International journal of molecular sciences
International journal of molecular sciences
Current opinion in chemical biology
Applied and environmental microbiology
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England)
Journal of market access & health policy
Thomas Desmet
Elaine Julian
Walter Van Dyck
Isabelle Huys
Steven Simoens
Rosa Giuliani
Mondher Toumi
Christian Dierks
Juliana Dierks
Antonella Cardone
Francois Houÿez
Mira Pavlovic
Michael Berntgen
Peter Mol
Anja Schiel
Wim Goettsch
Fabrizio Gianfrate
Stefano Capri
James Ryan
Pierre Ducournau
Oriol Solà-Morales
Jörg Ruof
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England)