Journal of strength and conditioning research
The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness
Journal of strength and conditioning research
Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.)
James Steele
Patroklos Androulakis-Korakakis
Luke Carlson
David Williams
Stuart Phillips
Dave Smith
Brad J Schoenfeld
Jeremy P Loenneke
Richard Winett
Takashi Abe
Stéphane Dufour
Martino V Franchi
Fabio Sarto
Tommy R Lundberg
Paulo Gentil
Thue Kvorning
Jürgen Giessing
Milan Sedliak
Antonio Paoli
Fiona Spotswood
Alex Lucas
James P Fisher
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)
Journal of strength and conditioning research
Journal of sports sciences
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)