International journal of obesity (2005)
C Jahansouz
H Xu
A V Hertzel
S Kizy
K A Steen
R Foncea
F J Serrot
N Kvalheim
G Luthra
K Ewing
D B Leslie
S Ikramuddin
D A Bernlohr
Cancer causes & control : CCC
Annals of surgery
Cyrus Jahansouz
Christopher Staley
Scott Kizy
Hongliang Xu
Ann V Hertzel
Jessi Coryell
Stephanie Singroy
Matthew Hamilton
Meri DuRand
David A Bernlohr
Michael J Sadowsky
Alexander Khoruts
Sayeed Ikramuddin
Julia L Nugent
Amar Singh
Keith M Wirth
Scott Hunter Oppler
Laura Hocum Stone
Jody L Janecek
Adam C Sheka
Scott Kizy
Meghan E G Moore
Christopher Staley
Bernhard J Hering
Sabarinathan Ramachandran
Sayeed Ikramuddin
Melanie L Graham
Journal of geriatric oncology
Cyrus Jahansouz
Hongliang Xu
Scott Kizy
Avis J Thomas
Ajeetha Josephrajan
Ann V Hertzel
Rocio Foncea
John C Connett
Charles J Billington
Michael Jensen
Judith Korner
David A Bernlohr
Sayeed Ikramuddin
HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association
Obesity science & practice
Scientific reports
Harika Nalluri
Scott Kizy
Kristin Ewing
Girish Luthra
Daniel B Leslie
David A Bernlohr
Michael J Sadowsky
Sayeed Ikramuddin
Alexander Khoruts
Christopher Staley
Cyrus Jahansouz
Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery
Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition
Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS
Annals of surgery
Keith M Wirth
Adam C Sheka
Scott Kizy
Ryan Irey
Ashley Benner
Gretchen Sieger
Gyorgy Simon
Sisi Ma
John Lake
Constantin Aliferis
Daniel Leslie
Schelomo Marmor
Sayeed Ikramuddin
Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition
Molecular cancer research : MCR
Dongmei Chen
Keith M Wirth
Scott Kizy
Joseph M Muretta
Todd W Markowski
Peter Yong
Adam Sheka
Hisham Abdelwahab
Ann V Hertzel
Sayeed Ikramuddin
Masato Yamamoto
David A Bernlohr