Diagnosis and management of migraine in ten steps.
Nature reviews. Neurology
ISSN: 1759-4766
Titre abrégé: Nat Rev Neurol
Pays: England
ID NLM: 101500072
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
08 2021
08 2021
Migraine is a disabling primary headache disorder that directly affects more than one billion people worldwide. Despite its widespread prevalence, migraine remains under-diagnosed and under-treated. To support clinical decision-making, we convened a European panel of experts to develop a ten-step approach to the diagnosis and management of migraine. Each step was established by expert consensus and supported by a review of current literature, and the Consensus Statement is endorsed by the European Headache Federation and the European Academy of Neurology. In this Consensus Statement, we introduce typical clinical features, diagnostic criteria and differential diagnoses of migraine. We then emphasize the value of patient centricity and patient education to ensure treatment adherence and satisfaction with care provision. Further, we outline best practices for acute and preventive treatment of migraine in various patient populations, including adults, children and adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and older people. In addition, we provide recommendations for evaluating treatment response and managing treatment failure. Lastly, we discuss the management of complications and comorbidities as well as the importance of planning long-term follow-up.
pubmed: 34145431
doi: 10.1038/s41582-021-00509-5
pii: 10.1038/s41582-021-00509-5
pmc: PMC8321897
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