Stem cell reports
Amber N Ziegler
Qiang Feng
Shravanthi Chidambaram
Jaimie M Testai
Ekta Kumari
Deborah E Rothbard
Miguel Constancia
Ionel Sandovici
Tara Cominski
Kevin Pang
Nan Gao
Teresa L Wood
Steven W Levison
Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia
Saudi journal of biological sciences
American journal of otolaryngology
Stephanie Y Chen
Aisling Last
Abhinav Ettyreddy
Dorina Kallogjeri
Benjamin Wahle
Smrithi Chidambaram
Angela Mazul
Wade Thorstad
Ryan S Jackson
Jose P Zevallos
Patrik Pipkorn
Environmental geochemistry and health
Journal of neurosurgical sciences
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Case reports in otolaryngology
PLOS global public health
Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia
The British journal of surgery
Pritam Singh
James Gossage
Sheraz Markar
Philip H Pucher
Alex Wickham
Jonathan Weblin
Swathikan Chidambaram
Alexander Bull
Oliver Pickering
Monty Mythen
Nick Maynard
Mike Grocott
Tim Underwood
Auteur inconnu
Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus
Journal of vascular surgery
PLOS global public health
Jack Gallifant
Joe Zhang
Stephen Whebell
Justin Quion
Braiam Escobar
Judy Gichoya
Karen Herrera
Ruxana Jina
Swathikan Chidambaram
Abha Mehndiratta
Richard Kimera
Alvin Marcelo
Portia Grace Fernandez-Marcelo
Juan Sebastian Osorio
Cleva Villanueva
Lama Nazer
Irene Dankwa-Mullan
Leo Anthony Celi
Annals of surgery
Swathikan Chidambaram
Richard Owen
Bruno Sgromo
Magdalena Chmura
Aaron Kisiel
Richard Evans
Ewen A Griffiths
Carlo Castoro
Caroline Gronnier
Mometo Ali MaoAwyes
Christian A Gutschow
Guillaume Piessen
Sébastien Degisors
Rita Alvieri
Hope Feldman
Giovanni Capovilla
Peter P Grimminger
Shiwei Han
Donald E Low
Jonathan Moore
James Gossage
Dan Voeten
Suzanne S Gisbertz
Jelle Ruurda
Richard van Hillegersberg
Xavier B D'Journo
Jakub Chmelo
Alexander W Phillips
Riccardo Rosati
George B Hanna
Nick Maynard
Wayne Hofstetter
Lorenzo Ferri
Mark I Berge Henegouwen
Sheraz R Markar
Annals of surgery
Philip H Pucher
Saqib A Rahman
Pradeep Bhandari
Natalie Blencowe
Swathikan Chidambaram
Tom Crosby
Richard Pt Evans
Ewen A Griffiths
Sivesh K Kamarajah
Sheraz R Markar
Nigel Trudgill
Timothy J Underwood
James A Gossage
Auteur inconnu
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism
Marine pollution bulletin
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology