SCAI expert consensus statement update on best practices for transradial angiography and intervention.
Arterial Occlusive Diseases
/ etiology
Cardiac Catheterization
/ adverse effects
Catheterization, Peripheral
/ adverse effects
Coronary Angiography
/ adverse effects
Coronary Artery Disease
/ diagnostic imaging
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
/ adverse effects
Predictive Value of Tests
Radial Artery
/ diagnostic imaging
Risk Factors
Treatment Outcome
Ulnar Artery
/ diagnostic imaging
Ultrasonography, Interventional
/ adverse effects
Vascular Patency
Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions
ISSN: 1522-726X
Titre abrégé: Catheter Cardiovasc Interv
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 100884139
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
02 2020
02 2020
Transradial angiography and intervention continues to become increasingly common as an access site for coronary procedures. Since the first "Best Practices" paper in 2013, ongoing trials have shed further light onto the safest and most efficient methods to perform these procedures. Specifically, this document comments on the use of ultrasound to facilitate radial access, the role of ulnar artery access, the utility of non-invasive testing of collateral flow, strategies to prevent radial artery occlusion, radial access for primary PCI and topics that require further study.
Types de publication
Journal Article
Practice Guideline
Sous-ensembles de citation
245-252Informations de copyright
© 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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