Transcatheter Aortic-Valve Replacement with a Self-Expanding Valve in Low-Risk Patients.


The New England journal of medicine
ISSN: 1533-4406
Titre abrégé: N Engl J Med
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 0255562

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
02 05 2019
pubmed: 19 3 2019
medline: 29 5 2019
entrez: 19 3 2019
Statut: ppublish


Transcatheter aortic-valve replacement (TAVR) is an alternative to surgery in patients with severe aortic stenosis who are at increased risk for death from surgery; less is known about TAVR in low-risk patients. We performed a randomized noninferiority trial in which TAVR with a self-expanding supraannular bioprosthesis was compared with surgical aortic-valve replacement in patients who had severe aortic stenosis and were at low surgical risk. When 850 patients had reached 12-month follow-up, we analyzed data regarding the primary end point, a composite of death or disabling stroke at 24 months, using Bayesian methods. Of the 1468 patients who underwent randomization, an attempted TAVR or surgical procedure was performed in 1403. The patients' mean age was 74 years. The 24-month estimated incidence of the primary end point was 5.3% in the TAVR group and 6.7% in the surgery group (difference, -1.4 percentage points; 95% Bayesian credible interval for difference, -4.9 to 2.1; posterior probability of noninferiority >0.999). At 30 days, patients who had undergone TAVR, as compared with surgery, had a lower incidence of disabling stroke (0.5% vs. 1.7%), bleeding complications (2.4% vs. 7.5%), acute kidney injury (0.9% vs. 2.8%), and atrial fibrillation (7.7% vs. 35.4%) and a higher incidence of moderate or severe aortic regurgitation (3.5% vs. 0.5%) and pacemaker implantation (17.4% vs. 6.1%). At 12 months, patients in the TAVR group had lower aortic-valve gradients than those in the surgery group (8.6 mm Hg vs. 11.2 mm Hg) and larger effective orifice areas (2.3 cm In patients with severe aortic stenosis who were at low surgical risk, TAVR with a self-expanding supraannular bioprosthesis was noninferior to surgery with respect to the composite end point of death or disabling stroke at 24 months. (Funded by Medtronic; number, NCT02701283.).

Sections du résumé

Transcatheter aortic-valve replacement (TAVR) is an alternative to surgery in patients with severe aortic stenosis who are at increased risk for death from surgery; less is known about TAVR in low-risk patients.
We performed a randomized noninferiority trial in which TAVR with a self-expanding supraannular bioprosthesis was compared with surgical aortic-valve replacement in patients who had severe aortic stenosis and were at low surgical risk. When 850 patients had reached 12-month follow-up, we analyzed data regarding the primary end point, a composite of death or disabling stroke at 24 months, using Bayesian methods.
Of the 1468 patients who underwent randomization, an attempted TAVR or surgical procedure was performed in 1403. The patients' mean age was 74 years. The 24-month estimated incidence of the primary end point was 5.3% in the TAVR group and 6.7% in the surgery group (difference, -1.4 percentage points; 95% Bayesian credible interval for difference, -4.9 to 2.1; posterior probability of noninferiority >0.999). At 30 days, patients who had undergone TAVR, as compared with surgery, had a lower incidence of disabling stroke (0.5% vs. 1.7%), bleeding complications (2.4% vs. 7.5%), acute kidney injury (0.9% vs. 2.8%), and atrial fibrillation (7.7% vs. 35.4%) and a higher incidence of moderate or severe aortic regurgitation (3.5% vs. 0.5%) and pacemaker implantation (17.4% vs. 6.1%). At 12 months, patients in the TAVR group had lower aortic-valve gradients than those in the surgery group (8.6 mm Hg vs. 11.2 mm Hg) and larger effective orifice areas (2.3 cm
In patients with severe aortic stenosis who were at low surgical risk, TAVR with a self-expanding supraannular bioprosthesis was noninferior to surgery with respect to the composite end point of death or disabling stroke at 24 months. (Funded by Medtronic; number, NCT02701283.).


