Korean journal of anesthesiology
Saudi journal of anaesthesia
Saudi journal of anaesthesia
Pain physician
Laxmaiah Manchikanti
Sairam Atluri
Mark V Boswell
Aaron K Calodney
Sudhir Diwan
Sanjeeva Gupta
Alan D Kaye
Nebojsa Nick Knezevic
Kenneth D Candido
Alaa Abd-Elsayed
Miguel A Pappolla
Gabor B Racz
Harsh Sachdeva
Mahendra R Sanapati
Shalini Shah
Vanila Singh
Amol Soin
Joshua A Hirsch
Brazilian journal of anesthesiology (Elsevier)
The Korean journal of pain
Neuromodulation : journal of the International Neuromodulation Society
Timothy R Deer
Marc Russo
Jay S Grider
Jason Pope
Jonathan M Hagedorn
Jacqueline Weisbein
Alaa Abd-Elsayed
Ramsin Benyamin
Louis J Raso
Kiran V Patel
David Provenzano
Philip S Kim
Kasra Amirdelfan
Robert Bolash
Monique Steegers
Richard Sullivan
Paul Verrills
Jon Carlson
Leo Kapural
Sudhir Diwan
Giancarlo Barolat
Peter A Pahapill
Jose De Andres
Ahmed M Raslan
Jose A Lopez
Michael S Leong
Miguel B Attias
Peter Teddy
Alexander L Green
Alessandro Dario
Fabian Piedimonte
Kenneth B Chapman
Nestor D Tomycz
James FitzGerald
Kliment Gatzinsky
Vishal Varshney
Brandon Gish
Brad L Lindsey
Asokumar Buvanendran
Tim J Lamer
Konstantin V Slavin
Robert M Levy
Turkish journal of anaesthesiology and reanimation
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Journal of Nepal Health Research Council