Definition and Prospective Assessment of Functional Recovery After Liver Transplantation: A New Objective Consensus-Based Metric for Safe Discharge.
Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society
ISSN: 1527-6473
Titre abrégé: Liver Transpl
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 100909185
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
10 2020
10 2020
Standardized discharge criteria are critical to reduce premature discharge and avoid unnecessary hospital stays. No such criteria exist for patients undergoing liver transplantation (LT). To achieve a consensus-based checklist of criteria for safe patient discharge after LT, this mixed-method study included the following: a systematic literature review and expert discussion to draft a first checklist of post-LT discharge criteria, defining patient recovery and indications for hospital discharge (functional recovery); an exploratory online electronic Delphi (e-Delphi) study; a single-center pilot study to test checklist feasibility; and a final e-Delphi study with an extended interdisciplinary expert panel to validate the final checklist. The first round provided a 10-point discharge checklist with 5 patient-centered items derived from discharge criteria after liver surgery and 5 graft-centered items derived from expert discussion. The restricted panel (9 experts) e-Delphi provided 100% consensus after the second round, with slight modifications to the criteria. During the pilot study, 19 of 45 (42.2%) patients included fulfilled the complete checklist (100% of 10 items) after median (IQR) 16 (8-21) days (functional recovery) and a length of stay of 20 (9-24) days. The item with the lowest completion rate was minimum serum tacrolimus level in the target on 2 consecutive blood samples (n = 21; 47%), achieved at 13 (9-15) days. The extended panel (66 experts) e-Delphi provided 95%-98% consensus after the third round, with slight modifications of the criteria. This study provided substantial consensus on discharge criteria after LT. We anticipate that these criteria will be useful in clinical practice to guide patient discharge and increase the comparability of results between future studies.
Types de publication
Journal Article
Systematic Review
Sous-ensembles de citation
Julio Abba
Armando Abergel
Pietro Addeo
Marc Antoine Allard
Giuliana Amaddeo
Teresa Antonini
Rodolphe Anty
Louise Barbier
Denis Bernard
Anne Bignon
Olivier Boillot
Charlotte Bouzbib
Pauline Carles
Jean-Paul Cervoni
Manuela Cesaretti
Faiza Chermak
Laurence Chiche
Oriana Ciacio
Audrey Coilly
Pauline Devauchelle
Alexandre Doussot
Laure Elkrief
Domitille Erard-Poinsot
François Faitot
Stéphanie Faure
Claire Francoz
Emiliano Giostra
Nicolas Golse
Claire Goumard
Astrid Herrero
Marie Noelle Hilleret
Jean-Baptiste Hiriart
Pauline Houssel Debry
Antonio Iannelli
Nassim Kamar
Meriem Khalfallah
Guillaume Lassailly
Alexis Laurent
Noemie Laverdure
Pascal Lebray
Gilles Lebuffe
Alessandra Mazzola
Magdalena Meszaros
Guillaume Millet
Anne Minello
Fabrice Muscari
Georges-Philippe Pageaux
Domitille Poinsot
Sylvie Radenne
Michel Rayar
Helene Regnault
Olivier Roux
Marika Rudler
Eric Savier
Astrid Schielke
Daniele Sommacale
Olivier Soubrane
Bertrand Suc
Stéphanie Truant
Célia Turco
José Ursic-Bedoya
Claire Vanlemmens
Emmanuel Weiss
Marie-Lorraine Wohel-Jagle
Stefan Hofmeyr
Commentaires et corrections
Type : CommentIn
Type : ErratumIn
Informations de copyright
Copyright © 2020 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.
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