The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness
Journal of human kinetics
International journal of environmental research and public health
Víctor Moreno-Pérez
Jon Patricios
Narciso Amigo de Bonet
Miguel Ángel Buil
Josu Díaz de Alda
Andrés Fernández-Posada
Oliver Gonzalo-Skok
Sergio Jiménez-Rubio
Alberto Lam
Josean Lekue
Roberto López-Del Campo
Alejandro López-Valenciano
Gil Rodas
José Romero-Sangüesa
Xabier Valencia-Murua
Xavier Yanguas-Leyes
José Conde
Juan Del Coso
Journal of strength and conditioning research
The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness
European journal of sport science
The Physician and sportsmedicine
Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation
Journal of human kinetics
International journal of environmental research and public health
European journal of nutrition
Álvaro López-Samanes
Alberto Pérez-Lopez
Esther Morencos
Alejandro Muñoz
Adriaan Kühn
Violeta Sánchez-Migallón
Víctor Moreno-Pérez
Pablo González-Frutos
Anna Bach-Faig
Justin Roberts
Raúl Domínguez
Journal of human kinetics
Journal of strength and conditioning research
European journal of sport science
Sports (Basel, Switzerland)
Physical therapy in sport : official journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine
Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation
Physical therapy in sport : official journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine
Research in sports medicine (Print)
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports
Sports health
Víctor Moreno-Pérez
Javier Courel-Ibáñez
José María Oliva-Lozano
David Barrachina Celda
Miguel Ángel Buil
Israel Álvarez Miguel
Estrella Armada-Cortes
Pablo Gasulla-Angles
Honorio Martínez Martínez
Víctor Sebastía-Paredes
Joaquín González-Ródenas
Juan Del Coso