Expression of epidermal antimicrobial peptides is increased in tinea pedis.
Aged, 80 and over
/ immunology
/ metabolism
Immunity, Innate
/ metabolism
Middle Aged
Pore Forming Cytotoxic Proteins
/ metabolism
/ metabolism
S100 Calcium Binding Protein A7
/ metabolism
/ metabolism
Skin Diseases, Infectious
/ immunology
Tinea Pedis
/ immunology
antimicrobial peptides
infectious skin diseases
innate immunity
tinea pedis
ISSN: 1439-0507
Titre abrégé: Mycoses
Pays: Germany
ID NLM: 8805008
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
Jul 2021
Jul 2021
Tinea pedis is often chronic or recurrent, but not all individuals are equally susceptible to this infection. Dermatophytes are able to induce the expression of antimicrobial peptides and proteins (AMPs) in human keratinocytes and certain AMPs can inhibit the growth of dermatophytes. The focus of this study was to analyse the secretion of relevant AMPs, especially RNase 7, human beta-defensin-2 (hBD-2) and the S-100 protein psoriasin (S100A7), in patients with confirmed tinea pedis. To verify the diagnosis, skin scales were obtained from all patients (n = 13) and the dermatophytes were identified by potassium hydroxide mount, culture and molecular analysis. To determine the AMP concentrations, the lesional skin area of the foot was rinsed with a buffer that was subsequently analysed by ELISA. The corresponding area of the other unaffected foot as well as defined healthy skin areas of the forearm and forehead and samples from age and gender-matched healthy volunteers served as controls. In tinea pedis patients the AMP concentrations were higher in lesional skin than in non-lesional skin and in healthy skin of controls. In particular, concentrations of hBD-2 and psoriasin were significantly elevated. The induction of AMPs in tinea pedis might be triggered directly by the dermatophytes; furthermore, attendant inflammation and/or differentiation processes may play a role. Our results indicate that there is no defect in the constitutive expression and induction of the analysed AMPs by dermatophytes in the epidermis of affected patients. However, it is not known why the elevated AMP concentrations fail to efficiently combat dermatophyte growth.
Sections du résumé
Tinea pedis is often chronic or recurrent, but not all individuals are equally susceptible to this infection. Dermatophytes are able to induce the expression of antimicrobial peptides and proteins (AMPs) in human keratinocytes and certain AMPs can inhibit the growth of dermatophytes.
The focus of this study was to analyse the secretion of relevant AMPs, especially RNase 7, human beta-defensin-2 (hBD-2) and the S-100 protein psoriasin (S100A7), in patients with confirmed tinea pedis.
To verify the diagnosis, skin scales were obtained from all patients (n = 13) and the dermatophytes were identified by potassium hydroxide mount, culture and molecular analysis. To determine the AMP concentrations, the lesional skin area of the foot was rinsed with a buffer that was subsequently analysed by ELISA. The corresponding area of the other unaffected foot as well as defined healthy skin areas of the forearm and forehead and samples from age and gender-matched healthy volunteers served as controls.
In tinea pedis patients the AMP concentrations were higher in lesional skin than in non-lesional skin and in healthy skin of controls. In particular, concentrations of hBD-2 and psoriasin were significantly elevated.
The induction of AMPs in tinea pedis might be triggered directly by the dermatophytes; furthermore, attendant inflammation and/or differentiation processes may play a role. Our results indicate that there is no defect in the constitutive expression and induction of the analysed AMPs by dermatophytes in the epidermis of affected patients. However, it is not known why the elevated AMP concentrations fail to efficiently combat dermatophyte growth.
Substances chimiques
Pore Forming Cytotoxic Proteins
S100 Calcium Binding Protein A7
EC 3.1.-
Ribonuclease 7
EC 3.1.27.-
Types de publication
Journal Article
Sous-ensembles de citation
763-770Informations de copyright
© 2021 The Authors. Mycoses published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.
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