Journal of bodywork and movement therapies
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Cephalalgia : an international journal of headache
PloS one
Jakub Nastaj
Jacek Skalski
Aleksandra Budzisz
Tibor M Szikszay
Sylwia Swoboda
Weronika Kowalska
Daria Nowak
Edyta Zbroja
Natalia Kruszyna
Marta Jakubińska
Dominika Grygny
Romuald Polczyk
Andrzej Małecki
Kerstin Luedtke
Wacław M Adamczyk
Scientific data
Philip Gouverneur
Aleksandra Badura
Frédéric Li
Maria Bieńkowska
Luisa Luebke
Wacław M Adamczyk
Tibor M Szikszay
Andrzej Myśliwiec
Kerstin Luedtke
Marcin Grzegorzek
Ewa Piętka
Brazilian journal of physical therapy
European journal of pain (London, England)
The journal of headache and pain
European journal of pain (London, England)
European journal of pain (London, England)
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Journal of oral rehabilitation
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.)
Cephalalgia : an international journal of headache
The Clinical journal of pain
The Journal of manual & manipulative therapy
The Journal of manual & manipulative therapy