S Dirou
S Dirou
Nantes Université, CHU Nantes, Service de Pneumologie, L'Institut du thorax, Nantes, 44000, France.
Publications (5)
Total unilateral pulmonary collapse secondary to allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: a case series of an unusual cause of complete atelectasis.
BMC pulmonary medicine
N Benkalfate
S Dirou
P Germaud
C Defrance
A Cavailles
T Pigeanne
M Robert
T Madjer
F Corne
L Cellerin
C Sagan
F X Blanc
Immune alveolitis in interstitial lung disease: an attractive cytological profile in immunocompromised patients.
BMC pulmonary medicine
Antoine Moui
Stéphanie Dirou
Christine Sagan
Renan Liberge
Claire Defrance
Pierre-Paul Arrigoni
Olivier Morla
Christine Kandel-Aznar
Laurent Cellerin
Arnaud Cavailles
Emmanuel Eschapasse
Florent Morio
Pierre-Antoine Gourraud
Thomas Goronflot
Adrien Tissot
François-Xavier Blanc
Evaluation of the Post-COVID-19 Functional Status (PCFS) Scale in a cohort of patients recovering from hypoxemic SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia.
BMJ open respiratory research
Naïla Benkalfate
Emmanuel Eschapasse
Thomas Georges
Camille Leblanc
Stephanie Dirou
Lise Melscoet
Anne-Laure Chéné
Delphine Horeau-Langlard
Charlotte Bry
Arnaud Chambellan
Aymeric Nicolas
Defrance Claire
Renan Liberge
Matilde Karakachoff
Jean-Benoit Hardouin
François-Xavier Blanc
Patricia Lemarchand
Use of FeNO to predict anti-IL-5 and IL-5R biologics efficacy in a real-world cohort of adults with severe eosinophilic asthma.
The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma
C Menigoz
S Dirou
A Chambellan
D Hassoun
A Moui
A Magnan
F X Blanc
[Transbronchial lung cryobiopsy in interstitial lung diseases].
Revue des maladies respiratoires
C Menigoz
S Dirou
C Sagan
F Corne
A Moui
C Defrance
R Liberge
O Morla
V Patarin
A Nicolas
C Kandel-Aznar
P Lacoste
J P Clarke
A Cavailles
L Cellerin
F-X Blanc
Réseau de co-auteurs
C Defrance
2 collaborations
A Cavailles
2 collaborations
F Corne
2 collaborations
L Cellerin
2 collaborations
C Sagan
2 collaborations
F X Blanc
2 collaborations
Renan Liberge
2 collaborations
Emmanuel Eschapasse
2 collaborations
François-Xavier Blanc
2 collaborations
C Menigoz
2 collaborations
A Moui
2 collaborations
N Benkalfate
1 collaboration
P Germaud
1 collaboration
T Pigeanne
1 collaboration
M Robert
1 collaboration
T Madjer
1 collaboration
Antoine Moui
1 collaboration
Stéphanie Dirou
1 collaboration
Christine Sagan
1 collaboration
Claire Defrance
1 collaboration
Pierre-Paul Arrigoni
1 collaboration
Olivier Morla
1 collaboration
Christine Kandel-Aznar
1 collaboration
Laurent Cellerin
1 collaboration
Arnaud Cavailles
1 collaboration
Florent Morio
1 collaboration
Pierre-Antoine Gourraud
1 collaboration
Thomas Goronflot
1 collaboration
Adrien Tissot
1 collaboration
Naïla Benkalfate
1 collaboration
Thomas Georges
1 collaboration
Camille Leblanc
1 collaboration
Stephanie Dirou
1 collaboration
Lise Melscoet
1 collaboration
Anne-Laure Chéné
1 collaboration
Delphine Horeau-Langlard
1 collaboration
Charlotte Bry
1 collaboration
Arnaud Chambellan
1 collaboration
Aymeric Nicolas
1 collaboration
Defrance Claire
1 collaboration
Matilde Karakachoff
1 collaboration
Jean-Benoit Hardouin
1 collaboration
Patricia Lemarchand
1 collaboration
A Chambellan
1 collaboration
D Hassoun
1 collaboration
A Magnan
1 collaboration
R Liberge
1 collaboration
O Morla
1 collaboration
V Patarin
1 collaboration
A Nicolas
1 collaboration
C Kandel-Aznar
1 collaboration
P Lacoste
1 collaboration
J P Clarke
1 collaboration
F-X Blanc
1 collaboration