The Science of the total environment
Indian journal of pharmacology
Food & nutrition research
The Science of the total environment
Medical engineering & physics
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)
Journal of food biochemistry
Animal models and experimental medicine
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Zilu Ying
Chen Xuan
Yikui Zhai
Bing Sun
Jingwen Li
Wenbo Deng
Chaoyun Mai
Faguan Wang
Ruggero Donida Labati
Vincenzo Piuri
Fabio Scotti
Biochemical and biophysical research communications
European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990)
Connie L Batlevi
Fushen Sha
Anna Alperovich
Ai Ni
Katy Smith
Zhitao Ying
John F Gerecitano
Paul A Hamlin
Steve M Horwitz
Erel Joffe
Anita Kumar
Matthew J Matasar
Alison J Moskowitz
Craig H Moskowitz
Ariela Noy
Colette Owens
Lia M Palomba
David Straus
Gottfried von Keudell
Andrew D Zelenetz
Venkatraman E Seshan
Stefano Luminari
Luigi Marcheselli
Massimo Federico
Anas Younes