Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England)
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Frontiers in rehabilitation sciences
Disability and rehabilitation
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine
Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England)
The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association
OTJR : occupation, participation and health
Neuropsychological rehabilitation
European journal of neurology
Neuropsychological rehabilitation
Contemporary clinical trials
Brian M Sandroff
Erica Weber
Glenn R Wylie
Carly L A Wender
Yael Goverover
Kirk Lercher
Tien T Tong
Brionna Robinson
Nancy Moore
Amber Salter
John DeLuca
Nancy D Chiaravalloti
Contemporary clinical trials communications
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS
Neuropsychological rehabilitation
Archives of rehabilitation research and clinical translation
Multiple sclerosis and related disorders
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association
Helen M Genova
Michelle H Chen
Amanda Botticello
Gerald Voelbel
Grace Kim
Heba E Elsayed
Zuzanna Myszko
John DeLuca
Robert E McGrath
Peter Arnett
Yael Goverover
Multiple sclerosis and related disorders
Neuropsychological rehabilitation
Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England)
Curtis M Wojcik
Meghan Beier
Kathleen Costello
John DeLuca
Anthony Feinstein
Yael Goverover
Mark Gudesblatt
Michael Jaworski
Rosalind Kalb
Lori Kostich
Nicholas G LaRocca
Jonathan D Rodgers
Ralph Hb Benedict
Auteur inconnu
Journal of health psychology
International journal of MS care
International journal of MS care
Contemporary clinical trials communications
ACR open rheumatology
Michelle Barraclough
Aaron Howe
Ana Soberanis
Mahta Kakvan
Vijay Chattu
Ali Bani-Fatemi
Lisa Engel
Michelle Vitti
Emily Nalder
Yael Goverover
Monique Gignac
Dennisse Bonilla
Wils Nielsen
Nicole Anderson
Carmela Tartaglia
Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia
Zahi Touma
Archives of rehabilitation research and clinical translation