pubmed: 30883053
doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1816885

Banques de données

Types de publication

Comparative Study Equivalence Trial Journal Article Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't



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Oana Madalina Petrescu (OM)
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Ming Zhang (M)
Andrea Drouhard (A)
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Julian Hurt (J)
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Wayne Batchelor (W)
C Patrick Murrah (CP)
David Saint (D)
Becky Plasay (B)
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Antony Walton (A)
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Philip Lew (P)
Silvana Marasco (S)
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Helen Thomson (H)
Adam Zimmet (A)
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Madhav Sharma (M)
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Konstantinos Boudoulas (K)
Mauricio Galizia (M)
Susan O'Neil (S)
David Orsinelli (D)
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Bryan Whitson (B)
Roderick Liptrot (R)
Peter Tadros (P)
George Zorn (G)
Dawn Anderson (D)
Ryan Ash (R)
Steven Bormann (S)
Emmanuel Daon (E)
Ryan Ferrell (R)
Jon Freeman (J)
Eric Hockstad (E)
Jeffrey Kramer (J)
Gregory Meuhlebach (G)
Kevin Mulhern (K)
Jayant Nath (J)
Kristen Pope (K)
Mark Wiley (M)
Tilitha Shawgo (T)
Harold Dauerman (H)
Frank Ittleman (F)
Imran Alkhalil (I)
Amir Azarbal (A)
George Gentchos (G)
Rony Lahoud (R)
Bruce Leavitt (B)
Anahita Parsee (A)
David Schneider (D)
Edward Terrien (E)
Marc Tischler (M)
Ryan Walsh (R)
Barbara Worgan (B)
Amy Henderson (A)
Chris Feindel (C)
Erik Horlick (E)
Robert J Cusimano (RJ)
Kate Hanneman (K)
Melitta Mezody (M)
Mark Osten (M)
Maral Ouzounian (M)
Yang Sun (Y)
Wendy Tsang (W)
Libo Wu (L)
Jason Glotzbach (J)
Frederick Welt (F)
Douglas Appleby (D)
Homan Ibrahim (H)
Leif Jensen (L)
Stephen McKellar (S)
Craig Selzman (C)
Rashmee Shah (R)
Vikra Sharma (V)
Anwar Tandar (A)
Carlyn Sander (C)
Alan Markowitz (A)
Guilherme Attizzani (G)
Hiram Bezerra (H)
Marco Costa (M)
Salil Deo (S)
Yakuv Elgudin (Y)
Robert Gikeson (R)
Brian Hoit (B)
Ankur Kalra (A)
Benjamin Medalion (B)
Soon Park (S)
Basar Sareyyupoglu (B)
Daniel Simon (D)
Rachel Atkinson (R)
John Carroll (J)
David Fullerton (D)
Joseph Cleveland (J)
Kristy Gama (K)
Whitney Juselius (W)
John Messenger (J)
Jamal Moloo (J)
Robert Quaife (R)
Thomas Brett Reece (TB)
Dominik Wiktor (D)
Kymberli Schrock (K)
Bartley Griffith (B)
Anuj Gupta (A)
Brian Barr (B)
Jean Jeudy (J)
Rachael McCumbers (R)
Rawn Salenger (R)
Bradley Taylor (B)
Freshta Akbari (F)
Eduardo de Marchena (E)
Tomas Salerno (T)
Carlos Alfonso (C)
Mauricio Cohen (M)
Eduard Ghersin (E)
Maureen Lowery (M)
Ximena Marincic (X)
Stanley Chetcuti (S)
G Michael Deeb (GM)
David Bach (D)
Ann Bhat (A)
Nicole Bhave (N)
Steven Bolling (S)
Mary Jo Boyle (MJ)
Nicholas Burris (N)
Shinichi Fukuhara (S)
Rachel Geml (R)
P Michael Grossman (PM)
Jonathan Haft (J)
Mohamad Kenaan (M)
Karen Kim (K)
Troy LaBounty (T)
Daniel Menees (D)
Francis Pagani (F)
Himanshu Patel (H)
Richard Prager (R)
Matthew Romano (M)
Paul Tang (P)
Bo Yang (B)
Melianie Ziarkiewicz (M)
Jessica Oakley (J)
Thomas G Gleason (TG)
John Schindler (J)
Candice Choi (C)
Elizabeth Christensen (E)
Frederick Crock (F)
Matthew Harinstein (M)
Lisa Henry (L)
William Katz (W)
Dustin Kliner (D)
Joan Lacomis (J)
Joon Sup Lee (JS)
Forozan Navid (F)
Ibrahim Sultan (I)
Melissa Enlow-Germovsek (M)
Clayton Kaiser (C)
Mark Robbins (M)
Ben Barton (B)
Marshall Crenshaw (M)
Joseph Fredi (J)
Raphael See (R)
Kathy Adams (K)
Adam El-Gamel (A)
Sanjeevan Pasupati (S)
Mark Davis (M)
Pranesh Jogia (P)
Akshat Khurana (A)
David McCormack (D)
Rajesh Nair (R)
Kirsty Abercrombie (K)
Liz Low (L)
Neal Kon (N)
David Zhao (D)
Robert Applegate (R)
Sanjay Gandhi (S)
Ted Kincaid (T)
Bharathi Upadhya (B)
Sujethra Vasu (S)
Sharon McDaniel (S)
Basel Ramlawi (B)
Omar Ali (O)
Jeffrey Skiles (J)
Curtis Thwing (C)
Stephanie Lane (S)
John Forrest (J)
Abeel Mangi (A)
Michael Cleman (M)
Umer Darr (U)
Michael Dewar (M)
Arnar Geirsson (A)
Ryan Kaple (R)
Lissa Sugeng (L)
Sarah McManus (S)

