationship between seizures and other prognostic factors of GBMs.
 A statistically significant association between the location of the lesions in the parietal lobe and seizures was observed. The left side was more commonly affected. Interestingly, there was a statistical relationship between tumors involving the subventricular zone (SVZ) and SaO patients. The tumors were also smaller on average at diagnosis, and generalized SaOs were associated with longer overall survival.
 The typical patient with IDH-WT GBM with SaO is a young (<55 year) male without a history of headache. The lesion is typically small to medium in size and located in the temporoparietal dominant lobe, with a high tendency to involve the SVZ.


pubmed: 34794192
doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1735515

Substances chimiques

Isocitrate Dehydrogenase EC

Types de publication

Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation




Informations de copyright

Thieme. All rights reserved.

Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts

None declared.


Alessandro Pesce (A)

"Santa Maria Goretti" Hospital, Latina, Italy.

Daniele Armocida (D)

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Human Neurosciences, "Sapienza" University, Rome, Italy.

Francesco Paglia (F)

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Human Neurosciences, "Sapienza" University, Rome, Italy.

Mauro Palmieri (M)

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Human Neurosciences, "Sapienza" University, Rome, Italy.

Alessandro Frati (A)

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Human Neurosciences, "Sapienza" University, Rome, Italy.
IRCCS "Neuromed" Pozzilli (IS), Italy.

Giancarlo D'Andrea (G)

Department of Neurosurgery, "Spaziani" Hospital, Frosinone, Italy.

Maurizio Salvati (M)

IRCCS "Neuromed" Pozzilli (IS), Italy.
Department of Mental and Neurological, Dental and Sensory Organs Health, Tor Vergata University, Rome Italy.

Antonio Santoro (A)

"Santa Maria Goretti" Hospital, Latina, Italy.

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