European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases
I Mosnier
E Ferrary
K Aubry
P Bordure
A Bozorg-Grayeli
O Deguine
C Eyermann
V Franco-Vidal
B Godey
N Guevara
A Karkas
N Klopp
M Labrousse
J-P Lebreton
Y Lerosey
E Lescanne
N Loundon
R Marianowski
F Merklen
K Mezouaghi
T Mom
S Moreau
N Noël-Petroff
C Parietti-Winkler
P Piller
C Poncet
E Radafy
S Roman
S Roux-Vaillard
S Schmerber
L Tavernier
E Truy
C Vincent
O Sterkers
European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases
V Parent
M Codet
K Aubry
P Bordure
A Bozorg-Grayeli
O Deguine
C Eyermann
V Franco-Vidal
N Guevara
A Karkas
N Klopp
M Labrousse
J-P Lebreton
Y Lerosey
E Lescanne
N Loundon
R Marianowski
F Merklen
K Mezouaghi
T Mom
S Moreau
I Mosnier
N Noël-Petroff
C Parietti-Winkler
P Piller
C Poncet
E Radafy
S Roman
S Roux-Vaillard
S Schmerber
L Tavernier
E Truy
C Vincent
B Godey
European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases
R Quatre
C Fabre
K Aubry
P Bordure
A Bozorg-Grayeli
O Deguine
C Eyermann
V Franco-Vidal
B Godey
N Guevara
A Karkas
N Klopp
M Labrousse
J-P Lebreton
Y Lerosey
E Lescanne
N Loundon
R Marianowski
F Merklen
K Mezouaghi
T Mom
S Moreau
I Mosnier
N Noël-Petroff
C Parietti-Winkler
P Piller
C Poncet
E Radafy
S Roman
S Roux-Vaillard
L Tavernier
E Truy
C Vincent
S Schmerber
European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases
M Puechmaille
C Lambert
K Aubry
P Bordure
A Bozorg-Grayeli
O Deguine
C Eyermann
V Franco-Vidal
B Godey
N Guevara
A Karkas
N Klopp
M Labrousse
J-P Lebreton
Y Lerosey
E Lescanne
N Loundon
R Marianowski
F Merklen
K Mezouaghi
S Moreau
I Mosnier
N Noël-Petroff
C Parietti-Winkler
P Piller
C Poncet
E Radafy
S Roman
S Roux-Vaillard
S Schmerber
L Tavernier
E Truy
C Vincent
T Mom
European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases
R Hermann
A Coudert
K Aubry
P Bordure
A Bozorg-Grayeli
O Deguine
C Eyermann
V Franco-Vidal
B Godey
N Guevara
A Karkas
N Klopp
M Labrousse
J-P Lebreton
Y Lerosey
E Lescanne
N Loundon
R Marianowski
F Merklen
K Mezouaghi
T Mom
S Moreau
I Mosnier
N Noël-Petroff
C Parietti-Winkler
P Piller
C Poncet
E Radafy
S Roman
S Roux-Vaillard
S Schmerber
L Tavernier
C Vincent
E Truy
European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases
F Artières-Sterkers
M Mondain
K Aubry
P Bordure
A Bozorg-Grayeli
O Deguine
C Eyermann
V Franco-Vidal
B Godey
N Guevara
A Karkas
N Klopp
M Labrousse
J-P Lebreton
Y Lerosey
E Lescanne
N Loundon
R Marianowski
F Merklen
K Mezouaghi
T Mom
S Moreau
I Mosnier
N Noël-Petroff
C Parietti-Winkler
P Piller
C Poncet
E Radafy
S Roman
S Roux-Vaillard
S Schmerber
L Tavernier
E Truy
C Vincent
A Uziel
JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery
Achraf Sayed-Hassan
Ruben Hermann
Frédéric Chidiac
Eric Truy
Nicolas Guevara
Sonanda Bailleux
Olivier Deguine
Blandine Baladi
Yohan Gallois
Alexis Bozorg-Grayeli
Yannick Lerosey
Benoit Godey
Cécile Parietti-Winkler
Bruno Pereira
Thierry Mom
Auteur inconnu
European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases
F Gauvrit
M Risoud
K Aubry
P Bordure
A Bozorg-Grayeli
O Deguine
C Eyermann
V Franco-Vidal
B Godey
N Guevara
A Karkas
N Klopp
M Labrousse
J-P Lebreton
Y Lerosey
E Lescanne
N Loundon
R Marianowski
F Merklen
K Mezouaghi
T Mom
S Moreau
I Mosnier
N Noël-Petroff
C Parietti
P Piller
C Poncet
E Radafy
S Roman
S Roux-Vaillard
S Schmerber
L Tavernier
E Truy
C Vincent
European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases
N Loundon
F Simon
K Aubry
P Bordure
A Bozorg-Grayeli
O Deguine
C Eyermann
V Franco-Vidal
B Godey
N Guevara
A Karkas
N Klopp
M Labrousse
J-P Lebreton
Y Lerosey
E Lescanne
R Marianowski
F Merklen
K Mezouaghi
T Mom
S Moreau
I Mosnier
N Noël-Petroff
C Parietti-Winkler
P Piller
C Poncet
E Radafy
S Roman
S Roux-Vaillard
S Schmerber
L Tavernier
E Truy
C Vincent
A De Lamaze
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology
L Rhamati
A Marcolla
A M Guerrot
Y Lerosey
A Goldenberg
M Serey-Gaut
M Rio
V Cormier Daire
G Baujat
S Lyonnet
E Rubinato
L Jonard
S Rondeau
I Rouillon
V Couloignier
M L Jacquemont
D Dupin Deguine
S Moutton
M Vincent
B Isidor
A Ziegler
J P Marie
S Marlin