Commentaires et corrections

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Type : CommentIn
Type : CommentIn
Type : CommentIn
Type : CommentIn
Type : CommentIn
Type : CommentIn

Informations de copyright

Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society.


Jeffrey J Popma (JJ)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

G Michael Deeb (GM)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Steven J Yakubov (SJ)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Mubashir Mumtaz (M)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Hemal Gada (H)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Daniel O'Hair (D)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Tanvir Bajwa (T)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

John C Heiser (JC)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

William Merhi (W)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Neal S Kleiman (NS)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Judah Askew (J)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Paul Sorajja (P)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Joshua Rovin (J)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Stanley J Chetcuti (SJ)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

David H Adams (DH)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Paul S Teirstein (PS)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

George L Zorn (GL)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

John K Forrest (JK)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Didier Tchétché (D)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Jon Resar (J)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Antony Walton (A)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Nicolo Piazza (N)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Basel Ramlawi (B)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Newell Robinson (N)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

George Petrossian (G)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Thomas G Gleason (TG)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Jae K Oh (JK)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Michael J Boulware (MJ)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Hongyan Qiao (H)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Andrew S Mugglin (AS)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

Michael J Reardon (MJ)

From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (J.J.P.); University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor (G.M.D., S.J.C.), and Spectrum Health Hospitals, Grand Rapids (J.C.H., W.M.) - both in Michigan; Riverside Methodist-Ohio Health, Columbus (S.J.Y.); University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg (M.M., H.G.), and the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (T.G.G.) - both in Pennsylvania; Aurora-Saint Luke's Medical Center, Milwaukee (D.O., T.B.); Houston Methodist Debakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (N.S.K., M.J.R.); Abbott Northwestern Hospital (J.A., P.S.) and Medtronic (M.J.B., H.Q.), Minneapolis, Mayo Clinic, Rochester (J.K.O.), and Paradigm Biostatistics, Anoka (A.S.M.) - all in Minnesota; Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, FL (J. Rovin); Mount Sinai Health System, New York (D.H.A.), and Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn (N.R., G.P.) - both in New York; Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA (P.S.T.); University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City (G.L.Z.); Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT (J.K.F.); Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France (D.T.); Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (J. Resar); Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (A.W.); McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (N.P.); and Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, VA (B.R.).

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