Journal of hazardous materials
Integrated environmental assessment and management
Sally Gaw
Andrew Harford
Vincent Pettigrove
Graham Sevicke-Jones
Therese Manning
James Ataria
Tom Cresswell
Katherine A Dafforn
Frederic Dl Leusch
Bradley Moggridge
Marcus Cameron
John Chapman
Gary Coates
Anne Colville
Claire Death
Kimberly Hageman
Kathryn Hassell
Molly Hoak
Jennifer Gadd
Dianne F Jolley
Ali Karami
Konstantinos Kotzakoulakis
Richard Lim
Nicole McRae
Leon Metzeling
Thomas Mooney
Jackie Myers
Andrew Pearson
Minna Saaristo
Dave Sharley
Julia Stuthe
Oliver Sutherland
Oliver Thomas
Louis Tremblay
Waitangi Wood
Alistair Ba Boxall
Murray A Rudd
Bryan W Brooks
The Science of the total environment
Environmental science and pollution research international
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)
Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)
The Science of the total environment