Cognitive assessment in a predominantly Hispanic and Native American population in New Mexico and its association with kidney transplant wait-listing.
Cognitive Dysfunction
/ diagnosis
Diabetes Mellitus
/ physiopathology
Follow-Up Studies
Hispanic or Latino
/ psychology
/ physiopathology
Indians, North American
/ psychology
Kidney Failure, Chronic
/ mortality
Kidney Transplantation
/ mortality
Middle Aged
New Mexico
/ epidemiology
Retrospective Studies
Survival Rate
Waiting Lists
/ mortality
Montreal Cognitive Assessment
Native American
cognitive impairment
kidney transplant wait-listing
Clinical transplantation
ISSN: 1399-0012
Titre abrégé: Clin Transplant
Pays: Denmark
ID NLM: 8710240
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
10 2019
10 2019
The association between cognitive function and the likelihood of kidney transplant (KT) wait-listing, especially in minority populations, has not been clearly delineated. We performed a retrospective review of our pre-KT patients, who consist mainly of Hispanics and Native Americans, over a 16-month period. We collected data on baseline demographics and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) score, at the initial KT evaluation. We defined cognitive impairment as MoCA scores of <24. We constructed linear regression models to identify associations between baseline characteristics with MoCA scores and used Cox proportional hazards models to assess associations between MoCA score and KT wait-listing. During the study period, 154 patients completed the MoCA during their initial evaluation. Mean (standard deviation) MoCA scores were 23.9 (4.6), with 58 (38%) participants scoring <24. Advanced age, lower education and being on dialysis were associated with lower MoCA scores. For every one-point increase in MoCA, the likelihood of being wait-listed increased 1.10-fold (95% CI 1.01-1.19, P = .022). Being Native American and having kidney disease due to diabetes or hypertension were associated with longer time to wait-listing. Cognitive impairment was common in our pre-KT patients and was associated with a lower likelihood of KT wait-listing.
Types de publication
Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Sous-ensembles de citation
e13674Informations de copyright
© 2019 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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