PLoS genetics
Tommy Darrière
Michael Pilsl
Marie-Kerguelen Sarthou
Adrien Chauvier
Titouan Genty
Sylvain Audibert
Christophe Dez
Isabelle Léger-Silvestre
Christophe Normand
Anthony K Henras
Marta Kwapisz
Olga Calvo
Carlos Fernández-Tornero
Herbert Tschochner
Olivier Gadal
Environmental science and pollution research international
The Science of the total environment
Critical care (London, England)
The Science of the total environment
Environmental science and pollution research international
Critical care (London, England)
Environmental science and pollution research international
Annals of cardiothoracic surgery
Olaf Mercier
Clément Dubost
Amélie Delaporte
Thibault Genty
Dominique Fabre
Delphine Mitilian
Antoine Girault
Justin Issard
Arash Astaneh
Jean-Baptiste Menager
Gaelle Dauriat
Sacha Mussot
Mitja Jevnikar
Xavier Jais
Marc Humbert
Gérald Simonneau
Philippe Dartevelle
Iolando Ion
François Stephan
Philippe Brenot
Elie Fadel
The Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia
Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia
Journal of environmental management