Fat and Fibrin Glue: Quo Vadis?


Turkish neurosurgery
ISSN: 2651-5032
Titre abrégé: Turk Neurosurg
Pays: Turkey
ID NLM: 9423821

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
pubmed: 25 2 2021
medline: 1 6 2021
entrez: 24 2 2021
Statut: ppublish


To analyze the effectiveness of fat and fibrin glue to prevent postoperative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak in pituitary surgery. Two hundred and eleven patients affected by pituitary adenoma entered this study. Patients that underwent a microscopic transsphenoidal approach between January 2013 and April 2019 were included. All the patients that developed intraoperative CSF leak were treated with fat and fibrin glue. The presence or absence of postoperative CSF leak was considered as a parameter to test the effectiveness of the intraoperative reconstruction technique used. Postoperative CSF leak was observed in 5 patients (2.4%). Among patients with an intraoperative low- grade CSF leak (1 or 2), 97.9% did not develop a postoperative CSF leak. In contrast, those who presented an intraoperative CSF leak of grade 3, had a worse prognosis. Fat and fibrin glue is currently an effective method in the treatment of low-grade intraoperative CSF leak. In case of intraoperative CSF leak of grade 3, it should be used combined with the nasoseptal flap technique to obtain a safer reconstruction.


pubmed: 33624276
doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.29712-20.2

Substances chimiques

Fibrin Tissue Adhesive 0

Types de publication

Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation





Juan F Villalonga (JF)

Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Facultad de Medicina, LINT, Tucumán, Argentina.

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