World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery
International journal of cardiology
Massimo A Padalino
Nicola Franchetti
George E Sarris
Mark Hazekamp
Thierry Carrel
Alessandro Frigiola
Jurgen Horer
Regine Roussin
Julie Cleuziou
Bart Meyns
Jose Fragata
Helena Telles
Anastasios C Polimenakos
Katrien Francois
Altin Veshti
Jukka Salminen
Alvaro Gonzalez Rocafort
Matej Nosal
Luca Vedovelli
Eleftherios Protopapas
Roberto Tumbarello
Assunta Merola
Cinzia Pegoraro
Raffaella Motta
Giovanna Boccuzzo
Vladimir Sojak
Mauro Lo Rito
Federica Caldaroni
Domenico Corrado
Cristina Basso
Giovanni Stellin
Bratislavske lekarske listy
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery
Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery
Massimo A Padalino
Nicola Franchetti
Mark Hazekamp
Vladimir Sojak
Thierry Carrel
Alessandro Frigiola
Mauro Lo Rito
Jurgen Horer
Regine Roussin
Julie Cleuziou
Bart Meyns
Jose Fragata
Helena Telles
Anastasios C Polimenakos
Katrien Francois
Altin Veshti
Jukka Salminen
Alvaro Gonzalez Rocafort
Matej Nosal
Luca Vedovelli
Alvise Guariento
Vladimiro L Vida
George E Sarris
Giovanna Boccuzzo
Giovanni Stellin
Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery
Seminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
Eleftherios M Protopapas
Robert H Anderson
Carl L Backer
José Fragata
Nicolas Hakim
Vladimiro L Vida
George E Sarris
Auteur inconnu
David J Barron
Håkan Berggren
Mark G Hazekamp
Vladimir Ilyin
Oleg J Kornoukhov
Martin Kostolny
Stojan Lazarov
Mauro Lo Rito
Michael C Monge
Yaroslav Mykychak
Matej Nosal
René Prêtre
Anastasios C Polimenakos
Vladimir Sojak
Giovanni Stellin
Altin Veshti
Illya Yemets