Timur O Shegai

  • Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, 412 96 Göteborg, Sweden.

Publications (8)

Réseau de co-auteurs

Adriana Canales 4 collaborations
Battulga Munkhbat 4 collaborations
Betül Küçüköz 3 collaborations
Denis G Baranov 3 collaborations
Oleg Kotov 2 collaborations
Oleg V Kotov 2 collaborations
Andrew B Yankovich 2 collaborations
Eva Olsson 2 collaborations
Tomasz J Antosiewicz 2 collaborations
Ruggero Verre 1 collaboration
Piotr Wróbel 1 collaboration
Carlos Maciel-Escudero 1 collaboration
Rainer Hillenbrand 1 collaboration
Javier Aizpurua 1 collaboration
Alexander Yu Polyakov 1 collaboration
Abhay V Agrawal 1 collaboration
Rahul Bhuyan 1 collaboration
Jürgen Mony 1 collaboration
Gabriel W Castellanos 1 collaboration
Jaime Gómez Rivas 1 collaboration
Karl Börjesson 1 collaboration